I know you're out there ~my site statistics point to an international readership. The Olympics have me thinking about the whole wide world this week. I've long been considered the go-to site for info on Oscar's Foreign Language Category. But I'd like to expand my international cinema coverage this coming year (not just for Oscar). I need some indigenous elves to help me work that particular magic.

If you're interested in helping me out/keeping me updated as far as your national cinema, shoot me an email 'filmexperience (at) gmail (dot) com' with "foreign" in the subject line, tell me what country you're from, why you're interested, and whether or you have a blog or site or write online already? etc...
I can't promise if I'll take you up on your offer (in case there are many people from one country) or when I'll get back to you (Oscar Season and all) but this is for a future plan.
Well, i'd be glad to help when it comes to Australia! My e-mail is screwing with me right now and I only have 10 minutes until i leave for a small vacation (2 days, 'tev) so I'll say it here.
On my blog I made a post a few weeks ago about Australian films being released in 2006 - or, about 15 of them. Because it was a 2006-anticipation entry and some I had knowledge about I had no interest in seeing.
I saw the trailer for "Candy" starring Heath Ledger and Geoffrey Rush amongst other Aussie identities. Looks good. The whole audience chuckled when it came on the screen "Academy Award Nominee - Heath Ledger" and the cinema was 90% full (for Transamerica of all things)
Okay, I gotta go now. Don't get too roudy without me around here. :)
Hi Nathaniel:
I'm from Mexico. I studied medicine, but in my spare time I'm use to study cinema. It's really a pasion for me watching movies; I thing I'm one of those persons who really love this art, because I considere it as a hole manner of awsome expression, of emotion, of intelectuality.
I have written critics about movies to some universities, and of course I'm a fan of Hollywood and foreign cinema. So,if in some way I can help you just tell me.
Glad to make contact with you.
Sincerelly, Ikcaban
I will e-mail you.
Mexico City, february 2005.
how about people who are from the foreign country of red-state u.s.a.? we can review all the lowest common denominator megaplex crap, while you all the watchable stuff which we of course miss!
Apparently Candy got pretty mixed-to-negative buzz at the Berlin festival.
I'd volunteer to cover Australian films for you, Nate, but I'm just so damn unenthusiastic about my local industry that I feel kamikaze could do a better job than me.
I could also volunteer to cover the Macedonian film industry for you, except it doesn't exist. (Apart from Before the Rain, that Oscar-nominated, very earnest - but decent - ethnic tension drama in 1994, which won the Golden Lion at Venice, and Dust, that same director's uber-artsy, uber-pretentious and much-delayed follow-up with an international cast, which opened Venice and promptly bombed with the critics in 2001. There you go. You've got Macedonian cinema covered, right there.)
Hi, I'm from Luxembourg, so I have a pretty good view on German, French, Belgian and of course Luxembourgish films (they do exist!). I could possibly help you, since I try not to miss most of them.
You know you can count on me when it comes to Uruguayan and Argentinean cinema.
I fancy myself an expert on all the Asian cinemas, but it would be easiest for me to help you with Thailand, which is where I live and work for now.
Hi nathaniel,
I could cover bosnian films, it will be easy because we make 2 movies a year in average; but still we are the stongest cinema in the region :P. "Grbavica" will probably be our oscar candidate for the next year, it won golden bear in Berlin
if any of you have posted herein but not writtten e-mails please do that, it's easier for me to keep organized.
I can help you about Brazilian Cinema...
Hey, Nathaniel! I'm from Venezuela. I think I could help with some of our national films.
My email is theothers87@hotmail.com. Bye, I'll be glad to help if I can and hey, love you and your site. Really, not being polite.
From the Philippines here and I am glad to help you.
You can reach me at a_loleng [at] hotmail.com
Hola !!
...just to give you my sincere congratulations about your excelent web page.
ASAP I would deligthed to share my opinion and knowledgement about Spanish and European cinema with you.
Greetings from my Madrid.
etinaquero@hotmail.com is my e-mail address !!
Slovenia here! :D
It's not like our film industry is big or of any importance (well, we're a tiny country), but I can help you out. From time to time, our films make it to some festivals, in recent years, at Berlin, Karlovy Vary, Rotterdam and Venice and some other, smaller festivals.
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