And then... (crickets chirping)
The danger of taking time off for celebrities is that there are so many of them. If you get up from your seat for some R & R, someone else will be sitting down immediately. Good luck getting your spot at that table back. That said, Gillian is back at work and could be looking at a possible public revival this fall or winter. She's starring in two upcoming films. The first to be released will probably be The Last King of Scotland (which you probably noticed on my year-in-advance Oscar pages) and the second is the recently wrapped thriller Straightheads which co-stars Danny Dyer. You can read about the making of that film directly from it's director at Straightblog. So give that a look if you've been curious as to what Scully has been up to.
She's wonderful as herself in Tristram Shandy, showing a nice self-effacing humor.
I saw Gillian Anderson about a year and a half ago on the BAFTAs where the audience sat in silence as she encouraged them to "hahve a lahf" at the joke she told. Unfortunately, the biggest laugh came from the proper English lady accent she seemed to be trying out on them. You know, I remember when she won an Emmy for the X-Files, and I can't recall an English accent then. I know she spent time in England as a kid and lives there now, but I also can't deny that she totally seemed like she was pulling a Madonna. I kept waiting for her to break character, but she never did. Maybe she was just practicing for Tristram Shandy?
Thank you for this. I have wondered myself. In fact, I posed that very same question on your blog about a month or so ago, when you posted a lovely image of Gillian from the 'House of Mirth' (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=8256060&postID=114755635060603033). Glad to hear she's back from her self-imposed hiatus. By the way, she looks faboo in that photo, although I thought for a split-second that it was a meatier Calista Flockhart amidst the crowd. Now there's an actress I don't miss.
Yeah, speaking of Calista Flockhart, Gillian is THIN. At least compared to how she used to be. I'm not sure I approve.
She was recently in Bleak House, gave an incredible performance but she looked like she was on death's door. I couldn't figure out if it was for the character or she just decided to lose weight.
Susannah, the English accent is not a Madonna-wannabe thing, she pretty much has always had the accent. The American accent is the almost put on one. Now she veers between a British accent and an almagam of British and American.
She is not much of a story here in the UK except perhaps when she goes to events, gets drunk and makes a slight fool of herself.
Isn't she British to begin with?
It's odd that you should ask where Gillian has been because just a few weeks back there was a big piece in Sunday (a newspaper magazine) about her and where she's been.
She was nominated at the BAFTA (TV Awards) for her role in 'Bleak House' this year. Very credible nomination as BAFTA are notoriously snotty about who is allowed into their TV actor/actress clique - if you're not Helen Mirren, Vanessa Redgrave or Julie Walters then you've got an uphill struggle. I'm betting that she'll pick up an Oscar nomination this year, as Whittaker seems to be a good bet for an 'overdue' nomination and will drag her through if the movie is good.
She was fantastic in Bleak House and the BAFTA nod was well deserved. She is originally British, it was really strange when I first heard her in interviews here speaking with a British accent, I was expecting her to speak like Scully!
I'd love to see Gillian Anderson as Nora Charles in a remake of "The Thin Man." I'm thinking of Duchovny (sp?) for Nick, too.
You can check her out at GillianAnderson.ws. They keep an eye on her! She seem to be quite buy in England- I just wish more of her stuff were avail in the US. We miss her. :(
Gillian Anderson is a wonderful actress and she has been working in theatre and television..
I saw her in a wonderful little film about a greyhound on the Sundance Channel. I remember she was sporting an Irish accent and she did an amazing job plus she looked fantastic!
She looks too thin, almost sick.
I think she has no aged well at all.
Once upon a time, she was hot but I have never seen why.
One friend of mine told me she had the misfortune to sit through her first play, in which she was plain dreadful.
I didn´t like her comments about the end of the-xfiles.
She seems so ill-tempered.
Anyway, good lucky Scully
I've seen some recent pictures of her and she looks great! I think she lost weight to play Lady Dedlock in Bleak House. The novel describes that character as "frail".
I love your Nick and Nora idea. I've often thought they would make great 40's remakes. I thought Bringing up Baby would be fun.
It's great to see her back in action. I have not been fortunate enough to see her UK endevors, but hopefully I'll get a chance one way or another. I'm looking forward to seeing her in more films as they are more easily seen for her U.S. fans.
Gook luck to Gillian, she's always been one of my favorite actresses, showing what's she's made of and her wonderful versatility in everything she does!
She did quite well in Bleak House, hence the Emmy nod.
I saw her in that play - What the Night is For. She was brilliant: very engaging - strong stage presence. Just a delight to watch. Very moving.
Also, I don't think she puts on either accent - it just happens when you've lived in two places for a long time; you hear one accent and you switch to it, you hear the other and you switch right back.
Also, The Mighty Celt is adorable. A lovely film for a Sunday afternoon.
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