Lucky number #7 in the Actors of the Aughts Countdown. Read the Rest...
Previous TFE Notes on Mr. Maggie Gyllenhaal
The Dying Gaul -an evil dismissal.
A History of... Gyllenhaal Peter has a cameo.
Kinsey first screening reaction.
2003 FB Gold Medal for Shattered Glass
2003 Oscar Race an egregious snub.
The Center of the World review
tags: Peter Sarsgaard, movies, lists, Maggie Gyllenhaal
I totally agree with you on the redundancy of Sarsgaard's recent output, which is very frustrating (although as you say, he's dependable at it). It's not so much his fault as it is the directors who are casting him. Then again, I haven't seen him in The Dying Gaul, so maybe I don't have a right to complain.
9. Christian Bale
8. Clive Owen
7. Daniel Craig
6. Tony Leung
5. Johnny Depp
4. Gael Garcia Bernal
3. Jude Law
2. Peter Sarsgaard
1. Ewan McGregor
I am now officially redoing my list, since my #2 got #7.
6. Clive Owen - Might not have seen enough of his movies, but I don't think he'll crack the top 5.
5. Johnny Depp - Pirates was a hoot, but so many other performances where lackluster or mere bright spots.
4. Tony Leung - I know Nathaniel loves him, but I know nothing.
3. Gael Garcia Bernal - Just saw Y Tu Mama Tambien (awesome) and see why the love is there. I don't know much about his other movies, but I also know that he has Nate's love.
Jude Law: AI, Road to Perdition, Cold Mountain, I Heart Huckabees, and Closer
Ewan McGregor: Moulin Rouge!, Black Hawk Down, Down With Love, Big Fish, and The Island (plus he didn't suck in the Star Wars films, which gives him bonus points IMO).
Of the two, I would lean towards Ewan, but it's a toss up.
Can I just say how surprised I am Peter Sarsgaard is this low? I thought for sure he'd get the Patty spot, but I guess I was wrong.
Wow, I was expecting him more around number 5. So all this basically tells me is that I'm a shitty mind-reader.
My new predix read something like this:
6. Clive Owen
5. Ewan McGregor
4. Tony Leung
3. Johnny Depp
2. Gael
1. Jude
I'm staying through with that top 4 till the bitter end.
I really thoght Clive would be #7... since the very beginning... but I think it's just cause I have this weird association between the letters in his name and the number 7. Still, I think he deserved #7. But it's OK. I guess Peter really hasn't done much great stuff other than Shattered Glass, and to some extent, Kinsey.
yay! I don't particularly like Peter, so I'm glad he's only #7. Sure, he's good in Shattered Glass, Garden State and Center of the World but he acts the same way in every movie, it's sort of annoying.
By some weird coincidence a while ago my mum hired out Flightplan and Skeleton Key together and we watched them and they're similar, even down to the fact that Peter plays an apparent good guy helping the lead woman (who may or may have a child) but who turns out to be the villain. Plus, both were bad. I made a post about it especially http://kamikazecamel.blogspot.com/2006/04/possibly-crazy-woman-usually-with.html
Oh, but Nat, you're not the only one who liked The Center of the World. I don't remember too much of it (other than the plot and that wonderful poster) but according to my movie database that I keep I gave it 7/10 when I saw it... so I must've liked something. I think I liked Molly more than Peter though.
Sarsgaard? Really? The only list he belongs on is Most Persistently Sluggish Personalities. The man sleeps through his performances, eyelids half mast!
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