Damon My favorite celebrity divorce of the Aughts? Damon & Affleck...
Farrell Like Lindsay Lohan his celebrity has eclipsed his work. Shame...
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Have You Voted? Remember there's quick rounds of polling going on in the Top 100 Actresses List for your reader ranking (we're killing time until the remaining 15 men are given their final rankings).

So who gets your vote? Round 2 is being led by Naomi Watts (way out front) and Rachel McAdams in the second position with Reese Witherspoon on her tail. After Reese is a true free for all. If none of them are your personal favorite... there's 34 other women to choose from in this round --voting wraps on Tuesday morning as we move to Round 3 and bring out the even bigger babes.
Colin Farrell... I should've seen that coming. I totally knew Damon was coming up in this round, but I thought the other one would be Bill Murray (I'm assuming he'll be up soon... he hasn't placed yet, right?).
Can't say I admire Farrell as much as you but I get the choice. Same for Damon.
Well, another two I expected.
I'm getting more and more excited who hasn't made the list.
See, I thought Damon and Farrell would both place, but not this high. I figured Farrell wasn't gonna place anymore.
But I loved Farrell in The New World and Intermission, so I'm very fine with that.
Colin Farrell??? Come on! he has still to give a performance that delivers
I actually think Colin Farrell is talented and has lots of potential (sadly wasted in mostly horrid film choices), but I think his body of work so far this decade is too underwhelming/disappointing to merit such a high ranking. The New World is a step in the right direction, though.
Matt Damon I get, but I feel his peak was in the mid-to-late-nineties. Definitely a talented and reliable actor, though.
wow -- i'm stunned. didn't think either of them would make it this high up.
16 spots left -- best guess: Law, Bernal, Leung, Sarsgaard, Depp, McGregor, McKellen, Clooney, Mortensen, Owen, Gyllenhaal, Fiennes, Broadbent, and Murray for sure.
That leaves two spots for: Tom Hanks, Will Smith, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Gene Hackman, Geoffrey Rush, Christian Bale, John C. Reilly, Nicolas Cage, and Daniel Craig.
My money's on Bale for one spot. I was leaning Hackman for the other, but I'm still not sure how you can leave off Hanks, Smith, or Hoffman so I guess I have no idea.
I agree about Collin Farrell being underrated, but 18th?! Over Ledger, Penn, Carrey or especially Bettany?
My predictions for the top 16:
1 Johhny Depp
2 Jude Law
3 Jake Gyllenhaal
4 Gael Garcia Bernal
5 Tony Leung
6 Christian Bale
7 Ian McKellen
8 Ralph Fiennes
9 Ewan McGregor
10 Philip Seymour Hoffman
11 Bill Murray
12 Clive Owen
13 Viggo Mortensen
14 Peter Sarsgaard
15 Jim Broadbent
16 George Clooney?
Philip Seymour Hoffman?! But but...Capote aside, Nathaniel finds him vastly overrated. I don't think he's going to place anywhere on the list. Forget about Tom Hanks and Will Smith as well (Nat isn't a fan of either).
Depp, Law, Leung, Gyllenhaal, Bernal, Bale, Fiennes, McGregor, McKellan, Mortensen, Broadbent, Craig, Owen, Sarsgaard...That's 14
Some other ideas for the last 2 (some of these are very tossed out there, probably not likely, so don't laugh): Clooney, Murray, Brendan Gleeson, Michael Caine, John Cameron Mitchell, Robert Downey jr, John Leguizamo, Richard Gere, Greg Kinnear, Christopher Guest, Geoffrey Rush, John C. Reilly, Gary Oldman, Steve Carrell, Ray Winstone, Diego Luna, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers...er...
Nathaniel LOVES Daniel Craig, so he'll probably be there. Ditto Christian Bale (I think top 10). And yeah, despite Capote, Ali, and Cast Away, Nat doesn't like Hoffman, Smith, or Hanks. Or Geoffery Rush, for that matter. The last one has to be Cage, Hackman or Reilly, and I'm kind of shocked, I guess, that two of them won't make it at all.
Cage? For Adaptation alone? If PSH and Smith aren't making it despite one great performance, I doubt Cage will. And again, other than The Royal Tenenbaums, what has Gene Hackman done this decade? I'm still predicting the final spots will go to (while this is my current predicting order it's obviously not going to turn out this way):
1. Jude Law
2. Gael Garcia Bernal
3. George Clooney
4. Johnny Depp
5. Peter Sarsgaard
6. Christian Bale
7. Ewan McGregor
8. Tony Leung
9. Bill Murray
10. Ian McKellen
11. Jake Gyllenhaal
12. Jim Broadbent
13. Viggo Mortensen
14. Ralph Fiennes
15. Clive Owen
16. Geoffrey Rush
(btw, Nat has said that Bale is definitely on the countdown)
I'm really fearing Rush isn't gonna be on there. As I've said on my own blog, whether you love him or hate him, how can you ignore a man that has Quills, Pirates of the Caribbean, Frida, Finding Nemo, Lantana, The Tailor of Panama, The Life & Death of Peter Sellers, Intolerable Cruelty and even Harvey Krumpet. If Farrell can get a place this high for merely being likeable in bad movies (ditto Orlando Bloom).
Wow. I'd be extremely impressed if you left Philip Seymour Hoffman off your list entirely. Forget my earlier (mild) criticism of your decision to include Russell Crowe.
I'll let you know that Reilly is not on the list.
If I had seen Prairie Home Companion before making the list he mighta been because I do like him on occassion. But I was mostly underwhelmed with his 2002 trifecta that got him that cumulative Oscar nod. and what else is there to recommend him this decade? My favorite Reilly work is Magnolia and Boogie Nights (both in the 90s)
I sure as hell hope Depp doesn't get the top spot.
He's a great actor, but he's been overpraised as hell this decade. It's almost as if everyone is trying to make up for the fact that his best work in the 1990's was being continually ignored (ie Ed Wood, Donnie Brasco), by showering him with hyperbolic praise and awards nominations just for turning up in a movie.
He remains as eclectic as ever, but he wasn't oscar calibre in Finding Neverland. Other than being mildly amusing, I couldn't see what was so brilliant about POTC either. Depp always livens up a movie, but I think he's kinda stood still since the 90's. His "quirky" schtick has become just that; schtick. I find performances like Charlie And The Chocalate Factory to be oddly predictable and uninspiring these days.
My no.1 pick would be Christian Bale. American Psycho, The Machinist and Batman Begins show an actor coming to his peak in the decade.
Christian Bale should've won an Oscar for American Psycho. In the alternate universe inside my brain he and Ellen Burstyn won the acting Oscars in 2001.
But wait, we're not even talking about him yet.
I was surprised how good I thought Colin Farrell was in The New World. Really solid job. And he's terrific in Tigerland. But otherwise I'm not convinced he can set aside his public persona well enough to distract me from wondering how much Jack he was drinking during shooting, and Miami Vice is not exactly inspiring hope...
Matt Damon... I am completely void of any opinion on Matt Damon. He hasn't really registered since Ripley. I have wanted to catch up on the Bourne films, though.
just for the record, Val Kilmer was #95 essentially based on Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Pollock and Alexander.
Now I liked KKBB as much as the next guy, but explain how it's possible that Tom Hanks, Will Smith, Nic Cage, and PS Hoffman each fall behind THAT resume. I'm fine with each of them not being top 20, but how do they miss the entire list?
what has tom hanks done that's so special this decade? (castaway was good, sure... but otherwise?)
same deal with will smith (only ali to recommend --and i've rarely seen a star sleepwalk through something as shamelessly as he did in I, Robot)
you have to keep in mind that it's a personal list. If i didn't have my own subjective view of the top 100 there'd be no reason for me to post anything ;)
and also keep in mind this list is only a halfway mark. Practically anything can change if people do great work or do lousy work from now until 2009.
FWIW --I recently watched Capote again and the Hoffman Lovers (who are plentiful) who have always hated me for my Hoffman aversion (he ruins entire movies for me sometimes --there's just NO excuse for what he was doing in Cold Mountain... you know you're in trouble when Renee Zellweger's performance in Cold Mountain looks like a beacon of subtlety in comparison) will be happy to know that I think he's terrific in it.
And I even think I undervalued his work in having just watched Capote a second time last week. I nominated him at my own awards --it's the only performance of his I've ever liked outside of Magnolia --and I'm really glad I did because seeing it a second time... well, better film than I gave it credit for being. same thing with his performance. (though I'd still hand the trophy to Ledger)
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