This is how much I love Ralph Fiennes: I sat through Maid in Manhattan in its entirety...Read and return to discuss if the spirit moves you.
Also the third round in the Actress Polling has begun on the main site. So go and cast your vote. And if you're curious here are the readers rankings to date for both the actresses and the actors.
Yes, yes, yes. Also: "Spider". I hear he was terrific in that.
I thought he'd rank one spot higher at the very least.
i figured he'd be around the mid-teens.
I... don't really have much to say about Fiennes. He's a great actor, i suppose.
did you intentionally omit I Am Sam from Ms. Pfeiffer's '00-'05 resume? hehe I don't blame you
Huh, I figured Fiennes would place somewhere between 10 and 6. Yes, he was painfully dull in Maid in Manhattan and whatever creepiness he brought to Red Dragon was completely undone by the utter lack of atmosphere and tension throughout the film. Still he more than made up for this early decade slump with two brillant characterizations in 2005 and one great piece of vocal work for the Wallace and Gromit movie.
I have the top 14 predicted but I can't for the life of me come up with another so as to round the list to 15. I doubt very much Hoffman will place (didn't he say that Hugh Jackman was the highest ranking actor for only one performance?). It's been confirmed that Rielly's out. Clooney has some nice work so far but I can't see him this high. So I'm guessing either Rush (unlikely because of he's considered "overrated") or Guest (unlikely because he only churned out two significant performances so far).
Anyway here's my take on who will rank:
14. Viggo Mortensen
13. Ian McKellen
12. Ewan McGregor
11. Clive Owen
10. Jake Gyllenhaal
09. Jim Broadbent
08. Daniel Craig
07. Bill Murray
06. Tony Leung Chiu-Wai
05. Peter Sarsgaard
04. Johnny Depp
03. Christian Bale
02. Jude Law
01. Gael Garcia Bernal
Oh, and by the way Bale and Craig have been confirmed to being upcoming on the list. Bale, Bernal, Gyllenhaal, Law, Leung Chiu-Wai, McGregor, and Mortensen all have pics displayed at the introduction as well guaranteeing a placement.
Broadbent, Owen, and Sarsgaard are all featured in the All-Time list, described as a kind of "current flames" while McKellen and Depp each have higher rankings. Murray on the other hand was brillant in Lost in Translation and turned in equally solid work for Wes Anderson and Jim Jarmusch (how can all of that be overlooked?).
All of those 14 will be there, plus George Clooney. No, he hasn't done anything GREAT so far at all, but Nat loves his star persona and I can't see him being left off the list entirely... I mean come on, Colin Farrell made it, so star wattage is clearly a factor... he should be coming up any time now.
I think the next 5 will be Clooney, Craig, Mortensen, Murray, McKellen (not necessarily in that order... but maybe).
Ewan will be WAAAAAAAY up there in the top 10. I'm banking on 3rd, behind you-know-who and you-know-who. Think of what a huge star he's become this decade... and he's done lots of great stuff. Moulin Rouge, people... Moulin Rouge.
But then, I thought Fiennes would be higher, so I may be totally wrong.
I don't think McGregor will be #3, I think he may not even be in the top 5. Bernal, Law, Leung, Bale, and maybe Depp are who I'll bet are in the top 5 (not necessarily in that order).
Or maybe not. I actually like Ewan McGregor a lot so it might just be reverse-bias on my part, saying that.
And what about Hackman? I know there's pretty much only 'The Royal Tannenbaums' for him, but is that movie really not enough to get him on the list at all? Not even #100?
So I'm gonna guess him along with Murray and the other 13 that are almost certain to make it.
Or maybe not about Hackman. I dunno.
Ralph Fiennes is my own personal hero (or at least one of them). Great to see him on there!
Now, I'm holding my thumbs for Clive Owen and Jim Broadbent in the top 10 (and John C. Reilly, but I suppose that's unlikely).
No way McGregor makes top 5; what does he have aside from Moulin Rouge?
My evolving predictions:
1) Jude Law
2) Gael Garcia Bernal
3) Tony Leung
4) Peter Sarsgaard (remember Patricia Clarkson...)
5) Johnny Depp
6) Clive Owen
7) Jake Gyllenhaal
8) Ian McKellen
9) Christian Bale
10) Ewan McGregor
11) Bill Murray
12) Viggo Mortensen
13) George Clooney
14) Daniel Craig
15) Jim Broadbent
Daniel Craig has way more movies than I thought he did.
One of my absolute favorite actors in this or any decade-glad to see Ralph love anywhere.
Because Nathaniel is very good at sharing the love with the supporting actors, I was hoping for some love for my two all time favourites: William H Macy and Steve Buscemi
. . . but maybe they haven't done enough this decade. Sigh.
I'm kind of underwhelmed by Ralph Fiennes. He's good (and probably deserves a top 20 spot) - but never revelatory, in my opinion.
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