We begin abruptly with Joe's grizzly utterance which has nothing to do with what we're about to discuss. Real conversation is like that y'all.

JOE: Oh, so I finally saw Grizzly Man this week.
NATHANIEL: Oh finally. What'd you think.
J: Really good movie, though Herzog is really hammy at times. But, and I don't want to be unkind here, but I was SO GLAD that dude got eaten by a bear.
N: Haaaa. Did you think of me when he was talking about "The 'Michelle Pfeiffer' of Grizzly Bears"?
J: You are the pre-eminent touchstone for all things Pfeiffer.
N: I know. it's such a limiting shtick though. i gotta bust out with someone more contemporary soon. ok which movie do you want to start with...
J: Yeah, I dunno. I will say, and this isn't on the list and we don't have to discuss it or anything, but the Little Miss Sunshine trailer is so very, very funny...

tags: Woody Allen, movies, cinema, Hugh Jackman, James Bond, trailers, entertainment, Halle Berry, gossip, Daniel Craig, Toni Collette, Casino Royale, Scoop
I read an early review of "Little Miss Sunshine" in Blender Magazine and they were raving - particularly about Steve Carell, who they went on to say may just land on Oscar shortlists (no joke). But then again it is Blender...
Carrel's currently on my list. Seems like the right guy in the right movie at the right time, but it's a long year.
i finally saw grizzly man this week as well; i wanted that dude to be eaten within the first minute.
I LOVED Herzog's hamminess in Grizzly Man... I thought it was hilarious and arguably the best part of the picture. His voiceover just made the film for me.
So nice to have the lovely Joe R. back in the fold, even though I must admit to being with Nathaniel across the board: I'm psyched for Casino Royale, despite having skipped every other Bond picture, and I cringe at the Scoop preview, which looks like a sure sign of impending fiasco.
Yes, the Scoop trailer is not very reassuring, although the trailer for The Night Listener is in another realm of badness altogether. And why does it open with a "Miramax" company logo?
Can't wait for Part 2; glad you guys are at these chats again.
Scoop looks completely different to what I expected. But it's right after Match Point (my #7 of 2005), stars Scar.Jo, Hugh Jackman (omg) and Woody. Plus, Hugh walks around with no clothes again so... its all a win, really.
I slightly discussed Casino on my blog.
I've heard stunning things about Little Miss Sunshine as well. Could be a definite Best Original Screenplay contender.
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Hi guys!
Nice to meet you all. Just wanted to say hello!
Hi guys!
Nice to meet you all. Just wanted to say hello!
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