Two-time Oscar winner Dianne Wiest looks to finally be getting the late career revival that her devoted fans have always dreamt of. She's recently won an Emmy (In Treatment), filmed a key role in a possible Oscar contender (Rabbit Hole) and has also been making fairly frequent trips to the stage (recent credits include The Seagull and All My Sons)
One of the fascinating things about attending live theater is the vivid awareness that what you're seeing is unique to that very night. The first scene sets up the storyline and effortfully introduces all but two of the character but it's slow and expository and the audience wasn't laughing much despite Wiest's deft skill with a line reading. Maybe it was all the Russian names and the unfamiliarity of the play (Chekhov is revived consistently, other Russian playwrights not so much) but one sensed that the audience wasn't sure they were supposed to be laughing; it's Russian, therefore it must be serious tragedy. Perhaps sensing this discomfort, Wiest seemed to suddenly learn harder on the physicality of her comedy. Once she'd jumped onto a table and swung her legs beneath her like a petulant little girl, things changed. Perhaps she pushes that laugh just as hard every night -- who knows -- but it was as if the audience finally realized 'Oh yes... comedy!' With the dam of (ahem) Serious Theater busted open, the laughs were free to spill out from that moment on.
Ostrovsky's plays have been made into Russian films several times but nothing in the English language. I couldn't help but want a big screen version with Wiest reprising her central money-hoarding role. But there are only certain genres that the movies go for in any given generation and the period farce is totally not one of them at this juncture. But I had great fun watching Wiest do Raisa. You can actually catch a glimpse of both of her Oscar winning roles in the character though Wiest is too fine an actor to simply regurgitate. This Russian widow shares with Helen Sinclair (Bullets Over Broadway) a grande dame superiority complex coupled with a lustful desire for young flesh and she shares with Holly (Hannah and Her Sisters) a nervous energy and a touch of the ditz.
Wiest is super and The Forest has a fine set (I loved the heavy abstract tangle of trees) but the cast is uneven and the play does feel a bit too sluggishly performed to amp up the laughter that it does earn. But if you've always wanted to see this brilliant actress on stage, she's so worth seeing. And giggling about afterwards, I must say.
Next season the Classic Stage Company is repeating this Russia + Movie Stars trick: Maggie Gyllenhaal and hubby Peter Sarsgaard will star in Chekhov's Three Sisters.
Next up for Wiest is the grandmother role in John Cameron Mitchell's Rabbit Hole (see previous posts). Could a fourth Best Supporting Actress Oscar nomination be on its way? And what's up with Woody Allen? From 1985 through 1994 she was a highlight in five of his films. He has yet to use her again and since he obviously needs a new muse, why not a reunion?
Just uploaded today. And do watch the Glenda Jackson win. Mason, Burstyn and Woodward react very candidly.
Nothing would make me happier than Woody Allen rounding up the old crew for a new film. I would love for him to write a screenplay about characters around his age.. and starring Diane Wiest, Diane Keaton, Alan Alda and then some. Yes. Sounds like heaven to me.
Man, I miss Wiest and Alda in a Woody Allen film. Can't he even get Anjelica Huston back? Just once?
And if all goes well with Rabbit Hole, I seriously think Wiest is in. That role...that great!
She will be back at the Oscars, I am sure.
She is one of those performers that constantly works and always surprises.
I really liked her in "The 10th Kingdom". A very dependable actress!
I live on 13th street between 4th and 3rd (where the classic stage company is), and I saw Dianne Wiest outside sitting and smoking a cig and I nearly pissed my pants...I was too scared to go up and say something to her! She's fantastic though! Haven't gotten a chance to see the play yet...
She deserved the Oscar for Bullets over Broadway, and wasn't a bad choice for Hannah and her Sisters.
His next picture set in Paris with Carla Bruni, Marion Cotillard and Kathy Bates (God I want you to win a 2nd Oscar so bad, fingers crossed) – they seem like perfectly perfect muses for Woody.
aaron -- she smokes?
anyway that's a good neighborhood for seeing celebrities. i used to live really close to htere and saw UMA, SARANDON, SJP... great neighborhood.
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