Now, if you're done having an epileptic seizure from that last statement, let me say, there is one movie that I am too scared to watch that has come out this year. I was fine with ladies spleunking into Bat-Boy caves, I was dandy with cannibalistic hillbillies terrorizing the American Family, but point a camera at a bunch of evangelical Christians brainwashing their kids into being Soldiers For The Lord, and I am not having any of it. Too scary, too scary!
So I have not seen Jesus Camp. I was raised in the Evangelical movement; I went to Bible Camp every Summer of my childhood, and I have many vivid memories of the whole roll-in-the-aisles, speak-in-tongues world that the film depicts, so it hits pretty close to home and frankly, I don't know that I want to revisit it (I saw Hell House and it made me curl into the fetal position for days).
But anyway, I share because the entire documentary is now online right here (via Cinematical), so... I may just make myself do this. After all, it keeps getting called by many critics "the best horror film they've seen all year." What am I, some sort of wuss? Bring it onward, Christian Soldiers!
Who here has seen it? Is it the companion piece to The Exorcist that I am taking it to be?
I've never heard of such thing till now, but this post got me interested. If it cannot scare me at least I know I will laugh.
Jesus Camp deeply unnerved me when I saw it in the theater, but I have to say the film adopted a more neutral tone than I had anticipated, which was a nice surprise (instead of going for maximum sensationalist effect at all times). Of course, some of the quietest or least sensationalized moments are also some of the scariest, as when we discover that the Camp supervisors are not only more aware of the Jesus Camp: Radical Islamic Madrassah analogies than we might think, but that they actively court that analogy and believe it to be in the country's interests to train an army of Christian warriors that are just as ready to die for their religion as the suicide bombers so prevalent in the world news. Ay ay ay ay.
The Multimedia Java API (MMAPI) is an API specification for the Java ME platform CDC and CLDC devices such as mobile phones. Depending on how it's implemented, the APIs allow applications to play and record sounds and video, and to capture still images. MMAPI was developed under the Java Community Process as JSR 135.
JA, I am with you on this one. I grew up Pentacostal and I just can't watch this very scary film. In fact, the scene in the Pentacostal church in Borat had me in the fetal position.
Me too, Damion! Regarding Borat, that is. Such a scary world. I mean, I'm not going to say there aren't a lot of good people with good intentions, because there definitely are, but I'm, well, so happy to not be a part of that world any more. I still have to deal with it when I go home (here comes Christmas!), but thankfully it's portions of my family that I don't tend to have to deal with; my own parents are seriously lasped. And good for them, I say, good for them!
In a way, Jesus Camp actually courts the horror film analogy. The soundtrack early on features the deep bass of a horror film, so I think that will help you work your way into it.
The film is very even-handed in its portrayal, but I also have never experienced that world outside of the film. You may see something different than I did.
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