screenshots from the 20th minute and 7th second of a movie
I can't guarantee the same results at home (different players/timing) I use a VLC

"Smell. A true Florentine smell. Inhale my dear. Deeper!
Every city, let me tell you, has its own smell"
Every city, let me tell you, has its own smell"
Oh, and the punchline...
With Maggie Smith there's always a punchline

God I love that movie
And why should she not be transfigured?
I LOVE this movie too.
maggie s a true dame wipes the floor with dame judi,see her in the lonely passion of judith hearne and see who really was robbed of 88's best actress statue.
Ugh. Best on-screen chemistry. Ever.
One of my all-time favorites. And it's a pretty short list too.
as jean brody would say....she's the creme de la creme....
love love love love love this movie - one of the few literary adaptations that improves upon its source material. Kudos on catching the punchline of this little moment. Reminds me of my alternative title for the movie: The Redemption of Charlotte Bartlett.
"Judi Dench. Little Judi Dench. Such a clever, little Judi Dench. Little, clever, chubby Judi Dench."
(Go here, in case you don't know the reference.)
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