Now, the universe is winking at me again.
<-- This time its my other goddess, Julianne Moore, blowing in the wind on 125th street. As you may have gleaned, Julie and I have been going through a rough patch for the past couple of years... trial separation and whatnot. But things are looking up. I'm hearing only good things about her performance in Savage Grace. I accidentally walked by her brownstone a month ago with a friend of a friend who unexpectedly pointed at her door and told me he'd met her and blah blah blah (he had no idea about my, um, feelings for "god" and I had no idea I was walking on the street where she lived). Now she's filming Blindness for Fernando Meirelles, which is based on
These must be signs.
Finally, my girl made me chuckle yesterday as a stiff folk singer in Todd Hayne's Bob Dylan rumination I'm Not There. One particular Julie moment has a distinct whiff of Christopher Guest style mockumentary adlib'ing. I laughed out loud and found my heart beating a little faster. Perhaps the trial separation is over. Is our love reborn?
does michelle know about this?
I listened on radio this week that Julianne is filming Blindness in São Paulo this moment.
Some journalists are complaining that she is not accessible for interviews...
Oh, come on, she is filming, let the woman make her best. She will talk later.
Marcelo - Brazil.
My feelings for Julianne cooled during the last year or two... but Blindness has me back in her grip.
And what a grip she has.
Glad you loved the novel. Me too.
The "Savage Grace" party photo of cannes is great, it shows Julianne after a long time again as the center of attention of a festival evening, next to ambitious film makers... she's back on track!
Isn't her role in "I'm Not There" very small? But her performance seems to be great, although this is no surprise - Todd Haynes is her director finally (!) again, after "Safe" and her genius work in "Far From Heaven".
"Hey, this is my chair!"
So, how was I'm Not There? :wow:
i a question that puzzles me a actress of julie's character and intelligence why is she picking projects like next,the forgotten & the prize winner for herself,why is she letting the overrated blanchett and wiesz steal her roles,why?
Yeah, inquiring minds wanna know about I'm Not There. I feel like you should be saying more about it.
I'm guessing B+.
i.e. Haynes' least impressive film in many years, though still very good.
I need grades, Nathaniel.
I actually just saw I'm Not There, too. Juli is a hoot. The cast is (almost) uniformly excellent.
Easy A.
Nat's given I'm Not There a B (check the sidebar). It's hard, for me, to see many movies in general being better than [safe].
I just saw the B grade. I wonder if a second viewing will improve the film. I think it's definitely better than Velvet Goldmine, and right up there with Far from Heaven and Safe.
I have luved JM since her turn as the troubled twins Sabrina and Frannie Hughes on As the World Turns. Sabrina even had a posh UK accent (natch) Can't wait to see her in Blindness. Perfect role for her, the eye of calm in the middle of the huricane of craziness
steve see the thing is the whole time i was watching it I thought "todd haynes has already made this movie and i like fake Bowies better than fake Dylans" ;)
i am already steeling myself for the Cate fanaticism. You could tell just sitting in the crowd that people are just so wowed that a woman is playing a man that they can think of little else --CATE CATE CATE were all the Q & A questions when really it's very much an ensemble film. it's as if we haven't ever seen that before in the cinema.
ha, fair point.
I guess I like fake Dylans better than fake Bowies. I was just so totally interested the entire time.
You're exactly right, though, about the ensemble nature of the film. I thought Blanchett was great, but so were most of the other performers. It's weird that they're not getting similar raves. In particular, I really liked Bale and Gere, who is underrated here for some reason.
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