I'll go first. I was just thinking about Exodus with Paul Newman and how I've never seen it. And also late period Joan Crawford and "caterpillar" eyebrows. I'm currently halfway through a marathon of Mad Men season 1 and both were just discussed. Love it when period pieces reference movies from their period. * *
Interestingly, I was re-watching The Hours (I'm currently trying to review 2000-2005's most prominent films; I've only become obsessed with movies 5/6 years ago - I'm 19 so... :D) and thinking how lucky was Daldry to be able to join in the same movie 3 state-of-the-art movie stars... And I can't help but wonder also that 2002 and THAT film in particular marked the peak of Moore(Far From Heaven and this)and Kidman (which had Moulin Rouge and The Others in that time period) and the renaissance of Streep (which had Adaptation in that year as well)...
Oh Daldry, come on... You've given the Oscar to Winslet and to Kidman (in 2 wins out of your 3 films, so you've got an amazing ratio and the Academy apparently loves you RIGHT NOW so you'd better profit from it while you can, ain't I right? :D), why can't you pick Moore, Pfeiffer and Streep (Close) and make one of them at least win one? :D
That was just what was going through my mind while watching the film... That said, about the film in particular, that was when I had enough of Kidman... This particular performance was brilliant in its own merit but I resent her a bit for it, I don't know why.
The Edge of Love, because I just watched it. :) Wasn't a great movie by any means, but the actors are very good, especially Keira. I was really impressed with her performance. Have you seen it yet Nathaniel?
I was thinking about Jason Isaacs and how I hope that Green Zone provides him with both a role and a film worthy of his talents. Then my mind drifted to Emily Mortimer and how I hope Shutter Island grants her a larger profile than what she's thus far managed.
Tommy Wiseau and The Room. Apparently the movie is getting an actual premiere in the UK. I really need to see the full movie. Until now, I've been leading my friends on by repeating the legendary Lisa line so they believe I've seen it.
Joseph Gordon Levitt because I think (500) days of summer is the best movie so far this year....absolutely amazing, brilliant and most importantly honest about love, love is an accident it may or may not happen
I was thinking of Madonna...I know she's by no means a movie star hehehe, but "Evita" rocked. And speaking of references I loved the "Man on Wire" talk in "The Girlfriend Experience". I hadn't seen a movie that touched such recent themes so fast in quite a while.
Right before I read your entry, I was thinking about Joseph Gordon Levitt because I was thinking about how excited I am to see (500) Days of Summer next weekend!
But before I was thinking of JDL, I was thinking about John Barrowman. The Torchwood 5-episode miniseries "Children of Earth" begins tomorrow on BBC America (today)! MUST WATCH!
Amelie and Good Bye Lenin! which I watched back to back. It didn't even occur to me that Yann Tiersen did the score for both until I heard Comtine D'un Autre Ete in the later.
Pelle the Conqueror. Because I've seen almost EVERYTHING of Max Von Sydow... except the one thing the Academy actually recognized him for. I need to see that.
Oh, and Exodus is well worth seeing. Newman is good though miscast but the film as a whole is very, very good and Sal Mineo was never better. He has one of my favorite scenes of the 60s.
I agree Emily, but McAvoy just needs to be in a film. Any film. Or better yet, lots of them. When he said he was quitting acting, I thought he was joking.
And I was thinking of Alec Guinness and who could be the next George Smiley. I'm thinking either Tony Hopkins or Albert Finney.
I've been seeing more and more TV spots for The Time Traveler's Wife which i honestly can't wait to see in spite of the gooeyness of the trailers (because i loved the book).
She was the it girl around the time of Mean Girls/Red Eye and was probably thisclose to A-list but she just stopped, took a break from films and being present. I just have to wonder what caused the momentum to die down?
Right now I'm thinking about Emma Thompson in Remains of the Day and how this is really a great performance. I do enjoy Holly Hunter in The Piano, but I feel that had Emma not won for Howards End she would have won for Remains of the Day. And in retrospect I feel Remains of the Day is one of her best performances.
Amy, I was thinking of who could be the next George Smiley too. (We must have read the same article). I loved Alec Guiness in that role. I was thinking maybe Michael Caine, or Christopher Plummer.
Paul Giamatti. He randomly showed up in Paycheck when I was flipping channels yesterday looking for something to watch after the ESPY awards. I was like, "Whoa, I didn't know Paul Giamatti was in this movie!"
Exodus is worth seeing but the length of the film I found to be unwieldy. Newman does look good in it, though. The end sequence is worth slogging through the rest of the movie for.
Since I just dreamed that I was in a vintage dress. it was pale yellow/champagne and pale green, satin and lace dress, with short flowing sleeves and a delicate plower pattern on a front satin panel.
It made me think of Keira Knightley in those amazing dresses from ATTONEMENT...and then of course, I thought of James Macavoy
Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale ,Melissa Leo and Amy McAdams because i just saw the pictures of the filming set "the fighter" and every one have an unusual allure. And Denzel Washington ,he promotes his last movie in France now.
I just saw All About Eve for the first time, so I am thinking about Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, Marilyn Monroe, et al. Such a marvelous script that movie has, further enhanced by the acting of all involved. I read a review of the movie (I think by Ebert) and he said that Monroe had the ability to draw all the light to herself in every scene she was on. So true, the markings of a movie superstar.
Lovely to see lots of people thinking about one James McAvoy. Looking forward to The Last Station with him and Helen Mirren. Does this even have US distribution yet?
As for James McAvoy in non-doomed romances, I recommend Starter for 10 and Penelope. Neither great movies, but enjoyable still no less because of McAvoy. And if you count a gun as a romantic interest, then go see Wanted as well. Heh.
I was just re-watching "Mad Men" as well, and was struck by the scene when Joan and Roger were bickering about "The Apartment" and "Psycho." Too cute! Next time I see those films, I'll have to remember those people were their original audience.
I saw Claire Danes and Hugh Dancy together at the Art Institute on Saturday just mulling around in the European modern art section, totally keeping to themselves and unnoticed by the public except me. and I've been thinking about him ever since..ah, cutie!
I've just watched again Mamma Mia! on HBO so you know who I am thinking about :-) Meryl Streep is good even when she's bad :-)
Kathleen Turner in Romancing the Stone. God, I love her. So exciting that movie.
David Tennant, though he's not a movie star, but I like my TV stars.
Jon Voight. Netflix should be shipping "Lookin' To Get Out" to me tomorrow. We'll see.
Interestingly, I was re-watching The Hours (I'm currently trying to review 2000-2005's most prominent films; I've only become obsessed with movies 5/6 years ago - I'm 19 so... :D) and thinking how lucky was Daldry to be able to join in the same movie 3 state-of-the-art movie stars... And I can't help but wonder also that 2002 and THAT film in particular marked the peak of Moore(Far From Heaven and this)and Kidman (which had Moulin Rouge and The Others in that time period) and the renaissance of Streep (which had Adaptation in that year as well)...
Oh Daldry, come on... You've given the Oscar to Winslet and to Kidman (in 2 wins out of your 3 films, so you've got an amazing ratio and the Academy apparently loves you RIGHT NOW so you'd better profit from it while you can, ain't I right? :D), why can't you pick Moore, Pfeiffer and Streep (Close) and make one of them at least win one? :D
That was just what was going through my mind while watching the film... That said, about the film in particular, that was when I had enough of Kidman... This particular performance was brilliant in its own merit but I resent her a bit for it, I don't know why.
The Edge of Love, because I just watched it. :) Wasn't a great movie by any means, but the actors are very good, especially Keira. I was really impressed with her performance. Have you seen it yet Nathaniel?
I was thinking about Jason Isaacs and how I hope that Green Zone provides him with both a role and a film worthy of his talents. Then my mind drifted to Emily Mortimer and how I hope Shutter Island grants her a larger profile than what she's thus far managed.
Tommy Wiseau and The Room. Apparently the movie is getting an actual premiere in the UK. I really need to see the full movie. Until now, I've been leading my friends on by repeating the legendary Lisa line so they believe I've seen it.
Joseph Gordon Levitt because I think (500) days of summer is the best movie so far this year....absolutely amazing, brilliant and most importantly honest about love, love is an accident it may or may not happen
It may be cliché but i was thinking about heath ledger. Discovering him is a never ending task.
I was thinking of Madonna...I know she's by no means a movie star hehehe, but "Evita" rocked.
And speaking of references I loved the "Man on Wire" talk in "The Girlfriend Experience". I hadn't seen a movie that touched such recent themes so fast in quite a while.
Christopher Lee, The Fellowship of the Ring. Only because my friend just texted me with one of his quotes.
Hahaha... I was just going through my own marathon of the first season of Mad Men and watched that very episode.
The star I was just thinking about just now was Grace Kelly in Rear Window. Again Mad Men had influence over that thought process.
Naomi Watts in Mulholland Drive. I just saw it for the first time...now I have to try and fall asleep : /
Right before I read your entry, I was thinking about Joseph Gordon Levitt because I was thinking about how excited I am to see (500) Days of Summer next weekend!
But before I was thinking of JDL, I was thinking about John Barrowman. The Torchwood 5-episode miniseries "Children of Earth" begins tomorrow on BBC America (today)! MUST WATCH!
Amelie and Good Bye Lenin! which I watched back to back. It didn't even occur to me that Yann Tiersen did the score for both until I heard Comtine D'un Autre Ete in the later.
Pelle the Conqueror. Because I've seen almost EVERYTHING of Max Von Sydow... except the one thing the Academy actually recognized him for. I need to see that.
Oh, and Exodus is well worth seeing. Newman is good though miscast but the film as a whole is very, very good and Sal Mineo was never better. He has one of my favorite scenes of the 60s.
James McAvoy and how much I'd like to see him in a romance that wasn't doomed (as in Atonement and Becoming Jane).
I just finished having a dream where I dated Steve McQueen, so I'm primarily thinking about that.
this is so weird,
I'm currently watching mad men season 1 (for the first time) too.
yesterday i watched ep 1-8...
I wasn't thinking of a movie star...I was thinking about Michael Jackson.
I agree Emily, but McAvoy just needs to be in a film. Any film. Or better yet, lots of them. When he said he was quitting acting, I thought he was joking.
And I was thinking of Alec Guinness and who could be the next George Smiley. I'm thinking either Tony Hopkins or Albert Finney.
Rachel McAdams.
I've been seeing more and more TV spots for The Time Traveler's Wife which i honestly can't wait to see in spite of the gooeyness of the trailers (because i loved the book).
She was the it girl around the time of Mean Girls/Red Eye and was probably thisclose to A-list but she just stopped, took a break from films and being present. I just have to wonder what caused the momentum to die down?
Right now I'm thinking about Emma Thompson in Remains of the Day and how this is really a great performance. I do enjoy Holly Hunter in The Piano, but I feel that had Emma not won for Howards End she would have won for Remains of the Day. And in retrospect I feel Remains of the Day is one of her best performances.
Amy, I was thinking of who could be the next George Smiley too. (We must have read the same article). I loved Alec Guiness in that role. I was thinking maybe Michael Caine, or Christopher Plummer.
Paul Giamatti. He randomly showed up in Paycheck when I was flipping channels yesterday looking for something to watch after the ESPY awards. I was like, "Whoa, I didn't know Paul Giamatti was in this movie!"
Exodus is worth seeing but the length of the film I found to be unwieldy. Newman does look good in it, though. The end sequence is worth slogging through the rest of the movie for.
Since I just dreamed that I was in a vintage dress. it was pale yellow/champagne and pale green, satin and lace dress, with short flowing sleeves and a delicate plower pattern on a front satin panel.
It made me think of Keira Knightley in those amazing dresses from ATTONEMENT...and then of course, I thought of James Macavoy
I meant "flower" not "plower", though I was thinking about James in the library. Freudian slip.
Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale ,Melissa Leo and Amy McAdams because i just saw the pictures of the filming set "the fighter" and every one have an unusual allure.
And Denzel Washington ,he promotes his last movie in France now.
i think about joan crawford everyday...& not just the late period. corale browne has invaded my thoughts as well.
Frances McDormand because I'm about to rewatch Fargo.
I just saw All About Eve for the first time, so I am thinking about Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, Marilyn Monroe, et al. Such a marvelous script that movie has, further enhanced by the acting of all involved. I read a review of the movie (I think by Ebert) and he said that Monroe had the ability to draw all the light to herself in every scene she was on. So true, the markings of a movie superstar.
Lovely to see lots of people thinking about one James McAvoy. Looking forward to The Last Station with him and Helen Mirren. Does this even have US distribution yet?
As for James McAvoy in non-doomed romances, I recommend Starter for 10 and Penelope. Neither great movies, but enjoyable still no less because of McAvoy. And if you count a gun as a romantic interest, then go see Wanted as well. Heh.
Can Paul McCartney be considered a movie star? Cause I was just thinking about him.
Bette Davis and "The Letter" its been two days and it's still in my head.
I was thinking about Leonardo DiCaprio, and how much I'd love to see him do a goofy romcom.
Emma, that would be indeed fun to see. Even more fun? If Kate Winslet co-stars.
I was just re-watching "Mad Men" as well, and was struck by the scene when Joan and Roger were bickering about "The Apartment" and "Psycho." Too cute! Next time I see those films, I'll have to remember those people were their original audience.
emma -- do you think he could pull it off? maybe but i wonder why he hasn't tried? too much time usurped by Scorsese probs.
normadesmond you think about Joan Crawford? You're not thinking about yourself???
everyone so many james mcavoy fans in the house. craziness
anon 11:55 i would be so happy if EITHER Jason Isaacs or Emily Mortimer became bigger stars this year but both? even better.
I must say, mine started with Keira Nightleys dress, but led me directly to McAvoy
I saw Claire Danes and Hugh Dancy together at the Art Institute on Saturday just mulling around in the European modern art section, totally keeping to themselves and unnoticed by the public except me. and I've been thinking about him ever since..ah, cutie!
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