The Fug Girls check in with Tom Cruise. And then with...
The Fug Girls Nicole Kidman and her red hair. It's still there (whew)
Jane Fonda reports from the set of an (unknown to me) movie.
My New Plaid Pants JA shares his non-negotiables about the proposed Who Framed Roger Rabbit sequel.
Low Resolution Joe completes his countdown of the best Buffy episodes. He has great taste and even better memory.
Movie|Line "8 Ways Toy Story 3 is Exactly like A.I. Artificial Intelligence". Kyle sure builds a strong case here.
The Evening Class has an article about a screening of Jennifer's Body with Diablo Cody in San Francisco. This interview actually makes me want to see the movie.

It’s weird when your life becomes vintage, like a period movie,” she says half-seriously. “I’m getting less notorious as I get older. People forget that I ever was.”Erik Lundegaard I am always a little surprised when box office articles interest me... on account of numbers kind of bore me. I'm not one for math or profit marginzzz. But Erik connects Toy Story 3 and Jonah Hex beautifully.
Sergio Leone and... Seems that Ken Russell's The Devils (1971) is still being super elusive. iTunes was recently selling it and then just as suddenly yanked it. WB doesn't seem to want it on DVD for Americans. Has anyone here seen it?
popbytes Let's hear it for the boy(s). Kenny Wormald gets the Kevin Bacon role in the remake of Footloose.
Eww... that Knight and Day poster looks like bad Photoshop (something I would know about... I gave up on Photoshop awhile back). And I have to review the movie (I volunteered to, unfortunately). That's even more "eww" than the poster :(
IMHO, Jennifer's Body is SOOO much better than it looked/was made out to be
The Devils is phenomenal! There are DVDs floating around out there. Worth a hearty search. Sets by Derek Jarman, and they're astonishing: a walled Medieval city made entirely of blinding white brick.
Jane Fonda's movie also stars Geraldine Chapman and Daniel Bruhl. It's about two older couples who move in together.
OT but I really wannna know why you loathed Alice in Wonderland, Nat.
That Knight & Day poster is at least better than the one in which it appears Cameron Diaz is putting a Crying Game on is.
Jennifer's Body was meh. Not funny enough, not scary enough, not sexy enough and didn't go far enough with its Heathers wannabe idea. That interview, however, is fascinating.
I just saw your review of Cleo from 5 to 7. Love that movie! Varda is such a goddess.
Oh, the Helen pictures...ever since I saw them I haven't been able to get Tracey Ullman's parody out of my head - and you just made it worse by mentioning the "fishing out of her teats" :P. Though that sketch is hilarious, so it's not that bad at all.
As far as I know, the pics provoked much controversy and I admire Helen Mirren's integrity for doing the shoot at the age of (almost) 65. She looks beautiful (though I have to agree with some who say the photos are not so well-taken and the stark lighting is unflattering for her) and these pics represent that beauty can be ageless - a statement I can very much identify with. It's significant for not only women but every person - especially the young ones - who may be obsessed with youth and the idea that beauty is the privilege of the young (a.k.a. below 30 - and this is why I can identify with the thought of ageless beauty :P).
Concerning her quotability, I also loved the sentence: “I much prefer overt sexuality to sleazy, vulgar prurience.” It's difficult to understand the ambiguities of someone who was raised in a strict religious institution that very often condemns sexuality and body-related pleasures and who then becomes liberated in a secular environment and realises that there is nothing to be ashamed of about our body. Plus, if it's a woman, it seems even more scandalous but it's actually so much less pretentious than the prudish denial of those things. I couldn't agree more with Ms Mirren.
Knight and Day poster-Horrendous.
TS3 vs AI-Those are scary coincidences. He made it sound like AI was critically panned, however.
andrew r -- um, it was.
Isn't kind of strange that there's been so much resistance to releasing "The Devils" on DVD in North America, but you can easily get "Salò or the 120 Days of Sodom"? The latter is a Criterion Collection DVD for crying out loud! Having seen both...I don't really get that.
I agree with NicksFlickPicks that "The Devils" is worth digging around for...very fascinating watch. Imagine "Black Narcissus," as directed by Lars Von Trier.
Jennifer's Body really doesn't work but it is def. an interesting failure, and I think everybody's good in it (yes, I mean Megan Fox especially). You can see where the edges were softened - the relationship between Seyfried and Fox is garbled and it's hard to get what's going on between them some of the time, when that's the part that needs to be the sharpest. If they'd been able to push the lesbian angle harder it probably would've helped a bunch.
i LOVE Jennifer's Body! Great interview, too, confirming a lot of my suspicions about its handling (I mean, the lesbian thing -- DUH). Helen Mirren, meanwhile, is just rawrr.
Megan Fox is the best thing about Jennifer's Body. That's not necessarily a backhanded compliment though, she's just quite good.
The fictionalized biography of composer Cole Porter from his days at Yale in the 1910s through the height of his success to the 1940s. The film’s attempted biography matches many public myths surrounding Cole at the time, despite its lack of relationship with truth. This is really very nice movie.
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