If you enjoy the experience of reading the film experience, please take a few minutes out of your day today to nominate me in appropriate categories in the 2007
bloggies. The nominating round ends shortly. What are the appropriate categories? Well, I am so tiny and flexible, you can shove my square peg into any round hole: entertainment blog, glbt weblog, best writing, most humourous, best kept secret... It may seem like a lot of people are reading my blog already (thank you, mwah) but in the grand scheme of the internet this is a grain of sand on the beach: you really should pat yourself on the back because you're a regular visitor and you found me despite the fact that I have
- no marketing push
- no corporate backing
- no industry connections that I'm beholden to that would cloud my vision
- no way of rising through the clutter of the blogosphere and outsider wary media ranks without your "word of mouth" be that in the form of forum linkage, blog entries about the film experience, informal chitchat, e-mailing of posts, and whatever else.
If this sounds like a really self serving post, it is! Duh. In the immortal words of Jennifer Coolidge in
For Your Consideration "What about ME!?"
On a less self-serving note: You can nominate more than one blog for each award so submit other favorites as well. Share the love.
Voted! And I'm surprised you didn't use the other Jennifer's "What About Me".
Can I ask you for something. Could you write about the best movie scores this year. I think The Illusionist - Philip Glass and Mark Isham - The Black Dahlia are the best this year but it seems they won't get nominated :(
I voted for you, but I mostly voted for me.
I voted for you, but I mostly voted for me.
i will vote for you anyday.
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