I will however see the movie because I can't get enough of Meryl's pipes which are just phenomenal in Ironweed, Silkwood, Postcards From The Edge, and A Prairie Home Companion. Forgotten musical fact: Meryl really wanted the lead in Evita which, after years in development hell, finally went to Madonna.
Meryl has to be the busiest fiftysomething in Hollywood. Check out her IMDB page which lists an incredible 8 upcoming films and that's not even counting Mamma Mia. Oscar #3 here she comes.
love meryl, love abba, hate mamma mia
might give this one a miss
Love La Meryl. So great she's at her 50's and still very active. Maybe she can teach those Hollywood bastards that aged thespians can teach us a lot.
I don't even know what Mamma Mia is, but I do hate jukebox musicals. They're the bottom of the barrel.
But nathe, wasn't Moulin Rouge! more of a jukebox musical?
that is a great list of movies! can't believe she'll be acting with aishwarya rai!
well the term "jukebox musical" is usually used in reference to a musical that uses an artists catalogue.
Moulin Rouge! is more of the Singin' in the Rain school of musicals that use mostly unconnected hits in a fresh way. so they're like an evolved breed of jukebox musicals. But let's not call them that because the connotation is ugly these days ;)
God, I love Meryl Streep so much. Oscar #3 is no doubt only a few years away. I actually think once #3 comes, Streep'll pull a Hepburn and win ANOTHER the very next year... if the projects are there.
I just hope First Man and Dirty Tricks actually happen. They look like the fabled "third oscar" vehicles all Streep's fans have been waiting for all these years.
I mean, come on, Meryl Streep as THE PRESIDENT!!?? If that film's any good at all, you know it's an oscar waiting to happen.
I don't know if this is worse for Meryl or worse for MAMMA MIA...it's a pretty simplistic piece of material, and for an actress of Streep's stature, they'd have to really find a way to work in some complexity.
I immediately cringed upon reading this, because I love Streep and don't want her to be in substandard work...but the idea of seeing her sing "The Winner Takes It All" brightened me up a bit.
On IMDB, it says that Streep has only ever been turned down for two roles-Patsy Cline in Sweet Dreams and Miss Kenton in The Remains of the Day. I'll bet Streep would have done her own singing in Sweet Dreams, had she been selected.
Apparently Madonna was offered the role before Meryl. Tom Hanks is apparently the producer and approached Madonna first.
Just scroll down. No idea how genuine this blog is.....seems to be the real thing.
Just to add, glad it turned out this way.
Madonna...lol... ok even if that is her real blog(which I doubt for some reason) you just can't take her seriously. she bashed Michelle Pfeiffer for talking about how she was supposed to star in Evita but, dropped out. Madonna said she doesn't know why Michelle keeps going around saying that when it isnt true. even though Michelle recorded frickin tracks for the film, etc. Me Thinks Madge is a lil jealous, she turned down Fabulous Baker Boys, she wanted to play Catwoman, but Michelle got it instead, etc. poor woman.
I voted for Meryl. Thanks. When did she sing in "Silkwood"?
she sings amazing grace over the credits, doesn't she? or sings to Cher. i haven't seen it in awhile.
It's both. In voiceover and to Cher. Neither is really "real" singing, like in Postcards and Prairie, but it does give you an idea of what a good voice she has.
Cannot wait for all the movies Meryl is scheduled to do.. I, too, think she deserves more Oscars... I think the problem is that she is taken for granted ... she always turns in a brilliant performance.
Meryl cast in this film very upsetting news!
Ew, why? Although she'll make it watchable, the material just isn't interesting enough.
8 films. What, no "she's in too many movies" backlash like the one that you have for your "the next Meryl Streep," Nath? =P
Show off Ms. Streep, show off. We'll love you for it. :)
~ santy
santy ---you don't even know how much i regret typing that in re: to Blanchett.
anyway it IS true still in a way. she's always reviewed well, she's technically accomplished, she has pretty big range. i just feel she doesn't get under the skin of the character and that's where she falls short. plus unlike Meryl she can't overcome bad casting.
As an ABBA fan (though no great fan of MM!), I'm thrilled they cast an actress who can sing and is actually the right age for the material.
And Miranda Priestly in the Prada novel was a pretty simplistic character, but Streep added so much to the film role. I'm confident she can do the same here.
Whenever I think of Mamma Mia! I think of My Big Fat Greek Wedding for whatever reason. And now this film is to be produced by Tom Hanks! I'm not even sure why I connect them, but I do and now it's getting freaky.
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