So what is there left for Meryl Streep to do? It turns out quite a lot.
The joy of watching her now, thirty years into a great filmography, is seeing which actors' muscles get flexed for each new project and seeing which past performances are its predecessors. There's also a communal thrill watching her --remember, we're twenty years past the point of 'nothing left to prove!'-- surprise both herself and us in each performance. Can you name another movie star who so regularly seems to be having a grand ole time while they're acting? Can you name another actor who is so technically accomplished but still regularly manages moments that feel spontaneous onscreen? I can't.
I've seen almost all of her filmography which could explain why I prefer her comedic work. There's less of it so you have to hold it closer. Plus the thing I love most dearly about Meryl Streep (her joy in acting) bubbles right to the surface when she's asked to joke about. The Meryl Streep performance I cherish most on a personal level is probably her work in 1990's Postcards From The Edge wherein she also joked, sang, and played an entertainer. And all of this, if you'll excuse the breathless intro, is a very long way of saying that I was thrilled to see her comedic and musical chops get a work out again as "Yolanda Johnson" in A Prairie Home Companion .
Yolanda (Streep) is part of a singing group "The Johnson Girls" that once had more members but now includes just herself and her sister Rhonda (Lily Tomlin). For the first half hour of the film we get to know Yolanda in a series of brief sequences backstage. In the first she enters the theater where A Prairie Home Companion will hold its last broadcast (please note: this is a fictional film about the still running radio program) with her sister and daughter (Lindsay Lohan). She is holding too many things and nattering incessantly mostly to herself but ocassionally to others. Streep gives her character a quick easy laugh and a fluid temperament. As this sister act prepares for the show, Streep fills you in on the rest of Yolanda.

Yolanda's primary concerns are her death-obsessed daughter (whom she clearly worries about but takes joy in) and Garrison Keillor, the host of the show. You realize through her shift in demeanor with the host that she has either loved or romanced him before the events of the film takes place --Streep shows you this with simple glances even before the dialogue confirms your suspicions. She makes this dead romance her best running gag in the film, mining it for abundant laughs that a lesser actor wouldn't even know where to find let alone amplify.
By the time Streep hits the stage you're already completely aware of this woman's personality and her circumstantial simplicity (this life as a midlevel sister act, the only life she's ever known.) And, then in her vocal performances onstage she just keeps on deepening those initial impressions while giving a musical performance, full of idiosyncratic feeling and beauty.
As in all the best ensemble pictures, the performances of other actors inform each individual turn as well. In a great moment backstage Yolanda, realizing Rhonda is upset about a story they've been retelling, sings an old familiar tune and embraces her sister. When the tune ends, Rhonda tearfully says "singing is the only thing that ever puts me right". She's talking about herself but in Meryl's exuberant, silly, and vocally powerful stage performance that follows, you realize the same is true for her. They're peas in this showbiz pond. Singing also puts Yolanda right.

I love doing that last show. I just wanna do one last show and then another until I'm in a wheelchair. I just wanna keep doing 'em.The Angel of Death (Virginia Madsen) enters this final sequence and smiles benevolently at these principal players corking Yolanda's infectiously loud joy. You realize immediately that one day all of us will give our last performance. One day all of these actors will be gone --even this beloved goddess of the cinema. Feel free to tear up. It's a testament to the film that the feeling is still somehow a good one. Meryl Streep is only 57 years old. She's been knocking her performances out of the park for thirty years and there's no reason we can't hope for thirty more. She'll keep giving one last great performance until they put her in a wheelchair. She's gonna keep giving 'em.

Now head on over to the Supporting Actress Blog-a-Thon and read other odes to favored turns in this year's movies.
Tags: movies, cinema, actress, Meryl Streep, 2006, supporting actress, A Prairie Home Companion, Postcards From The Edgefilm, Lily Tomlin
It was a very good performance. I wasn't impressed by the movie, but each performance was spectacular.
Meryl was great in this, definitely #1 in the cast.
It's amazing that's not 60 yet. There really is not reason to believe she won't be doing it still in at least 20 years.
How many Oscar nods can she rack up in the time being?
This tribute really was tear-inducing! Beautiful, funny, heartfelt, and colorful, just like the performance. ‹/blurbwhoring› (But at least I meant it!)
This was beautiful. Thanks.
Streep has proved that she is still capable of amazing performances...and that she is without a doubt a quality actress.
I totally agree with the blog on Meryl .. there isn't an actor out there that has the complete talent in all areas.. she is simply the greatest!
In sports, the thing about consistent players is that they rarely win MVP, even if they are perennially in the mix.
This is the gift and curse of being Meryl Streep. There's no reason to think she won't have 20 nominations eventually, and a good chance that she still won't have picked up Oscar #3 by then.
Okay, I must drool on your post here because it made me feel like I felt when I saw "Praire". I laughed my ass off throughout the whole film, especially with Meryl and Lily, and the fact I watched it after Altman's death and was immersed in the whole new meaning it acquired, I felt tearful by the end.
Your post did exactly the same. To imagine a world without Meryl's new performances is so sad and scary!! *drama queen mode on* I can't even think of such day, I'd rather think I'll die first, or that she'll be hailed as G-d and then will be literally immortal.
Once, someone on IMDB made a prank post that she'd been in a car accident and waqs seriousl injured, and I FREAKED. OUT. I'd be a wreck if she died any time soon.
I wasn't gonna post for a while, but I forgot it's supporting actress day. I'll start working on my entry now.
And Postcards is also probably my personal favorite Streep perf... at least it's the only film of hers that I own.
The moment for me: When Lohan and GK are talking about death, and Lohan mentions that even her mother will die eventually, and Meryl's reaction is PRICELESS. It's like she's never contemplated her own mortality until this very moment.
Eh. She was consistent during the 80s, but I've never fell in love like her like everyone else. She's a marvelous technical actress, but she's never gotten me to emote anything from her performances. The only films I truly adore her in are "Adaptation", "Angels in America" and "Kramer vs. Kramer", though I wouldn't give her a win for any of them.
I love it when you go into full reverence mode, Nat. I didn't hook into A Prairie Home Companion but all this is getting me psyched to revisit it on dvd.
Is this a movie anyone recommends I rent?
She will win at least one more. The only way she wouldn't is if she shockingly just died today, before filming anything else... and even then, she'd most likely win for Devil Wears Prada in posthumous sentiment.
But she won't die for another 20-30 years. That cannot happen.
I have serious aversions to Robert Altman and to Garrison Keillor, but damned if your post isn't making me rethink all of that. I do love Meryl Streep, all the time, in everything.
oh my god.
that was one of the best tributes..ever..to a movie character and to the peerless Ms Streep
this can kickstart the biggest campaign for the oscars:
meryl winning supporting for prairie home companion and
ties for best actress with mirren for prada
that would be a just world
tying with hepburn in one fell swoop befitting the most powerful screen goddess...ever
Based on this insightful review of Streep's perfomance, I will have to revisit this film, as I had earlier tried to watch it with an unappreciative audience.
You are so right about the little details that Meryl creates to bring to life her characters. It seems she loves a chance to sing on screen and has done so in a way which comes off well, compared to most other actors. I too am a big fan of Postcards, an underrated Meryl performance.
I'm trying. I'm trying. You can always donate and help me out.
Lovely ... lovely. I've had the privilege of seeing all three Meryl movies this past year, and her performance as Mother Courage (twice). I'm total blown away by this woman and this talent. She is an American icon! ... and Amy, name me one "technical" Meryl scene in Prairie Home Companion .........
Yes, Meryl is a treasure.
And, Nathaniel, your prose is lovely.
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