Mar 23rd-25th 1927 hosted by Goatdog. I highly recommend you read this one: it's a fascinating year that changed Hollywood forever
Apr 23rd William Shakespeare hosted by Peter Nellhaus. No restrictions as long as its Shakespeare related and, since there are well over 500 films of all variety (in both genre and quality) related to his work and thousands of actors who've been connected to them, this should be fascinating
Those three I'll be writing pieces for -- but there's more. It's impossible to participate in all but I'll definitely be reading. I'd also like to host another since I had such fun with Vampires and La Pfeiffer and the crowds for both were enthusiastic and diverse. But I haven't settled on a topic yet. More later...
1 comment:
Ahoy! Will you e-mail me (horbal.andrew@gmail.com) with the details if you do decide to go ahead with a Star Wars 'thon of some sort? Thanks!
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