8:21 I don't know what I missed in the first 20 minutes but Alec Baldwin is winning for 30 Rock which I have not seen. But Alec Baldwin. He funny. Do you think the other Baldwins hate him? I mean, what are they up to these days.
8:23 Sedgwick (zzz) and Perry (ugh) are announcing more awards for TV. Felicity looks pretty in black. Mary Louise Parker = pretty in general. I don't really get the Ugly Betty thing. America Ferrera just ain't ugly. It's like back in the 90s when Janeane Garofalo was always cast as the ugly girl despite being you know like really really pretty in the face. Facial validity. Pretty is a word I have used four times in this paragraph and that is not pretty.
8:26 The Departed clip. Shot of Leo in the audience. He was sandwiched between two men (get your mind out of the gutter) neither of whom I recognized. Weird.

8:39 Keifer Sutherland will always be a Lost Boy to me. This is a voice work tribute. I can't imagine how hard that job is --the dubbing job. But I still have major issues with it because we all should just be reading subtitles, should we not?
8:43 Marcia Gay Harden. Back in red --she likes red. The Boyfriend can't take his eyes off her twins. What's that about? Supporting Actor! "I'm at your feet, baby". And the ugly maskholding statue goes to Eddie Murphy.
8:46 Cute speech from Eddie there. Hounsou's red shirt look is terrible. He is so handsome but that shirt. Argh. Hurts the eyes.
8:52 Commercials for The Closer. I've never watched it but my god Kyra looks so "serious face" doesn't she in those commericals. Like trying too hard to be badass.
8:54 Somebody told me tonight that Mariksa Hargitwhatshername is the daughter of Jayne Mansfield? Is this true? That is just crazy.
8:55 Anne Hathaway loves the red lipstick with black dresses, doesn't she? It's so sweet that she's honoring Julie Andrews. Ohhhhh, Julie. I always feel like they give Victor/Victoria shortshrift in these tributes so let's hope they give it its due tonight.

9:01 See! Victor/Victoria got nothing. nothing. No respect, just one tiny clip like she never played that woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman.
9:05 The Boyfriend just pointed out to me that it seems inconsistent how they use the title "Dame". fr'instance you always hear "Dame Judi Dench" but a lot of times you hear "Helen Mirren" or "Julie Andrews" without the title. What's that about?
9:06 Jada Pinkett-Smith listened to me when I asked to see her hair after the Globes. Now she's got her curls out. Anyway Julie & Blake. Bedroom jokes. After Tom Hanks' hideous "balls" speech about Warren Beatty at the Globes everything else seems highly appropriate and classy, even if it's actually kind of lowbrow joking.
9:08 The Boyfriend points out that McDreamy looks bored. I didn't notice because whenever they show him my jaw goes slack and my mind drifts away into the vast expanse of his
9:13 Emilio Estevez...just no. Wow, he looks really nervous. Shouldn't he be on a sitcom by now? I'm so glad this wasn't nominated for the Oscars because now I don't have to see it. I escaped!

9:19 a skit. Julia Louis Dreyfuss. Love her. Steve Carell is too cute. Hugh Laurie bores me. I know I'm supposed to love his performance on House but I think of it the same way I think of Tony Shalhoub on Monk, which is also an awards magnet. Cute but a gimmicky personality is only funny the first few times.
9:23 James Spader did not age well. And he was skeevy to begin with.
9:25 And 'in memoriam'. I always love these. Mickey Hargitay. That's Maryshka's dad right? June Allyson - If you ever get a chance to see Executive Suite (1954), do it. She's good in it and it's a fine fine film. Oh, Maureen Stapleton. She's so amazing. Love her so much in Interiors and Reds. I didn't realize that two of the Munsters had died this year.
9:33 My cat is so bored by awards shows. Thought I'd share.
9:35 Ensemble in a Drama Series. Teri Hatcher's dress has too much something. It looks lumpy on her skeletal frame. It reminds me of that famously bad dress that got Project Runway's Malan booted, only in a more pleasing color. I can't even think of watching that show Boston Legal. Who could watch both James Spader AND William Shatner for 60 minutes in a year let alone 60 minutes weekly. [sarcasm] Grey's AnatomyGee what a surprise [/sarcasm] I probably wouldn't hate this show as much if She Who Must Not Be Named's Doppelganger weren't the lead. But she is. And I do.
9:39 "Bay-bul"? For some reason I've been hearing "Babble" for pronunciation. But more importantly. I am drinking Ruby Red Vodka right now and it is really good. Thanks, Mina!
9:41SUPPORTING ACTRESS. Woohoo. Finally the movie awards. Fun clips. Jennifer has such a good "surprise / humble " face. I don't like Jennifer's dress as much as her Globes outfit but she is still lovely.l

Coming up next: Annette BeningAh, I love you to mr. secret announcer.
9:48 what is Reese wearing. Such a hard fall after that Globes hottie moment. She picked it out of a clearance bin. BEST ACTOR. God I hate Blood Diamond. Gosling is so amazing. That scene is a good one too. I loved Vanessa Redgrave in Venus. Smith = zzzz.
9:50 I think Forest Whitaker is amazing in Last King of Scotland. But it's starting to feel so rote that if you play a real life person you automatically win. There's no contest anymore and there should be. Because no matter how good you are there are cases to be made for your competition. The difference between the best performance of the year and the runners up is never so large that there should be no competition.

9:56 God she looks amazing. I know you all saw her earlier but I missed her. Wow, that speech was a huge improvement over her Globe speech.
9:57 THE BENING!!! announcing the final award of the night.
9:58Little Miss Sunshine yes!!! The Best Picture Oscar race is so intense. I love it. It's so freakishly rare that all the nominees have a real shot at the statue.
9:59 The Bening just wished ME a "good night" I'm so blessed.
10:00 Now is it time for Battlestar Galactica yet? Yes! Now that's a television series worth awarding
Pre Show Note
The SAG Awards air tonight at 8 EST on TNT. I'll be here, shooting my mouth off. For the record I'm predicting: Little Miss Sunshine (alt. The Departed), Mirren (alt. Streep), Whitaker (alt. DiCaprio), Hudson (alt. Breslin), Murphy (alt. Arkin) because I don't think we'll have too many surprises.
Note on that Pre Show Note
Scored 100% on my predictionzzzz. It's a good thing that Oscar's Best Picture is contentious @ the Oscars because everything else is looking locked up. Same four winners everywhere.
I'm excited, but I think that at least one will be an upset (ala Giamatti taking it over Clooney last year).
By the way, Nat, when are the scene awards coming? I'm looking forward to them (they're always my favorites).
soon as i can manage. hopefully in the next week or two
"because I don't think we'll have too many surprises."
Is that the motto of this year's oscar race, because outside a surprisingly contentious best picture category and best supporting actor, the races feel locked down.
Do you not foresee maybe a DiCaprio Supporting win? I mean, it's insane category fraud and all, but if those are the dumbass options they're giving me as a voter, then that's who I'd be voting for... It ain't fair, but they're asking me to make a judgement on 5 performances.
Plus he has 2 nominations, so I reckon SAG would love to hand him something...?
I hope Babel doesn't win th ensemble but I am predicting it anyways
Oh. Wait. I'm not crazy about any of them outside of the Best Actress category.
Umm... DiCaprio for Supporting? Barazza for Supporting? 0'Toole for lead?
And any of those five leading ladies could win and I'd be thrilled. (but it's Dame Helen's in the bag...)
Yeah, I'm with Beau on this. Those 5 ladies are so monumentally perfect a line-up, that I have to keep checking I'm not dreaming that the Academy (and, gee, pretty much EVERYONE) seems to be in agreement!
Looking at the other 3 races though, I start getting picky...
I'm rooting for Dicaprio...he always says interesting things up there. Yeah, it's category fraud but...*shrugs* I'd love to see Leo rewarded for an exemplary year with more than just nominations.
I don't get why more people aren't predicting DiCaprio will win supporting. It seems like a pretty easy get. Sure, he's in the wrong category, but so what? Has that ever stopped SAG voters before?
I think I agree with Jeff.
Although it'd be kind of bittersweet if Streep won the SAG since she's not there... just like Depp wasn't there in 2004.
Little Miss Sunshine (alt. Babel)
Whittaker (alt. O'Toole)
Murphy (alt. DiCaprio)
I've got:
Little Miss Sunshine
O'Toole (alt. Whitaker)
Mirren (alt. Streep
DiCaprio (alt. Arkin
Hudson (alt. Breslin)
So where is this live-blogging?
You're doing it, Adam K.
Nate said he would be late.
Well, my first talking point is:
WHY the hell was Ashton Kutcher presenting anything?
I'll also share a thought:
As much as I love America Ferrera, and love that she's winning things, does anyone notice the irony in the fact that she's actually totally beautiful? Even in shows that are about how ugly can be beautiful, you have to be beautiful to be ugly. They couldn'tve just gotten an actual ugly girl to play Betty. America Ferrera is gorgeous.
OMG a Mary Tyler Moore show reunion!?
I'm so excited.
But yeah, watching the same actors win gets boring. That's why I at least don't watch the BFCA awards. But then I miss fun things like Abigail Breslin and Paul Dano winning things... so...
America is so cute. And hot. And beautiful. I need to start watching Ugly Betty - looks hilarious.
Great point about America, Adam.
It would make more sense if the actress who played Betty was ugly.
But that would be too much like right.
Love you, Mary, but shoot your plastic surgeon.
Well, Adam, if Ugly Betty follows the Spanish soap opera in which it is based, Betty should beautify herself (no braces, she gets thin, etc..)
Uh-oh. 4/4 Globes repeat so far. Hope it doesn't carry over to the film categories. Anyway, Mary Tyler Moore and the gang on... gotta go.
I mean, in season 4 or 5, she should turn to a beautiful woman
The corners of her eyes look like they're suspended from the ceiling on wires.
Nice joke, Steve.
Okay, Jeff. I'll buy that.
Thanks for the laugh.
I've never seen The Office. But I adore Weeds.
I'm on the Pacific Coast. Is ther any channel that's carrying it right now?
I'm so jealous.
Go Eddie!
did i miss anybody winning in that first 18 minutes? I was on the train?
It's on TNT. i said TBS in my posting. weird of me.
It is an ugly statuette.
I really think there will be a major upset somewhere. But where?
Maybe ensemble? That's too expected.
Maybe Supporting Actress? It could happen. I mean, they're the actors, and maybe they've realized that it's not acting, just incredibly powerful singing.
But who knows. Only the ugly naked guy with the mask knows...
Well, Nat, I am watching it on TBS, not TNT. And welcome!
It's on both channels.
Ted Turner likes flipping to each channel back and forth.
Helen Mirren and Jeremy Irons won for Elizabeth I, and Alec Baldwin won for 30 Rock.
Who's surprised?
It's Annie!!!!!!
Yes, Jeff. LOL.
Rock Hudson.
Dick Van Dyke. thisis a terribel thing to say but i am always surprised that he's alive when i see him.
Damn, Julie Andrews has had one hell of a career.
Karma - a buddhist force of rewarding good behaviour and punishing bad.
Ex: Julie Andrews was the star of the hit Boradway production of My Fair Lady, but was snubbed for her role for the feature film. She starred in her first feature film the same year as the My Fair Lady film adaptation, Mary Poppins, and won the Oscar for Best Actress, beating Audrey Hepburn, who played Eliza.
See? The universe works in mysterious ways.
71? Now SHE looks good.
" 8:54 Somebody told me tonight that Mariksa Hargitwhatshername is the daughter of Jayne Mansfield? Is this true? That is just crazy. "
Mariska Hargitay, Nat. And everyone knows that.
She deserves ANYTHING she can get for SVU.
I don't think that's the actual definition of karma, but your point is taken.
well i didn't know the Mariskaty fact because I avoid L&O like the plague.
I love that diamond commercial with Dusty Springfield singing one of my most beloved songs.
Julie does indeed look good for 71. I'm sure she's gotten some work done, but she doesn't look freakish like, say, Mary Tyler Moore (SO sad).
But you know what DOES look freakish? She and her husband together (he looks about 50 years older than her).
Hey, did Emilio get something done to his face? Something about his face is really weird lately. He looks kind of like a doll... in a bad way.
Oh, I forgot Ashton is one of the 10,000 actors in Bobby, and that's why he's here.
Right, Adam. Blake looks ancient.
Finally, an award!
I thought The Sopranos was cancelled years ago.
I love Edie Falco. Now SHE looks good for her age. Without avoiding looking her age. That is tough to pull off.
Go Chandra!
Chandra Wilson? Wow.
Mariska lost. Sadness reigns now. I need a Rinko upset to make me feel better.
Why do I have a feeling that I'm gonna be sad all night...?
She's too fierce!!!
Wow, I love Chandra Wilson, too. You go, girl.
Wow, she's so cool.
She should win an Emmy for that speech!
I can't believe Hugh Laurie is British. Is there ANYone less British than House?
And House get another award.
Haha, Gandolfini looked very "yeah, I don't care, yawn"
Haha, I love him.
Hugh, not James Gandolfini.
I also don't watch TV regularly and hence don't really care. But whatevs.
And roll the dead people...
Me too, Adam. I hardly watch TV but I catch an episode of drama every now and then and Hugh is awesome.
Wow, I've forgotten how good the Apollo 13 score is.
Ditto The Cider House Rules.
I don't love those films, but what gorgeous music.
Can you guys imagine how nuts people will go when Clint dies?
I'm thinking there'll be an upset in one of the lead actor categories. I REALLY wanna say Streep wins.
i am so embarrassed that i laugh every time this Music and Lyrics commercial comes on.
what is wrong with me.
Who's still alive from the Jeffersons? George and Florence? And the daughter?
Another award?
Wow, they're rarer than an aborted fetus in South Dakota!
[slaps self]
I totally don't remember that Mullally incident, but it sounds like the funniest thing EVER.
Which of the 200 SAG award wins of hers was that?
Yay, more Chandra Wilson!
Unless there is an ensemble for TV Movie/Miniseries, the only ones that are left are film ones.
GET ON WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, James Gandolfini is PISSED tonight. Is he sick or something? He's looked angry or bored every time they'd shown him.
The teleprompter is broken apparently.
I think, beyond LMS and The Departed, this has a very big chance of upsetting. I think.
I guess that's the Australian way to say it.
Why do I always forget she's Australian? I always wanna think she's British or something.
Boy, is she skinny lately.
And the winner is...
Look at those purple watermelons!
Abby looks sad, too.
Very jiggly, purple watermelons.
Why do we use Best Ensemble here as a predictor for Best Picture?
And why were people surprised when Crash won this last year? SAG, not Oscar. EVERYONE [except Ebert] were surprised about that.
Abigail should've won.
I know, I know, there's no comparing performances even when actors are nominated in the same category, but can we talk about Jennifer Hudson beating Cate Blanchett in an acting category ever? I know there's been talk of Cate overload, but I still have to shake my head. This tendency toward momentum that dominates awards every year gets to me more and more all the time.
I'm SOOOOOOO bored.
Who would've woken up if Rinko won?
If Forest and Helen win tonight, it's gonna be very boring on the 25th.
you guys don't even need my live blogging. you're just commenting away on your own.
one thing i forgot to mention in the post just now... isn't it kind of mean to use the "I WON I WON I WON" clip if you're not going to give little Abby the win?
i'm just sayin.
I love me some JHUD but Little Miss Sunshine herself is just so damn cute, I wish she would have won. She looked so "I know I should be happy for her but I just WANNA WIN." I love her.
Wow, Witherspoon's workin' it without Ryan.
Is it just me or has she been trying to act sexier lately?
God, I HATE Thandie Newton in that.
Reese is so hot. I love her.
And the winner is...
[boring] Forest Whitaker.
Leo for The Departed, people! Come on!
Yup, no surprises. Oh well.
Looks like every category has firmed up except best picture.
You know, I really did love Forest in that movie, but he gives terrible speeches.
Hire a writer, Forest.
Okay, so...
The Anti-Forest Anti-Christ won.
What about the Anti-Meryl Anti-Christ? Will she pull away with a surprise? Maybe. She's not there, though.
Forest Whitaker is surely touched, but there's something so humble about him.
I love that.
Anti-Meryl Anti-Christ.
Anti-Forest Anti-Christ.
What is Jeremy Irons wearing?
bay-bull is the correct pronouncation
babble has a different root altogether
And the winner is...
Helen Mirren.
Wow, Helen has a lot of SAG awards now.
Gotta hand it to Jeremy Irons. At least he tried to bring a moment of excitement to the night. Or was that myopia?
Here it comes.
Here goes...
And the winner is....
Of course. Speed it up more, Annette.
That's what my nerve needs.
All you LMS fans can be happy now.
BEst Picture LMS!
Awwww, Abigail its adorable.
I love them.
Ah, good plan.
Scan the audience for losers.
Oh god, she's so cute.
Scared me in the creepiest way in Signs.
JD/VF - don't they direct like every Red Hot Chilli Peppers video?
Very good ensemble, you have to admit.
I fell asleep 20 minutes ago, though.
We are, Craig!
Dreamgirls won two awards tonight. That's really very good.
LMS won't win the Oscar.
Neither will LFIJ.
The Queen has almost no chance.
For the PGA, the NBR, and just because.
The Greatest Animated Show in the History of Television
You heard me.
I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm happy. I just hope it carries over with AMPAS.
Reaganauts. That's why.
Again, I'll state it:
Why do we use Best Ensemble here as a predictor for Best Picture?
It's for the acting, not the film.
JD I was talking about the Dreamgirls wins.
I couldn't care less what takes BP.
we use "best ensemble" as a best picture predictor for the same reasons people always say things like "the picture directed itself" when a movie is not nominated for best director.
because rare is the person who really tries to dissect what makes a movie great rather than the assumption that everything is great if the movie is great. or something like that.
where am I?
Well, good night everyone. Half of you are already asleep, so bye to you all.
As Mom says so brillantly:
"Don't let the door hit you on the way out. I DON'T WANT ASS PRINTS ON MY NEW DOOR!!!"
Nathe, I'm there with you with the Grey's Anatomy hate wagon!
What the hell is so great about it?!
And Yeah, Pompeo is just plain annoying.
So glad Sunshine took home the award! I feared for a moment Bable was giving us another upset win.
As far as the ensemble winner being a precursor to Best Picture thing ... yeah, it happens.
I've seen LMS, Departed and Babel. If I were to pick the "best ensemble," I would give it to LMS. There isn't a weak link in the bunch. The other two have strong ensembles, but, for the most part, Leo stands out and towers above everyone (even Jack) in the Departed. And, as others have pointed out, with Babel, you have a lot of individuals doing their thing, but not necessarily working together as an emsemble. And, frankly, seeing how many actors they left out of their "ensemble," I don't think Babel deserves the award for just leaving so many individuals out.
I didn't see the awards, but I'm glad someone seems to be pronouncing "BAY-BUL" correctly. I've never understood why the Americans call it "Babble".
Where was Beyonce "I'm not jealous" Knowles. I didn't see her and I think she did not attend.
I was a supporter, but shge truly has no class.
"Hugh Laurie bores me."
YES! I said the exact same thing about him and Tony Shalhoub after the Globes. I cannot watch House because that voice and that performance makes it impossible.
"What the hell is so great about [Grey's Anatomy]?!"
Basically it's not a complete and utter load and garbage, like most television shows are atm. It's nice to have a drama that isn't so down and depressing and has it's fair share of laughs and some great actors in it.
And, yes, Mariska Hargitay is Jane Mansfield's daughter. She thanked her at the Emmy's last year I believe.
I loooove Kyra Sedgwick on The Closer. So great. So so great.
I don't get the question about Ugly Betty. She's pretty in real life but on the show she's not. Make-up, it's a wonderful thing.
(i skipped most of the comments because 165 was just too many)
Oh, and Emilio Estevez always looks like he's on the verge of tears. I don't know why.
When I first read the title Babel I pronounced it Bayle but then everyone I heard said "Babble" but some friends of mine who are Church-going-read-the-bible types says "Bayble" and others say "Babble". I figured they would know considering it's all about the tower of babel, but apparently they're just as confused as everything.
I just saw "170 Comments" and my head exploded.
Not that you'll necessarily see this comment, since it's #172!, but I am looking through the red carpet photos on imdb and was so on board with Rachel MacAdams's cute pink hair... until I saw a full-length shot of the dress! Gah! I hope that she has a better stylist for the Oscars!
And has Heather Graham given up eating?
oh no. not my rollergirl
Are Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling each other's pet squeezes? Am I the last to know? Or is this photo simply misleading?
And speaking of misleading, this is Claire Forlani, right? Not Vera Farmiga, as specified?
Reese's eye makeup really makes her look like one of the Locomotion rock ho's in INLAND EMPIRE.
yeah McAdams and Gosling have been together for quite a long time now.
Was it me, or were Winslet, Cruz and Dench all absent (I know Streep was) ... if, so, that's SO funny! It's like, the Queen is going to win, by bother?
I thought Mirren comments about the Queens costumes was funny.
Abigal looked so sad when she lost (for individual). I felt for that little girl!
Best Moment of the Night: Julia Louis Dreyfuss and Steve Carrell presenting.
Eddie Murphy's speech was good. And Greg Kinnear was funny every single time his mouth opened. Cate Blanchett looked stunning.
I've just realized that I really really like Greg Kinnear in general. He's a great actor and seems like a great guy.
I thought Blanchett looked too thin, though.
Better than the SAG winners (LMS >>>>> Babel) and I also enjoyed this ceremony more.
I think LMS has it in the bag if it wins the WGA, othersie it's still open. CRAZY YEAR!
Sorry that was "otherwise".
Here you go Nat http://imdb.com/name/nm0002127/bio
Is the highest number of comments you've ever had for one post, Nathaniel?
But an even more pressing query - what's with the Blanchett bashing? Makes me sad. I know she's had a mediocre year in terms of output, but lay off already.
That last part is supposed to read as more disheartened than aggressive... ;)
Ali I think it's around the same number as the Oscar reaction to Brokeback *sniffle* only that was a regular post an not a play-along as you go entry...
also --what mean thing did i say about Blanchett today? don't remember saying anything negative today. Or do you just mean: in general?
"Cate Blanchett is wearing gold. Do you think she's hinting to Oscar voters that she wants a second one."
"I thought Blanchett looked too thin, though."
Can you blame her? She's working 24/7, that girl! Either films or promotion or awards shows. She hasn't quit all year. Nat's comment wasn't mean though. Or, I didn't take it as such.
...off topic.
Apparently The Departed only has one producer, even though the credits said four. And two of Little Miss Sunshine's producers missed out, too. What the hell is wrong with the Academy. Apparently people aren't allowed to be rewarded for film's they made, yet 25478 sound design whatever editors can be nominated for making the sound of Zhang Ziyi's giant geisha platforms slide across a stage. What's that about?
Thanks for that wonderful blogging Nathaniel! It made me feel like I really got to see the event (sadly, UK don't get the SAG awards. :()
I think it was great that Penelope, Judi, Kate and Meryl didn't show up just to see Helen Mirren win not one but two actors...
That'll show them, more people should do the same thing.
Love your blog Nate!
Fernando from Mexico City
LOL, why should they bother? It's all so very predictable. I'm sure they've got better ways of spending their time.
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