Friday, January 09, 2009

Note to Producers of All Future Awards Shows

One moment from last night's BFCA ceremony continues to make me crazy with cinephile fury. Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Katy Perry were presenting the award for Best Song. Bruce Springsteen wasn't there so Darren Aronofsky came up to accept on behalf of The Wrestler and the following mic'ed exchange took place:
Christopher: Bruce Springsteen couldn't be here tonight so this man is going to take his award. [Pointing] He's going to accept the award.
Katy: I don't know who he is.
Show some respect, producers. If people don't know who Darren Aronofsky is, they should not be presenting at an awards show celebrating modern cinema.


previously: the tie and the winners


Anonymous said...

Well, it's not strange for Kate Perry, after all, she LOVES the media attention!...

PIPER said...

Katy is going to go far. Yes she is.

PIPER said...

Katy is going to go far. Yes she is.

Robert said...

but after that there was just something so amusingly casual about Aronofsky taking the mic and saying "Hi, I'm Darren... the director."

like he's on a first name basis will everyone in that room... old buddies.

Also, it was uber-weird seeing Darren Aronofsky at an awards show.

Is it me or were there a slow of seeming technical problems with the show? I'm assuing that it was for time constraints that no clips were shown for Director and Actor, but who knows.

Also Dustin Hoffman was reading off cue cards and not a teleprompter for the Best Picture award.

I dunno... then again, the BFCA has always been junior varsity.

TALKING MOVIEzzz said...
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that's OK. it's okay for any of us to not recognize him.

but if you're invited to present nationally broadcast awards for Hollywood movies ... you really ought to know the players.

i'm just sayin'.

Sally Belle said...

I could not agree more. Katy Perry and Amanda Bynes? Neither one of these Beeotches had any business being there. They couldn't even dress appropriately and I look forward to seeing them on gofugyourself for their fashion insults.

The Pretentious Know it All said...

Why are Katy Perry and McLovin even presenting at an award show for movies?! She's a pop tart, and he had his fifteen minutes of fame in a film that came out in 2007. Isn't it about time for him to go away quietly or at least settle into a DJ Qualls-esque sideline career?The Critics Choice Awards are always such a joke. But at least DL Hughley wasn't hosting them this year. God, that was pitiful. I don't understand why award shows, including the Oscars, think that having a famous but irrelevant presenter (hello, Miley Cyrus anyone?) will boost ratings or make them look hip somehow? First of all, it's been proven that shit like that (pardon my french) doesn't boost ratings.
It's not like little kids are going to watch the Oscars just to see Miley Cyrus present the award for best cinematography. I love Kate Winslet, but I'm not showing up to a motorcycle convention show just because she's announcing over the loudspeaker. Do you see where I'm going with this...

Robert said...

At least if you dont know who someone is, you have to have to sense not to say "I don't know who that is" into a microphone.

Anonymous said...

Why was that irrelevant little tart even invited to the ceremony? It was an embarrassing and disrespectful moment for a very fine filmmaker, and he'll still be around directing fantastic films long after that one-hit-wonder has been forgotten.

Anonymous said...

The only reason I'll cut Katy Perry and McLovin some slack is b/c they were presenting in a category that didn't require knowing the directors of the films involved. Let's say the "Bolt" song won and Miley Cyrus and John Travolta weren't there and Byron Howard accepted in their place. Would they be required to know his name? Or know his face instantly? The show looks very cheap and done on the fly, so I'm guessing that there are no rehearsals and they basically are reading teleprompters at first glance the night of, and they aren't told what to do when the winner isn't there. They might have been nervous in that weird situation, I don't know. I'm sure they weren't the only ones in that audience that didn't know who Darren Aronofsky was right off the bat either when he was walking up to the mic. He still managed a great line though. "Hi, I'm Darren, the director." It could have been far worse.

Anonymous said...

Why not get a true songwriter. a Fiona Apple, a Kate Bush, a Grace Jones. So many to choose from. AARGH! The world is coming to an end in 2012 and this s a sign. Maybe we should all move to space and be fat blobs like wall-e suggests.

Anonymous said...

I agree ;)

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the show or the clip, but are you sure it wasn't supposed to be a joke about the fact that the general public wouldn't know who Darren Aronofsky is? I'm sure McLovin and Katy Perry would have been forewarned about who would be accepting on the behalf of the front-runner.

TALKING MOVIEzzz said...
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J.D. said...

She really needs to slink away and die, Darren Aronofsky-recognizing or not.

Anonymous said...

joke? maybe?

Anonymous said...

Robert said it best... at the VERY least, if you don't know who it is, have the sense not to say "I don't know who that is" into the microphone.

Although Melissa Leo's mic-ed "Oops!" when reading nominees was awesome :D

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry is a songwriter too. She did write songs on her album. She's not some Kristy Lee Cook hack or something.

Catherine said...

I'm a peaceful person. There are very few people I truly hate in this world. I never advocate violence.

But if I saw Katy Perry in the street, I worry I would find it nigh on impossible not to slap her.

changetheworld360 said...

Glad I wasn't the only one irked by that moment.

Cissa Carvalho said...

Well people, THAT is the next generation, so we might as well just get used to it. Go ask one of these new rockers if any of them knows who The Clash is...

Anonymous said...

People. Forgive poor Katy. The best and most profound movie she has ever seen is probably House of Wax so...

Slayton said...

Why did Amanda Bynes look so angry when she presented last night?

On the whole, a really awkward and bad awards show. I loved the look on Marisa Tomei's face when that John Adams guy accidentally called George Bush a great guy (although I think it was a slip of the tongue).

Slayton said...

And Katy Perry deserves to be kept in an isolated room without food or water and forced to listen to her own songs on a loop until she dies of malnutrition...

Slayton said...

Sorry to triple-post, but I just wanted to say that Melissa Leo was adorable. She seemed so excited when she was presenting, and she looked so pleased to be up there - I guess she was, after working so hard and flying under the radar for so long, she deserved a bit of glitz. Hopefully she'll be able to storm the Oscars red carpet.

Glenn Dunks said...

I hate Katy Perry and I hate the BFCAs so there ya go.

Ani Di said...

I bet she knows who is Jared Leto.


Slayton... yeah, Melissa Leo did look really happy. That applause for Hathaway seems so genuine.

Cluster Funk said...

Darren Aronofsky + Melissa Leo = class

Katy Perry = crass (patooie!)

Rich Aunt Pennybags said...

I haven't liked Katy Perry since I first found about her when her song I Kissed a Girl was rising on the charts. First, it seemed she was trying way too hard because that kind of song may have been edgy, say 20 years ago or so, before Jill Sobule did it, and did it better I might add. Second, I then found out that one of her other songs is U R so Gay. I hate text speak so that was already another strike against her, but using the word gay when you mean something is stupid or bad is one of my pet peeves, so she's on my shit list for pretty much ever now. So this is something I would certainly expect from someone like her.

I weep for today's youth that she's able to be so popular instead of just a no hit wonder or at least a one hit wonder, and her peers aren't really that much better talent wise or personality wise either. Don't even get me started on Britney Spears. Her music might be fun to listen to, but I feel so icky because even before her conservatorship became permanent I've always felt that the lights were on but no one was home vibe from her. Now I feel that it's even more disgusting that the courts say she can't even take care of herself on her own but that it's alright for her to be forced to do the promotion circuit and do a concert selling her body because that's basically the only commodity that she has other than people watching her just because they want to see if she'll go off the rails again.

Cluster Funk said...

Katy Perry is unfortunately from my hometown (Santa Barbara), which used to be such a fun, funky haven for eclectic musicians like Jack Johnson and Toad the Wet Sprocket. Now we have to be repped by her?!

Anonymous said...

The Perry thing is horrible, but nothing could be worse than Avril Lavigne mispronouncing David Bowie's name at the Grammy announcements several years ago. That was ridiculous.

Glenn said...

It makes sense that Katy Perry and Jack Johnson come from the same town, actually.

TALKING MOVIEzzz said...
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Rigor said...

Not surprised a nobody like Katy Perry didn't recognize him.

I mean, she's an ignorant brat and he's only one of the most promising directors around with arguably 4 amazing movies under the belt.