It appears that the video-game-adaptation streak of "0" for howevermany will stand. Hooray! But enough depressing news. Let's pretend that it's actually possible to make a good video game adaptation. Which game do you fantasize about seeing on the big screen as a quality movie? Do you want to see Keira Knightley as Zelda? Are you dying to see Kate Beckinsale play Samus? Have you been holding out hope for Danny DeVito as Pac-Man? What details have you imagined? You know you have.
Then when you're done posting your suggestions, check out this bit that Rotten Tomatoes did a little while back, suggesting the perfect directors for hypothetical video game movies.
I vote for Atari's "Adventure." I'd like to see someone trying to get a key out of a dragon and also deal with that jerk bat. I'm thinking Peter Jackson for director.
i always wanted to see METROID in some other form. Used to love that game.
but that said, i would rather this trend end. Even if they are batting .0000 the videogame industry is too lucrative for Hollywood not to keep trying. Especially when they can make crap movies and people will still mostly go see them just on the familiarity of the name.
Hollywood won't have to challenge itself for quality until the audience stops buying tickets on name recognition alone.
A extraneous piece of information: WOLFMAN is being moved to Feb. of 2010, so I guess your Best Actor sleeper pick has been harpooned...
So a B for Julie & Julia.
Methinks Streep gets the nom in the lead category.
Also, people might have underestimated Shoreh Agdashlo for The Stoning of Soraya M, don't ya think ?
Really, any live-action version of Grand Theft Auto would work for me.
Especially Vice City.
I'd like someone to remake The Super Mario Bros. The first one was campy and fun but I want one with a more serious tone. Also, I'd be happy if they did justice to a Street Figther film. Oh--and another Double Dragons movie!
If District 9 does well, Peter Jackson and Neil Blomkamp may get their Halo movie out of the grave. If any game-to-movie adaptation would break the trend, it would be that one. That being said, I would love to see a movie version of Jak and Daxter.
P.S. Apparently, they are working on a Gears of War movie. Kill me now!
LEGEND OF ZELDA!!! Hello?! What are you people thinking! #1! #1!
Although I do agree with Nathaniel, video game movies are superfluous shit. (Yet Mortal Kombat and Super Mario Brothers are guilty pleasures of mine.)
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