Robert here, thinking about the original "it" girl who'd be 103 today. What can I say... I've got a little thing for those silent cinema sirens. Styles have changed over the years but she's still a knockout!

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My favorite actress from the 1920s. Moxie personified.
Wasn't she on Wings, the first Oscar best film winner?
She was. Love her.
and if you squint at the top picture and move your head really fast (which is what i was doing when i logged on) it looks like Clara has wings herself!
If a hypothetical film buff had hypothetically never seen a movie with Clara Bow in it, what film should this hypothetical film buff hypothetically first consider seeing? Hypothetically speaking, of course.
I guess she's most famous for It but I've only seen Wings and that's just because it was an Oscar winning film.
But this post made me look her up and I will start with It.
@JA: Start with "It"! I love that movie. Also, Clara Bow versus Louise Brooks versus Musidora: who reigns supreme?
Lots of "colorful information" about Clara Bow in the recent biography of Victor Fleming, who directed her in Mantrap and Hula, and dated her as well.
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