Press coverage seems to indicate that the finalists were Bradley Cooper, Jared Leto and Justin Timberlake (?!?). I feel a little bit bad for Jared Leto in particular right about now since his career is so off the rails and a superhero franchise might have been just the thing for bringing a bit of normalcy back in to balance out all the rock star posing and erratic acting career. Plus he's already played a "Jordan" and it might've been fun to mentally flash over to Angela Chase's besotted gaze whenever anybody called his name in the new movie. To Angela Chase, Jordan Catalano was a superhero, you know.
The film will supposedly* be directed by franchise-friendly Martin Campbell who has two James Bonds, two Zorros and two Edge of Darkness (TV series and now a film) under his belt already. He's not averse to double duty so if* the film opens or when it opens in 2011 expect a 'Martin Campbell signed for Green Lantern 2' announcement.

*With superhero movies, especially with DC heroes, you shouldn't truly bank on it until the actor is in the latex and standing in front of a green screen. Ryan Reynolds was also supposed to play The Flash (the movie never started filming) and he's also supposed to reprise his X-Men Origins: Wolverine role as Deadpool in a spinoff. I suspect that that movie won't happen either.
They make the cutest couple. I'm glad movies are coming there way. I've enjoyed Reynolds since his old TV show Two Guys, A Girl and a Pizza Place.
lol, when i read this earlier, my mind went straight to you, Nat. Especially when it comes to this post you made a while back.
from Blade: Trinity to X-Men Origins to The Green Lantern.
i thought the same thing when i knew the news! perhaps they're secret geeks !
Jared Leto could not have played the role, becuase they would have to kill or mutilate him in the end! He's the Southpark Kenny of Hollywood
I think this is disturbing.
Couldn't pick a more appropriate actor, I think this film is the next Iron Man (i.e. lesser known comic book hero that becomes a big hit) whereas Thor, which was and may still open the same day as this film, has all the potential to be a disaster.
What does anyone want to bet that the mash-up "Nathan Fillion as The Green Lantern" trailer is better than the actual movie trailer when it comes out? Heck, it may be better than the whole movie!
Ryan Reynolds is no doubt an excellent actor, however Jared Leto would definately have been my first choice for this role. Yeah, it would be one of the few roles on his resume that didn't require a messy death, but he does difficult roles extremely well, despite the usual messy outcome.
carl it's a distinct possibility
I don't get the Nathan Fillion obsession...he doesn't look the part at all except having brown hair...Hal Jordan is supposed to be good looking right?
kyle this is the first i'm hearing that Nathan Fillion isn't good looking. When did this new development occur?
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