Ed Gonzalez on his filmgoing relationship with Robert Altman. Beautiful.
Go Fug Yourself Jamie Lee Curtis still rocks. Now I ask you this readers: Why oh why oh why does Jamie Lee Curtis not get more props both as an actress and as a celebrity? If it were up to me she'd have at least two Oscar nominations by now.
Golden Fiddle Penelope by Pirelli; gorgeously slutty. What a difference Volver makes, right?
Lady Bunny shares Jennifer Holliday's thoughts on the film version of Dreamgirls [src]
In Contention ...and speaking of Dreamgirls
And you'll notice in the sidebar that I've been seeing some rather, um, potent movies... so much to talk about. But thoughts not fully formed yet.
I take it your Notes reaction was meant in a good way, right? I hope so because I really enjoyed the book.
When will your fully formed thoughts be out? I can't wait!
The Fountain has had me counting down the seconds until its release for a year now. Please let your somewhat ambiguous reaction to it be of the... positive sort.
Whoa, Inland Empire, too, huh?
So are these auteur pieces rescuing the year or just giving you a headache? I'm so curious to hear.
The Fountain: "sweet jesus" indeed. haha.
And The Little Mermaid gets an A-? I actually just bought it the other day and started to watch it, and was disappointed with how badly it'd aged for me. It seems SO formulaic and clichéd now... but I guess it sort of invented that formula and cliché? I dunno. It's still great whenever Ursula's onscreen. God, she's awesome.
All I have to say is fuck Kris Tapley. He is self-important and has deplorable taste in film. I bet he wanted to hate that movie. But..that's just my biased opinion. ;)
I hope he's wrong, I really do!
Kris wants attention for publishing the first so-so to negative review for "Dreamgirls".
As though that's going to stop it from being all that it's meant to be.
Hopefully you like both The Fountain and Notes on a Scandal.
NoaS looks really good and I really liked The Fountain. However, I still don't feel like I fully embraced The Fountain and got everything I was supposed to. A- for now.
Nathaniel, I may actually die if you don't let us know if that's a postive "holy fuck" for Notes or a negative one (ditto The Fountain). Because my head tells me it might be negative (for the earlier one), and I need to know.
I can't take Kris Tapley too seriously after he declared Crash the 2nd best film of 2005 (second to Latter Days, not Brokeback) and said it was totally deserving of its upset oscar win. Yeah, whatever, man.
Oh, and he liked World Trade Center more than United 93. That's actually a very similar pairing to Crash vs Brokeback. And he is just wrong on both counts.
it was actually the Gus Van Sant Last Days --not the Mormon gay movie Latter Days...
positive on the Fountain
Notes I'm just... I... uh... potent
Damn you :D !!!!!!!!! Oh well. Looking forward to your reviews, anyway.
You're certainly falling on the positive side of a lot of divisive films this year, aren't you (The Fountain, Little Children, Marie Antoinette...)
For me, The Little Mermaid is at least an A grade movie. It's just so perfect in every way you can possibly imagine. The animation, the songwriting, the story arc, everything superb.
I can't WAIT to see Notes on a Scandal! Insane old British lesbians and pedophilic affairs? I am SO there.
It looks to have all the drama of Closer-style theatrical dialogue and intrigue plus Judi Dench being a big f***ing BITCH to Cate "makeup-bin-exploded-on-her-face" Blanchett. Really, how could it not be entertaining? Really.
If Notes on a Scandal is potent then it must be a good thing because according to www.dictionary.com:
Potent- powerful; mighty: a potent fighting force.
Oh, oh, I wanna see those grades!
ps: Loren looks hotter in her Pirelli pics than Cruz.
Those grades sound veeery intriguing. Can't wait to hear the rest of it.
And about Kris Tapley...? Yeah, well, I take about as much stock in him as do most blog critics other than Nat and other various closer net people. Everyone thinks their opinion is the right one and anyone who disagrees is obviously stupid.
Oh yeah, big "oops" on Last Days, Latter Days. You'd think if I were dissing someone I'd get the names of the films right.
Anyway, I had a feeling Nat'd like The Fountain ever since he experssed his dissatisfaction with the fact that even the critics these days dismissed films that were overtly weird, epic, ambitious, "pretentious," "arty," overly personal, etc. Cause Fountain< is basically all of those in a nutshell.
Can't wait to hear your thoughts, Nat.
Whether I like "Dreamgirls" or not, I'll still think that Kris Tapley is an idiot.
Why hasn't jlc ever worked with Guest? They'd be such a great comedy duo, one would think. I'd think she'd fit into the troupe quite well. But I read last month she's "retired" from acting in order to write children's books and stuff. Hm, whatev. She's still the hottest and most famous hermaphrodite.
She has indeed "retired" but whether its a permanant thing or not...
Craig: That's a foolish notion. I posted an honest reaction. I could care less about attention.
Adam K: It's called differing opinions. Kinda juvenile to go the "can't take him seriously since he didn't fall in line with my views of the cinematic year," don't you think? "Wrong on both counts"? Wait, there's a WRONG in all of this?
Camel: You post enough on the site to prove you take enough stock to join the discussion. But this about "anyone else is stupid," I've never said such a thing other than when you put such words in my mouth. Elsewhere on this comments section you'll find such foolish sentiments as "I'm right, you're wrong." If I'm passionate in my opinions, I won't apologize for it.
Will: Who are you again?
Nat: Lots of haters on your site, pal...
kris --if you're putting yourself out there early you gotta have a thick skin. Remember my early pan of Memoirs of a Geisha? --a ton of hate mail. As soon as the movie premiered and people noticed i was write the hate stopped abruptly. sooooo... good luck! ---or, rather, bad luck. I want Dreamgirls to be great ;)
I still think it's me and maybe three other people on earth who liked Geisha.
I just think the vast majority of Film Bitch-ers' tastes run so contrary to yours -- like He-Man's to Skeletor's -- that it's hard to take your criticisms seriously (or, at least, non-vicerally). They just ain't palatable in, let's face it, the way we prefer (non-conformist = good, inexplicable = bad).
I, for one, still can't fathom your Diane Lane diss from 2002 and. moreover, can't figure out for the life of me why you dug in your heels so long on that one. But to each, their own...
Personal feelings got in the way hard core on Lane. I thought the movie was awful and just couldn't - for the life of me - imagine the performance making it in. So, ya know, I started making excuses against it. Moronic in hindsight, but nobody's perfect. :)
I agree, the Filmbitchers are in stark contrast to my tastes. But hey, I love you guys regardless.
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