Come to think of it this post definitely looks like a 'Mr. Daisy' ...it's a little... flowery, if you catch my drift.

ohh... it's late and I've been staring at Daniel Craig for hours. my apologies. we love you Morgan.
We've Moved. Please visit THEFILMEXPERIENCE.NET
OK...so how many of you really voted for Clive Owen for Supporting Actor instead of me?
Morgan: Yeah, my next role ain't the sarcastic bitter sidekick of some dumb grumpy old white man!
People: HURRAY!!!
Morgan saaaays... smile like fools! Good. Morgan saaaaaays... raise your caps! Very goood... Morgan saaaays... sniff each other's armpits!
MR: Who thinks Hilary Swank ain't the only one looking good after "Million Dollar Baby."
You know what, folks? You have convinced me... First I thought you were nuts thinking me God coz' Bruce Almighty... but I now see it's true: I AM GOD!
Oh... the others respond:
Hail, Morgan! Hail, Morgan!
Three Cheers for Morgan NOT narrating!!!
Morgan: Okay, everyone raise their hand who thinks my Oscar was for everything BUT Million Dollar Baby?
And (since it's supposed to be under 10 words)
Morgan: Who's ready for me to stop phoning it in?
Morgan: Who wants to bask in my omnipotence? (apologies for any mispellings on that)
BTW, this is PoliVamp
How many want me to stop making so many movies. Oh... so no more Lucky Number Slevins?
Morgan: How much taller did you feel before you met ME?
Morgan: Who wants to be first driving Mr. Daisy?
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