A happy 77th birthday to one of the screen's most famous sirens, Kim Novak. I always picture her with/as feline since I fell for her as a kid watching Bell Book and Candle on the telly.

And there's still more! This 50s sex kitten was always surrounding herself with feline friends.

If I were a sexy actress, I'd also surround myself with cats for photoshoots. and then I'd become a crazy old cat lady. Which I desperately hope Kim Novak now is. It's a perfectly natural beautiful progression. We haven't seen Kim in decades so I feel it's a safe guess.
If you were a famous actor, which animal would you accessorize with?
*I've been stuck in a Prince loop lately after a recent spin of Purple Rain which to my astonishment doesn't seem to have aged even a day in its 26 years. Timeless classic!
I'm a particular lover of Bassett Hounds. They've got such adorable noses and when they bark it sounds like they're really pining for you. I wish I liked cats but they seem stalkerish and really freak me out. I think I need a particular cat to win me over...
Purple Rain will never grow old!
Definitely a dog man myself.
I probably would have gone for something butch and manly but this weekend I've been seduced by Smooth Fox Terriers.
(Thanks to Colin and Matthew)
adborable stupid cocker spaniels. btw - kim novak was on larry king for some reason, a few years ago. she seems relatively normal. still looks yummy - didn't appear to have work done. maybe she would be a great person to give out "Best Picture" oscar this year.
I'd go with 3 NEWFOUNDLAND dogs...and six POMMERANNIANS riding in two's in baskets on the bigger dogs backs...with little helmets and goggles...
arthur -- that's awesome. if you have to go with dogs... make the toy dogs alpha
Jimmy -- as if Adam Shankman cares about classic Hollywood (sigh)
Love 'Bell, Book and Candle'! Love Kim Novak! LOVE CATS! And... gotta love a guy who loves cats!!
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