When single screen theaters started dying out many moons ago, I had mixed feelings. On the one hand one screen meant super sized images. Love that! On the other it meant only one movie. If that's not the one you wanted to see you were outta luck until the current occupant ran out of ticket buyer steam. Over the years though, multiplexes have slowly nixed the idea of multiple movies which was their original raison d'etre. They just started showing the same movies in several rooms--Totally depressing! If you knock down those walls you can have bigger screens again (there's not dozens of movies anyway) and there's still room for tons of seats.
Today I saw this nightmare progression visualized...

Lincoln Square on the Upper West Side has 16 screens but today it appeared as if all of them were showing
Bride Wars. It was the only movie on their scrolling marquee. Now, I love me some Anne Hathaway but
"nachtmare!"Thankfully, t'was a false alarm.
Whew. The white tent in front was all prepping for a premiere event.
Multiple flickering images are still projected at 67th and Broadway.
Nacht gut!
And here I thought this post was about Al Franken winning that Senate seat...
Speaking of nightmares, just saw Let The Right One In...
Won't be sleeping soundly tonight.
What?! Did Al Franken marry a swedish Vampire while running for the Senate?
Oh my God...that's my old neighborhood theatre. Wah!
I miss the proper city! I lived at the Philips Club for three months. I used to have all my meetings at Nick and Toni's and walk my Lhasa Apso in Central Park everyday. I'd could go pick up a DVD at Virgin in Times Square at midnight if I felt like it, and stop at Gray's Papaya after getting off the subway at 72nd, get a hot dog and a juice, and walk home from there. It was heaven!
L.A. is warm.
It pisses me off that my local 20-plex shows 10 movies, not 20, but I'd have to cross a bridge to see a smaller, indie, or foreign film.
nightmare - another Kate Hudson / Matthew McConnehy (sp) pairing.
Just saw Bolt. Your B rating is gladly apt.
This FilmBitch anticipation is making my hideously overgrown hair fall out! :S eek.
Yes! Best use of nachtmare yet! Bill Irwin will be very proud.
Dear Mr. R.,
Brazil loves Pfeiffer. I Could Never Be Your Woman opened in Brazil in 2007 and it was a success.
Now, Personal Effects, according to imdb, will open here in March. You are invited, although I do not have many expectations in relation to this film.
It is always a pleasure to see her films on the big screen.
Marcelo - Brazil.
Ha, I passed this last night (around 7pm) on my way to meet some friends at a restaurant just before a screening of "Waltz with Bashir" (a tiresome bore--what a missed opportunity), and felt compelled to make a joke about the dominance of the scrolling marquee: "Let's ditch the Israeli animated phantasmagoria and see Bride Wars 8 times."
No sight of Anne on the red carpet, but everyone was screaming "Kate, look over here," so I didn't even bother looking too far into the tent.
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