At first I was mortified to hear I was on the news buying Harry Potter tickets (This purchase was for a friend --damn you Daniel!) but then it made me laugh. Of all people to show while talking about Potter fandom, I am probably not the right guy. I think the books are fun but messy, repetitive and overwritten and the movies are only C- to B+ affairs (depending on who is behind the camera). Couldn't I have been on TV walking out of The Hurt Locker or a Tilda Swinton movie or something?
Oh right, cinema isn't considered news. Sports is. I've never understood that.
My serious face here was directly related to insuring that my dollars purchased the biggest screen going. That's how I pick show times. I saw the camera man standing there but thought he was just setting up. I didn't sign any release form!
If you don't mind me asking, how is sports not considered news (or why shouldn't it be).
What he meant was that sports IS considered news every week of the year, but cinema is not. You don't hear news programs talking about the movies out in cinemas in any given week unless it's a Harry Potter or Transformers.
Nevertheless, this is amazing.
You can request for the biggest screen? That's interesting. I never knew you could do that at a movie theater.
Ehh, still think more of an explanation is needed.
At least they didn't catch you buying a ticket to Transformers 2.
I'm not a Harry Potter nerd but this one is very good, the best since the one directed by Cuoron.
But I can't believe we have to watch two more of these to get to the end.
If it makes you feel better, there is a segment in the Cantonese news in US that talks about the new movie releases each week. It included (500) Days of Summer this week.
Why is it nerdy to go see Harry Potter, I wonder? Has "nerd" become a good thing, applicable to jillions of people? Why didn't it mean that when I was in school? I thought nerds bought tickets to, like, that Inuit movie we saw where the women death-rattle at each other.
nick. i think that's so far off of the new definition of "nerd" (i.e. billions of people who like the same fantasy/sci-fi/superhero stuff as billions of other people) that it doesn't even register ;)
henry yes. i used to show up and just hope that the show i was seeing was the one on the big screen and after too many disappointments (i hate multiplexes for this reason. why have so many screens when they're all showing the same movie. just break down the walls and show the movie bigger!) i was like 'i'm checking from now on if i have to call management.' Turns out the workers know right there at the ticket booth and it's not a hassle at all
This is definitely my favorite reminder this week that you're not a Harry Potter fan.
I've done that before. Called ahead and asked what sessions were going to be in "the big cinema" and then organised my night around that. I'd rather see the 9.30pm session than the 8.30 one if it means bigger screen, bigger cinema, better atmosphere.
joe... do i detect sarcasm? i repeat myself i know. it's just for counterbalance you understand ;)
I'd be proud to be called a Freddie Stroma nerd, fer sure :-)
That's an elaborate story to hide your desperate and secret need to be first in line to see the HARRY POTTER movies.
Love your expression in this!
you've been caught on TV buying tickets, so you are now a Harry Potter fan. I've seen it so it must be true. You've been caught red-handed.
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