... did something.

... did something.
JA from MNPP here, wishing y'all the happiest of President's Days (here in the US). Whenever this day rolls around I think of my favorite movie about the presidency. You can keep your All the President's Men's and your JFK's and even your Air Force One's... no, for me, it's always gonna be all about Dick.

"Dick frightens me!"
I could go on and on quoting the film, I've done it before. But the film's a delight. Dunst and Williams are like an infectiously addle-brained Gidget-version of Lucy and Ethel, and Dan Hedaya does some hysterical bug-eyed spittle-flecked work as bug-eyed spittle-flecked Tricky Dick.

We're on the same page, Nathaniel. I love Dick.
Also, it's funny how greatest American actress Michelle Williams has that as one of her claims to fame.
I've never seen Dick. I'm absolutely stupid-girl crazy about The American President.
Gotta love The Manchurian Candidate.
I have to cheat and go with President Tracy Flick! Election all the way!
Yeah, Dick! So funny. Both Michelle & Kiki are so adorable in it. Unfortunately it's also got the will ferrel doing broad comedy that's not tonally like the rest of it but what can you do.
I'm head over heals for The American President. Nixon would be my dramatic pick.
Since Aaron already broke trumps with the cheating, may I suggest any two-part episode of "The West Wing"?
YES! My vote goes to "20 Hours in America" because I love dry rub. It's such a funny episode in what, at times, can be such a dramatic series. Also, for all you film buffs, it holds a performance from a young Amy Adams.
I like the PBS documentaries on the presidents. My favorite so far was LBJ. But I'm a huge nerd like that.
Does 'Independence Day' count? If not, I'd go with 'Secret Honor'. Nixon seems to be the best movie president, since he comes with so much emotional baggage.
P.S. On a separate presidents movie point, when is Spielberg going to finally make that Lincoln movie that he's been working on for the last twelve years?
Oh wait. My favorite presidents movie is Drunk History: Douglass and Lincoln.
Definitely my favourite president movie. :)
"We have a two-page paper on turquoise jewelry due tomorrow, and the President is having us followed. It's too much pressure!"
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