Serious Film on the not entirely hidden politics of The Hurt Locker
/Film Pixar working on a secret dinosaur related project?
And the Winner Is... interviews polarizing Oscar genius Harvey Weinstein
Vanity Fair overheard at Shutter Island. the stars talk
Slate really amazing review of Shutter Island
Links are nice but so are the extras in the Film Bitch Awards! When are those coming back? Can we get a few if not all soon?
alas. links take but 1/2 an hour. filmbitchaward take hours and hours.
i try but until someone pays me to do it, i gotta do it inbetween everything else.
Damn, if it weren't for tough finances right now I'd pay through the nose for you to complete FB. They're always so entertaining and well-thought out. I don't always agree 100% with them, but if your choices were switched with Oscar, it would be a HUGE step up in taste.
Take your time with them, though, and know that your efforts are worth it in our eyes. I have to admit, I'm getting mad curious about your choice for Best Actor, since I'm waffling in that category myself (I guess it's Renner right now, but that could change tomorrow).
Hats off to Serious Film for its observations about The Hurt Locker. Paul Haggis and Edward Zwick should takes notes from Mark Boal on how to get a message across in a film without shoving it down your audience's throats.
Robert -- i already posted Best Actor a week ago.
No, no, I'm talking about who takes the gold.
Annoying reminder. :p
Say what contest. Sorry for my being a bitch :)
What a cliché lesbian couple !
Obviously the "top" has short hair and glasses, and the "bottom" is ackward and a mom.
What's next ? Is Bening a truck driver in this ?
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