Fashion rundowns of awards events tend to ignore the plus sized ladies (and the plus age ladies) but why should we? Mo'Nique hasn't been attending every event this season --thankfully the misplaced bizarre fury about that died down -- but when she shows up she aims to impress, baby. Gabby, on the other hand, has been working the campaign trail so hard one wonders how she's managing it and still effervescent through all. Maybe they have her 4 hour sleep rations?
Here's a brief history...


From October 2009 to February 2010, it seems like Gabby showed up to virtually everything: film festivals, special galas, multiple premieres, talk shows, guild awards. I bet she logged as many miles in four months as Up in the Air's Ryan Bingham himself! Don't you kinda dig that Morticia-ish dress on top left? Go Fug Yourself wrote up her white dress from BAFTA on the bottom right. Gabby's fallback color: purple. Might we see her in it at the Oscars? Hmmm, she's never worn it to the biggest most glitziest events.

Whatever will they wear to the THE MAIN EVENT?
Care to make a prediction? Often times -- and this has precious little to do with Precious -- I fantasize about the Oscars being a costume party for the nominees, wherein they have to come in character. I don't really wish this on Gabby, since it's so refreshing to see her bubbly and happy as Gabby rather than Claireece. But part of me can't get enough of Mo'Nique in that hideous floral onesie and part of me thinks that her final ensemble, recalls the turban and fur wrap of a Grand Actress Throwback as much as it can for a movie set in 80s Harlem. Fitting rather since Mary Jones is Acting her way through that social worker showdown. As is Mo'Nique.

Just the other day the Fug Girls were celebrating Gabby's awesomeness (with a better look at that champagne satin gown):
Seriously, I would love to see Gabby pull an upset on the podium. Just because the blogosphere isn't bothering to talk about her much (because she isn't as famous as Julia and Meryl) doesn't mean it can't happen. Or am I really dreaming here?
And I also love how Mo'nique is looking super at all of these events. She should be up there on our list, along with Dame Helen, of "showing the rest of us (big girls and small alike) how it's done."
That said, I wonder if it's annoying or frustrating for Gabby to be working so hard, while her co-star is the one getting showered with the gongs? And I'm completely cool with Mo'nique's "no campaign" campaign style (because it IS supposed to be about the performances and not the campaigning - right?) I just wonder why no one is talking about Gabby's performance or awards chances. I would like to think she has more supporters than we're aware of but the "buzz" doesn't seem to be there anymore? Its not like she's suffered backlash, I don't see anyone saying "oh her perf really wasn't that good after all." It's more like she doesn't exist, which is weird.
So kudos Nat for putting her back in the spotlight.
thanks. I think she's very very good in the film but the thing with Mo'Nique is that it's such a mammoth performance that it's another game entirely. which is why she doesn't have to do much campaign wise.
yes, it's supposed to be about the performances. but we know it's often not. except when it is ;) (like in this case)
Mo'Nique definitely does look great at all of these events. I especially love her sassy ponytail black outfit at the PGA awards.
Gaby seriously needs to lose weight. the girl is obese
Purple. She has to wear purple.
Yes Nathaniel! Mo'nique has been really working the red carpet this season. As long as she doesn't pull a Jennifer Hudson and have Andre Leon Talley put her in a Bolero, she's all good. I've never been disappointed by her choices although it's been a very dull year to me fashion wise. Diane Kruger in that gorgeous mustard colored dress at the SAGs has been the only show stopper so far. She's got movie star appeal at award shows.
Your remark about "coming in character" reminds me of something I was thinking a few days ago: Wouldn't Carey Mulligan look great at the Oscars wearing one of the vintage outfits from the movie...maybe the floral dress she war in Paris?
Gabby loves her purples, doesn't she? I hope that both Mo'Nique and Gabby rock it on the red carpet at the Oscars, since this will likely be the last time they get an opportunity like this again.
I love Gabby, her talent and personality, she just seems like she would be just so much fun on a night out.
Dress wise, even though she looks great in purple. I thinks he looks better in Green and if I could make one small criticism *eek*, it would be to cover her arms. She looks better when her arms are covered imho.
Out of all the nominees, it is her performance that has stayed with me and like Janice says, I just wish she was getting more traction as she deserves it.
Yes she may be over weight but that should not detract from her talent. Also remember, being underweight is not good for your health either.
gabby needs to cover up the arms a bit. simpler look the better gabs! maybe black with a nice horizontal stripe?
I'm Gabby will be able find another purple mumu in time for the Oscars.
Okay, that's just cruel. Plus the image isn't even purple.
I never realized how hot Mo' has been looking at all these events until I looked at your post! Bitch is fierce! But I'm with you... I'd die HAPPY if she came to the ceremony in a floral onesie.
Gabby's greatest look is definetely the one in Cannes. I don't generally like those busy dresses but that one really compliments her.
"...part of me thinks that her final ensemble, recalls the turban and fur wrap of a Grand Actress Throwback as much as it can for a movie set in 80s Harlem."
I love this. I knew her head-wrap reminded me of something.
monique actually looks v good at the PGA
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