Amuse us. Caption one (or both) of these photos or give it dialogue in the comments. I'll choose a couple of winners and repost on Monday. Your captions/dialogue don't have to be related to
Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. There are no rules once you've stepped through the looking glass.

Photo #1: "I am Shiva the destroyer, your harbinger of doom this evening. L'Chaim!"
Photo #2: In Wonderland, the Academy Awards give out frog oscars and Helena Bonham Carter has won best actress 14 years in a row.
someone: You are the White Queen, not the Snow Queen
Anne: You mean I don't have to look creepy?
Red Queen: No, the hearts on my dress don't imply that I am a loving person! No flies for you this week.
#1: Bitch please. I shoulda been muthaf#@!!ing Black Mamba!
#2: Hell yeah it's too big. It freaks me out too, but that's the way Timmy likes it...
Photo 1: I'm ready for Bride Wars 2! Are you, Stephanie?
(*Stephanie is Kate Hudson in Nine)
Photo 2: Tell me where Sweeney Todd is or I'll cast Avada Kedavra on you!
Anne: Raffaello! Yeah, I know, the stress really took its toll. Now have some of this 'magic' brew...
Helena: There must be some mistake - I wanted to be a queen of *people's* hearts.
What do you mean you're not allowed to perform live at the Oscars? Weren't you in the cast of The Princess and the Frog? Off with their heads!
Helena to one of the frog:
Helena: I wonder what happned with Helen Hunt? (Evil Laughter)
"What do you mean, you 'didn't like The Wings of the Dove'???"
Photo #1: (caption) Anne Hathaway promotes Duncan Donuts' new powdered-sugar breakfast coffee.
#1 "chocolate eyebrows highlight even the whitest hair. milk, dear?"
#2 "at least frogs don't leave shoeprints. (mumbling) the things i put up with. hmmph!"
Photo #2:
I AM big! It's the knaves who got small!
Photo #1 - Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down!
Photo 2: The lesson for today is to never shack up with Tim Burton. Look what happened to my head
Anne: Eat what's in the spoon and you'll quickly forget how off-putting I really am.
Helena: You make me proper sick! I hired your inept amphibian arses to adapt another E M Forster novel into a picture for ME to star in and what do you say?! They all have been done!!
White Queen: Some soup with your meat pie Ms. Lovett?
Red Queen: Oh Its funny because I was in Swee- OFF WITH HER HEAD!
Photo 1: As queen of Genovia, I declare today to be "Worst Lady Gaga imitation day!"
Photo 2: I'll be staring at me too but too bad I'm used to looking like the makeup machine exploded on my face.
Anne Hathaway really loved her home made coconut husk frisbee.
Clarence, you're on fire!
Photo 1: How'd Nine work out for you, Kate Hudson! He he!
#1: Anne Hathaway, "Before Rachel Got Married (and Kym Went to Rehab)"
Photo #1: Oh come on and and just take it, it's no worse than a new Tim Burton movie!
Photo #1: Oh come on and and just take it, it's no worse than a new Tim Burton movie!
Anne: Maybe she's born with it.
Announcer: *Maybe it's Maybelline.*
Anne: Who the HELL was that?
Helena: Is the Queen of Hearts gonna have to decapitate a bitch?
Photo #2: Well, yes. When one is sleeping with the director and never has to audition for anything anymore, one's head can tend to lose its proportions...
Off with Lippert's head :p
Come on, it could be great. And I'm not a big Burton fan.
Sorry, I had to do this.
Photo #1: Bitch, please!
Photo #1: Why yes, the 'Princess Diaries' days are over now. I've been promoted to Queen status. Heehee.
Photo #2: What? My head looks bigger than usual? Well...if you were cast in every Tim Burton movie, you'd be that way too....No, it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I happen to be married to him...why am I explaining this to a frog? STFU BITCH.
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