Go Fug Yourself Has words for Tilda's electric blue Berlinale gown
Moviezzz details the massive Clint Eastwood box set. Just to make sure you're actually reading Moviezzz announces that Flags of Our Fathers is better than Letters From Iwo Jima. Unnhhh...
Movie|Line explains how the last season of Lost is just like the last season of Buffy. Conveniently forgets about the Slayerettes.
In Contention the annual "top 10 shots" cinematography article. Just to make sure you're actually reading IC tries to claim worth in both Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and The Lovely Bones. Errrr...
Esquire the much discussed profile "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man"
My Internet is Where I Want You To Touch Me shares a horrific famous video. Just to make sure you're really sure about this Sandra Bullock thing. Ewwww.
Antagony & Ecstasy (a palate cleanser for you after the last link) Timothy's top ten movies of the Aughts
I really must watch Yi Yi, this is like the x amount of times i've seen it on a top ten of the aughts list.
Kris Tapley has become the de facto champion of The Lovely Bones, claiming at every possible opportunity that it's an unfairly maligned masterpiece and we just weren't smart enough to understand it. Ah well, time will tell...
He'll ignore The Hurt Locker, though. I guarantee it.
what a thing to champion. that movie is just such an eyesore... but if it were only that, so what. But it's also so emotionally fucked up, it has NO idea what it wants to say and it can't say anything with any consistency.
such a mess.
To quote, well, you actually, "Even Roger Ebert - who likes everything - said it was unbearable." Granted, you said that to describe Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, but it's just as appropriate here.
Which reminds me, are you planning on another video review with Katey soon?
Nathaniel-low blow, making us relive the dark moment of Oscar history. I don't think any win will ever make me cringe in horror like the loss of Brokeback.
I really cannot the stand empty black banner-head. please fill it up with some magical stars!
Kris Tapley is not the only champion of The Lovely Bones. John Foote who also used to be at In Contention (and now moved to Awards Circuit) put it in his Top Ten of the year (at #8) and I think there was someone at Awards Daily who also liked it. I saw it myself and didn't think it was that bad. The middle part of the movie was a mess, but it started quite well, and it redeemed itself once Lindsey sneaked into Mr. Harvey's room (that scene was intense) and I actually loved the scene where Susie realizes she's dead, when she's looking at her killer's bathroom and her bloody clothes (oh, and Saorsie Ronan was amazing in the role). Yes, the film is uneven, but I don't think it's wither as good as Kris Tapley says or as bad as you say it is. I'm somewhere in the middle (I actually liked the intercut between her first kiss and her remains being dumped, because it told us she was ready to let go of life once her body was dumped).
I haven't read the article yet, but unless Lost completely falls apart around itself, it can't be as draggy as Season 7 of Buffy...I mean I get the comparison between "The Man in Black" and "The First Evil"...but The Man in Black can actually touch stuff...and ya know...be effective. The First Evil was just lame until Caleb showed up, where Season 7 finally picked up (some non "Conversations with Dead People") steam. Angel Season 5...now that was a way to go out.
I don't care what Go Fug Yourself has to say, Tilda is an alien cinema goddess.
If it helps, I hate "The Lovely Bones" enough to balance things out at IC. Pretty much the worst of 2009 for me. (I don't get any tech defence of it either -- I think it's a hideous-looking film.)
But hey, we all have our own widely unpopular darlings, and thank god for that.
Beauty truly lies in the eye of the beholder because I, too, think Tilda looks gorgeous in that dress.
Thanks for the link Nathaniel.
And I WILL stand by that comment. LETTERS is a good film, but I felt that FLAGS was the better of the two.
Ewan is great, great, great in Ghost Writer, opening this weekend, though no one knows that.
"IC tries to claim worth in both Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and The Lovely Bones. Errrr..."
LOW BLOW. And did you even see Transformers 2? If not, you have grounds to judge because...?
Adam... i'm just having a little fun. Trust me, Kris can take it.
why can't a bad movie have good Cinematography? c'mon, they're pretty much unrelated. It's like saying that we can't find good acting in bad movies.
I agree, except that Transformers 2 had oversaturated, cruddy cinematography and The Lovely Bones possesed an garish eyesore of a color scheme.
anon -- i also agree that a bad movie can have good parts. But like Robert just said, I don't think The Lovely Bones has the visuals as a good part. :)
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