HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I have been doing this blog for over one year and
my website for more than five. It's sometimes a chore but it's always a pleasure. If you get me? And since you're reading I assume you do. Due to the nature of this holiday I'd like to share with you three things for which I'm thankful (in regards to this film/theater/pop-culture indulgence of mine)
03 ...despite the ever changing worlds o' entertainment, there are still some things you can
always depend on: a) A new Woody Allen movie will appear every year. b) Madonna will never go away. God bless. c) There will always be at least one movie (but usually three or four thank God) worth getting obsessed with each year.
02 ...that I live in the greatest city you can imagine. I ♥ NY! It provides me with more access to amusements than I know what to do with.

01 ...that you're still reading from all over the world. This is what amazes me most. You're reading from Australia, Greece, Germany, London, Detroit (
motorcityyyy), Uruguay, Chile, Canada, Florida (
where I was born), Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Estonia, Cyprus, Slovenia, Argentina, Norway (
Ha det på badet), France, Chicago, Turkey, Mexico, Texas, Sweden, Las Vegas, Bombay, Venezuela, Ireland, New Hampshire, Croatia, Spain, Washington, Singapore, Denmark, Brazil (
obrigado), Israel, The Phillipines, Finland, Iowa, Japan (私は訪問したい), the Twin Cities, Italy, and more...
And finally, since the American movie world is such a bi-coastal thing you come from all parts of California including Hollyweird. And some of you are just a subway stop away in New York. Which is so
creepy ...um, cool. [Please don't stalk me].
I hope you continue to enjoy sharing this experience. Happy Holidays.
Thanks for everything you do with your site, Nathanial. I can't wait until Oscar season REALLY starts picking up. I love reading your daring predictions that come up here and there. Have a great Thanksgiving.
-Josh from Metro-Detroit
A big hug from the Latin American shores.... and Happy Holidays. You're the best.
- Javier from uruguay
rick said...
thanks so much for all you do for us movie fans.. you are a blessing.
I cannot stop coming to your website and hoping there are more juicy things to read, more reviews, more wit, more you.
Thank you.
Marcelo - Brazil.
Yup, a BIG thank you, and happy holidays.
Nathaniel, so long I want to say this, but the opportunity never came, so here it is... your site is one of the best readings for me on the net these days... Your writing is addictive and your lists are delightful... Damn it... For days I was obsessed with Actress of the Aughts... It's a pity that Blanchett is just number 7, but that's OK... Your reviews are also very accomplished and there's also Joe Reid with his great industry insights and personal comments... So... Thanks for your wonderful site dude!!!
Wait, Nathaniel, how do you know where we're all from? Who's stalking whom here? ;) Anyway, I am from Florida, where you were born, apparently.
Please tell me this picture of you isn't from right now. Man, you do NOT look like you're in your 30's.
Also, I eagerly await your grades on these new viewings. Time to see if the Brokeback hype survived Nathaniel's critical eye...
Ditto everything. I don't know what I'd do without your obsessive commentary about the Oscars and the film industry. Seriously.
And Javier, ¡che! -- I had no idea you lived in el Uruguay! Whereabout?
adam, that pic was from last month. so um thank you.
anyone else commenting let us know where you hail from. It's a global party in here.
Hooray! Nathaniel, you've got one of the best blogs and I always appreciate your insights about movies, theatre, and more. Thank you so much for all that you do on your website and blog!
~Alex (fellow Gemini from the Twin Cities)
montevideo. you've been here dusty??
You're absolutely right! NYC is the best city in the world..I just took a tour of NYU today, and God to I want to live here/study here so badly.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, Nathaniel!
It's been a pleasure to visit your website for the past three years (and now your fun blog)--always a constant source of inspiration.
Keep up the excellent work...and enjoy the holiday!
- russ
Happy Thanksgiving!
I visit your site every day... I think I'm addicted!
Greetings from Brazil
Thanks for hours of quality reading, Nathaniel. I make a stop at your site every single day (even more during Oscar season - morning, afternoon and night *ahem*) and can always count on informative and engaging updates. You do amazing work, and the Film Bitch Awards are always a highlight for me each year.
Keep up the great work!
P.S. - I can't take it anymore! Post those grades for "Brokeback", "Geisha", etc already!
Ali, don't be embarassed. I do the exact same thing!
And, yes, even though Australia doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving (er, obviously) I am thankful for Nat and his site/blog. It keeps me relatively sane during Oscar season. With so many oscar prognasticators screaming "MUNICH WILL WIN, THE END" and "THIS MOVIE IS DEAD" hyperbole all over the place, you give the seasons something it needs! Well done!
I do indeed hail from Australia, but more importantly from the southern city of GEELONG. And what famous people hail from Geelong you ask? Well, Guy Pearce and Porta de Rossi for two. Hahah. Go Portia! She's from Grovie! Ellen DeGeneners' girlfriend comes from Grovedale... i never tire of that fact.
I worship your blog.
And then I read your comments on La Winslet's birthday (yes, finally).
And let's just say I am in love?!!
Random, but I just saw Prime and I'd call Streep supporting in that film. It was a romance between leads Uma and Brian, and Meryl had a supporting (though essential) part in the story. One might even call her the "soul of the film" but in a supporting way. And wow, she was great. I think the trailer, etc. just sold her as the lead cause she's the film's biggest draw, but the advertising was not quite truthful.
If the film had been more successful, I think she would've been a total oscar contender for supporting, but alas. I still say best actress - comedy nod at the globes, cause they often put on-the-fence people in that category.
Happy Thanksgiving Nathaniel!
I've been a total addict to your website (and for the past year to your blog) for such a long time I'm even ashamed to admit. It is ABSOLUTELY my favourite site/blog. Honestly.
Thank you soooo much for what you do. I can only imagine how time-consuming it must be. You are the best. Have a great Holiday.
Ivan from Croatia
The first thing I do when I wake up every morning is go to the computer. I'm at your site (/blog) before I even check my e-mail. ...and I'm here reading every word usually more than once a day. So, basically I can't function properly without thefilmexperience according to Nathaniel.
Yeah...so...ummm...thanks. a lot.
-Matt (twin cities)
A very very big "thank you!" from Germany - there's truly not a day where I don't visit your awesome site and blog. Always a very fun and interesting read.
Keep up the good work, Nathaniel!
- John from Calgary, AB, Canada
Yeah, I must admit, Nathaniel. Your blog is also my favorite blog and ebsite in general. And your reviews/thoughts seem strangely more insightful that those of most people who do this professionally? What do you have to do to get a professional film criticism gig nowadays anyway? Well, anyway, try and do it, cause you're good. Keep it up.
yeah, my thoughts exactly.
Whoops. I'm from Wyoming. But I'm in Illinois for school.
And, Javier, yes! I lived/studied in Montevideo for about six months--in 2004.
Torontonian here very thankful for Nathaniel. Best site on the net for film commentary, Oscar predictions and just...life.
We may disagree on many a film...but damn if there ain't a more relatable and better read out there.
You're torturing us with those waits for the Brokeback/Cinderella Man/Walk the Line grades, though. :(
haha perhaps we even saw each other sometime! that's cool.
Happy Thanksgiving Nathaniel. I love your site, I've been visiting it almost daily since I was 15 (4 years ago). A big hug.
Martin (from Nogales, Son., Mexico)
Happy Holidays Nathaniel...
I have been a silent Film Experience addict for about 3 years... love it!!!
- Greg, Sydney
Can I just say, I remember when Nat first started this blog (Toronto 2004, right?) and afterwards he was saying he didn't think it would last.
how wrong he was.
(and, yes, it is too my favourite place on the net)
-Glenn (from the home of Portia!!)
Oh, I wonder if we'll get any Thanksgiving inspired reviews like last year?
Yay Oscar season is right around the corner. Don't have too much turkey and stuffing, we need the Film Bitch Awards!
And if anyone is in Honduras sometime come and say hello!
We're still waiting for his grade for Brokeback Mountain
I was disappointed by Memoirs' score though. This year's Finding Neverland?
Thanks, Jason. That was very nice.
Yeah, I like the interactivity also. Makes it so much more fun. I remember feeling so guilty and weird about being here so often before the blog began. And now, lo and behold, there are so many other addicted out there. And it's so fun to share with eveyone. Even the fights are enjoyable... ah, the Nicole Kidman episode will linger in the memory forever...
But yeah, seriously, where are those grades? This isn't funny anymore.
You're the best, Nathaniel!, there no Thanksgiving in my country (so far), but you'd certainly be on my list of great people I've got the internet to thank for. A big chopped turkey's head to you.
- Hugo from Chile
the communal aspect is indeed great. And we're all so much more interesting, peaceful and enjoyable than those fun-suckers over at The Hot Blog. Plus, we actually like movies and like talking about them. You'd be hard pressed to find one over there!
And I too thought I was strange for spending so much time with Nat's related sites, but it appears that I had no need to.
(I have a Blogger account now! I'm gonna post all my movie related things on there for people on here to enjoy!)
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