The Movie Blog eyes Franka Potente (Run Lola Run)'s next project
Gatochy reminisces about François Ozon's delectable 8 Women
Cinematical on Robert Altman's next vehicle (pun intended)
Black Wing Diaries has a beautiful tribute to The Little Mermaid
Esquire names the sexiest woman alive.
Golden Fiddle tunes in to Marie Antoinette
Hi, nice blog ,sharpie and a lot of good information, but do you speak spanish? well, greetings!!!
alas, no espanol. i wish i could.
That Franka Potente project so should've been cast with Samantha Morton. I've been dreaming about her in that role ever since I heard about the character of Pope Joan.
And isn't the late career renaissance of Robert Atlman one of the best treats the cinema gods have given us in a long time?
Let's hope the Hilary Skank stays far away from Altman's new project.
Thanks for the linkage, Nathaniel!
Hey hello there, stranger! Many thanks for the nice link. I'm glad you did it, because now I get to discover your blog, which I like already after 2 minutes of looking. Glynis Johns and Deborah Kerr? Soul mates, that's what we are! ; D
-Mind if I link to you, too?
The plot of Robert Altman project was also used in the Glenn Close/Patricia Clarkson/Dermot Mulroney movie The Safety of Objects. I mostly liked that movie and I loooved They Shoot Horses, Don't They? and Altman is great, so...
Also, how awesome does the Marie Antoinette soundtrack look? I haven't heard of a lot of them but the ones I have heard are great. My favourites would be "Ceremony" by New Order and "All Cats Are Grey" by The Cure.
btw is the Pope Joan story real or not? Cause that's pretty screwed up if it is.
No one is really sure.
Here's a wesbite that explains it better than I could: http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/popeJoan.html
That said, most historians believe it to be a myth.
Robert Altman should know better than to consider hiring Hilary Swank. Would people PLEASE stop signing her to films. She already has two oscars, and it is a travesty that La Pfeiffer and La Moore don't have even one yet. What a world...
jenny, please do -links make the world go round. this world at least.
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