The thing that's so weird about this trailer is how it totally disguises the fact that this is actually a horror film. It's like that spoof trailer for The Shining that --What? Oh. Um, really? It's not a horror film? But it stars Renée Zellweger so I th-- no? Well, it's a horror to me.
On a more serious note... it looks like I wasn't wrong that Emily Watson might steal this show. Supporting Actress nomination? Harvey will have to work overtime to get this traction. They'll certainly attempt to launch with some Globe Comedy nominations. Wish them luck?
I think the movie looks nice but yeah...um...Renee Zellweger. I don't hate her at all but there's something off about her.
She seems fake. Andy from Oscar and the City won't be pleased...
I have retina burn.
did anyone watch Renee on Inside The Actors Studio a couple years ago?? so f*cking fake and irritating.
she was great in White Oleander though =)
Hee hee. I love that although your film writing is incisive, you're honest about having prejudices both positive (Pfieffer!) and negative (Zellwegger!) Not to say that there aren't legitimate reasons for disliking her perfomances - many of us don't, but you turn it into something of a religion.
(An awesome religion. Sign me up.)
Fake? Her clone Ellen Pompeo is the one that's fake!
I think I'm the only person out there in the internet world that still clings to Renee. It's a rough job, but someone's gotta do it. :(
Aww... I love Renée despite of the dumb marriage. I wasn't caring about this one but this trailer honestly got me.
I've been feelin this movie for a while now for some reason, and I wish I could view the trailer (it won't let me). I don't like Renee as a person that much anymore (too squinty, too whispery, too weird), but I, for the most part, like her in movies.
A while back I made a comment about a picture from the movie that she was actually opening her eyes (shock!) and a friend of mine made a joke that they had CGId it so that it looked like they were open and, well, lookin at that poster, it really does look like they altered it to make them appear open.
Something just happened to her between White Oleander and Chicago. She became a different person.
My theory is that she started doing speed in order to get from the Bridget weight to the Chicago weight, and then eventually became a total addict. By the time they were filming Cold Mountain, she was just too far gone to be helped. A total crack-whore.
Plus, why is her face all pink in this photo? You're not supposed to be recovering from chemical peels while shooting. Come on, Renée.
Yeah, she looks weird, she talks funny. I just don't hate her as much as you guys. I don't love her either. It's not like I'm going to go run to watch the trailer. She didn't have me at hello, but I really enjoyed her Bridget Jones and Ruby Thewes. (And I thought she was good in White Oleander too) And after Jerry Maguire, she used her clout to do a role that would obviously be overshadowed by Meryl Streep. Anyway, it's not like she sleeps on the job. But, whatever. I can identify with the hatred for she who shall not be named more.
i think i just needed a good long LOOOONG break and I didn't get one.
there was a time when i enjoyed her. i would deny it except for you can all click around my site to prove that i did so why bother. ;)
Basically all actors have their gimmicks. Some we accept, some we don't. I like weird, I embrace it, and I liked Renée since Jerry Maguire, and she will always have her brilliant turn in Me, Myself & Irene to fall back on.
kamikaze- re: not being able to view the trailer- what browser are you using? Maybe you're not able to view it because it requires your browser to enable ActiveX controls?
kamikaze- re: not being able to view the trailer- what browser are you using? Maybe you're not able to view it because it requires your browser to enable ActiveX controls?
Ugh, as eagerly as I have awaited Chris Noonan's follow-up to his brilliant and winsome 'Babe,' I'm going to have to pass on this one.
"Academy Award winner Renee Zellwegger" make me instantly quesy, and the cloying music and dialogue do nothing to assuage it.
I know she's becoming overexposed to the point of exhaustion, but I think Cate Blanchett, the original choice for the Beatrix Potter role, would have made this a far more interesting proposition. Pity.
My theory is that she has turned into Roxie Hart. Think about it: every role she has taken -- nay, every step(career or otherwise) -- seems like calculated ambition, and oh so cynical, either in its baitiness or its outright bid for attention. Face it, Renee has taken a page out of the 'Chicago' playbook and milked it in a shameless way that would make Roxie proud. Most people just can't put their finger on why Renee seems so "different" now.
I agree that it was Chicago and the Miramax machine that turned her evil. If she'd just let Collette have the Roxie role, she might never have gotten Cold Mountain and might never have become all cracked out, Roxie-style.
But then maybe Toni would've turned into Roxie and that would be horrible. So maybe it all worked out for the best.
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