I can't guarantee the same results at home. I use a VLC

Neither beast nor man: something monstrous, all powerful, still living, still holding that island in a grip of deadly fear. Well, every legend has a basis of truth. I tell you there's something on that island that no white man has ever seen!

If there’s anything that you need, please don’t hesitate to ask.God woman, just get on the boat already! In the original movie they're already talking about the giant ape
. . . which is, of course, why that movie is 3 hours long
Nat, you got Miss Watts on the brain? I think there are ointments for that. ;-)
How long is the original King Kong anyway? I know, I'll look it up. But I'm surprised the 20 minute mark isn't the Empire State Building already. See, cuz it's short, in my memory. Which has obviously been warped by Peter Jackson's furry foot fetishes.
A Week of Watts!
Nevertheless, King Kong '33 > King Kong '05
OMG - the upper right hand banner picture - when did my Cher ever smoke? That looks like a personal pic, not from a movie. Cher!
Speaking of getting on with it - where's the "Juno" review at?
well that's the 20 minute mark WITH OVERTURE so in a way they get to the ape even sooner than 20 minutes
Where's Jessica Lange?
nor (aka albert markovksy) ... It's not a crime to look at Lange
but I didn't have the movie handy (oops)
u used to hate ms watts esp 21 grams what happened she is still only ok in most films.
Yeah, the 2005 definitely took too long to get to the ape (and spent too much developing characters that in the end were pretty disposable)... that said, LOVED it and Naomi and the ape (once he showed up).
I think the problem with PJ's vision was that he was blinded by love and in his excessive desire to express that he was unable to stop himself (and nobody in his crew was willing to tell him he needed to).
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