Since we spent all of yesterday
macking on her yummy brother, it'd be rude to omit a happy birthday wish to one of the liveliest actresses in the business, the one and only
Maggie Gyllenhaal. She turns 30 today. The 30s tend to be when the great female stars make their case for film history. Can't wait to see what she accomplishes next. I love this picture of her but I'd really like to know how she got into my apartment for a photo op with
my very own Montgomery!
You may recall that Maggie won the Film Bitch
"Body of Work" Gold Medal in February for not one, not two but five (!) fine performances in 2006. Who do you think deserves that same prize this year for multiple 2007 performances? Do an
FYC in the comments.
Laura Linney! I've seen her in Jindabyne and Breach this year, plus the wickedly funny (and possibly sad) turn in the trailer for The Savages.
I know you're not his fan, but I'll campaign for Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Ben Foster
Hear me out! He was the best thing about 3:10 To Yuma; he was so ridiculously over-the-top intense that he made Alpha Dog worth watching, literally marking his territory on the movie; and he owned every scene of his in 30 Days Of Night.
He's gained twenty pounds this year from all the scenery he's devoured, and he's certainly not to everyone's taste, and 2/3 of his '07 films have been pure schlock, but: that's my choice. Thus far.
Hear Hear Catherine on the Laura Linney shout out (Got Jindabyne resting on my coffee table for later viewing)
Hows about Siggy Weaver for "The Girl in the Park", "Snowcake" and "The TV Set"?
Or the yummy Christian Bale for "3:10 to Yuma", "I'm Not There" and "Rescue Dawn"
Or even better the amazing Samantha Morton for "Elizabeth: The Golden Age", "Control" and "Expired".
Some great actors have been very busy beavers this year!
Yuck, Philip Seymour Hoffman IS the devil- make that “male” devil. Sandra Bullock has always inspired my deepest animosity.
For me Hoffman is what Swank is to Nat; an actor who can obviously act but whose onscreen/off-screen personality just annoys the living hell out of you! (Spits)
Anyway, in terms of “FYC” I’d root for Blanchett (since she was snubbed in this category last year) or Pfeiffer (who deliciously elevated two shaky films).
But Linney will surely be getting a Film Bitch nomination for best actress.
omg. don't get me started on best actress. i'm already at war with myself and there's still a few competitors left to see.
I second Ben Foster!
the lovely laura linney
Pfeiffer looked good for this title, but her third movie got shafted, so now she only has two. Maybe she'll get a FB nom for Stardust. I think Christian Bale is a good choice. Laura Linney will probably get a nom, but for Jindabyne or Savages? Hmm.
And aren't there a LOT of Best Actresses left to see? Or maybe that's just me, cause I haven't seen anything. But the only one I've seen that's been particularly impressive is Julie Christie.
top ten (alpha order)
Christie –Away From Her
Foster -The Brave One
Jolie –A Mighty Heart
Judd –Bug
Kidman –Margot at the Wedding
Linney –Jindabyne
Linney -The Savages
Ricci –Black Snake Moan
Shannon –Year of the Dog
Wang –Lust, Caution
probably not going to get a release this year --damnit!
Do-Yeon -Secret Sunshine
Marinca -4 Months, 3 Weeks
who were both so so good
Moore -Savage Grace
Pfeiffer -I Could Never...
Thurman -In Bloom
Weaver -Girl in the Park
Adams -Enchanted
Bonham-Carter -Sweeney Todd (but given what we're hearing about the trimming to the musical, I bet she's actually supporting)
Knightley -Atonement
Mezzogiorno -Love in the Time of...
Page -Juno
Well, Love in the Time of Cholera doesn't appear to be very good. And Bonham-Carter is probably supporting, or at least will be campaigned that way (but who knows). It seems like the only major contenders left to see will be Knightley, Adams and Page... assuming you've already seen The Savages, as you're implying here. Have you seen The Savages???
I really liked Judd in Bug a lot. Please consider her. I would LOVE it if she got a surprise globe nom. There seems to be an opening behind Christie, Cotillard, Jolie and Knightley... unless Blanchett or Foster manage to overcome the badness of their films.
I believe 4M3W&2D is being released in February 2008, ala The Lives of Others. Waiting for that Oscar I presume.
My top five actresses so far would be Blonsky, Christie, Chen, Dern and Ricci but I have (through no fault of my own) seen barely any of the major contenders. I figure having Dern in mine is like others having Linney (for Jindabyne) in theirs. International release paterns make me want to punch people in the face.
OK, so you HAVE seen The Savages. That's too bad, the B/B- is kinda disappointing. I was hoping for a B+ for this one. It looked quite capable of that.
top 5 actress
1 - christie - away from her
2 - berry - things we lost in the fire
3 - foster - the brave one
4 - knightley - atonement
5 - weaver - snow cake
top 5 actress
1 - christie - away from her
2 - berry - things we lost in the fire
3 - foster - the brave one
4 - knightley - atonement
5 - weaver - snow cake
hey nat what about supp.
adam --you gotta remember that i'm a tough graderr ;) I like the movies I give B and B- too. They just could be a lot better. Linney is by far the best part of The Savages and "Wendy" is as far removed from "Claire" in Jindabyne that I must just say I LOVE ACTORS. What they can do with their craft...
18 comments and still nobody has mentioned Josh Brolin, who has not only amassed quite possibly the most impressive body of work of any actor so far this year, but who has practically come out of nowhere to give three vivid tough guy performances. I really didn't see this guy coming, to be honest, considering his mostly forgettable work in the past. But man, has he made an impression this year.
I wrote a (slightly) longer appreciation over at my blog.
Definitely Christian Bale ... with Hoffman a close second.
maggie g is now a 2 time near miss for sherrybaby and secretary.
i agree nat! i loved molly shannon in year of the dog...way underrated perf./film IMO
Even though I haven't actually SEEN any of the three performances (damn Australian cinema :@) I've gotta campaign for Kidman for Margot at the Wedding, The Golden Compass and The Invasion. She needs a reboot, and a your awards really are the closest thing to an oscar. just think, this woman gave you Moulin Rouge! Even for her weakest performances, you have to give her the adavntage for being so glorious? am i making sense?
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