Gold Derby tells you which films got comedied for the Globes
Zoom In you've seen Enchanted, here's 3 other animated/live action hybrids to enjoy or revisit
Is That So Wrong recalibrates Oscar buzz and loves Kidman's Margot
Defamer's recap of last night's Project Runway made me laugh out loud. Twice
Just Jared Jamie Bell @ the BIFAs

Towleroad so that's what Ewan MacGregor's been up to!
The Projectionistis a critic without a country re: I'm Not There. I have visited that same non-country
Evening Class interviews 2007's best girl Laura Linney
My New Plaid Pants bids adieu to Brad Pitt's ass. Hey, all good things must come to an end
Mainly Movies it still exists!!! this blog I mean. Some Oscar thoughts from MIA Tim
Everything I Know I Learned From Musicals details the Broadway and Disney voice players in Enchanted
The Projectionistis a critic without a country re: I'm Not There. I have visited that same non-country
Evening Class interviews 2007's best girl Laura Linney
My New Plaid Pants bids adieu to Brad Pitt's ass. Hey, all good things must come to an end
Mainly Movies it still exists!!! this blog I mean. Some Oscar thoughts from MIA Tim
Everything I Know I Learned From Musicals details the Broadway and Disney voice players in Enchanted
P.S. Just watched "No Country For Old Men". Totally agree with you about Javier Bardem. Just read review because I didn't want to read it before I reviewed it and glad someone else thought he was as good as Hannibal Lector.
mmm. Who and What is going on in the middle picture? Hold me.
that'd be Brad Pitt in Johnny Suede
*sigh*... Jamie...
Of course they gave the award to Viggo though. Yawn. (I keed, I keed... sorta)
Totally agree with Is That So Wrong's Take on the lack of awards buzz for Kidman's perf (and the digust with "awards buzz" in general). And, just wanted to let you know I do check out the links, so you're time is definitely not wasted, Nat.
Thank you very much for the tip of the hat regarding the Linney interview, Nathaniel.
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