When you see movies frequently and sometimes with no real interest outside of motives which would be unfamiliar to the layman (i.e. reasons such as 'it
might get an Oscar nomination' or 'I'm supposed to have an opinion on this' ) you can on occassion be very surprised. The new and umpteenth version of
Pride & Prejudice was just such a shock to my system. From almost the first frame I was just totally with it, not even resisting it even though I had no real desire to see it or investment in it being good. Yet there it was, just brightly going about its well filmed, well acted, and altogether well judged storytelling business. Go see it.
The rave reviews caught me off guard as well. I have been resisting this version because the BBC mini-series (with the marvelous Jennifer Ehle) feels definitive to me. Looks like I'll have to see this pronto.
How was Keira Knightley?
I concur wholeheartedly.
...so "might it get an Oscar nomintation"?
Er, i accidentally pressed enter too soon.
Man, I'm SO glad you liked it. I too was absolutely shocked that I liked it as much as I did (I gave it an A-). It all just clicked, ya know? It really did shock me cause I also wasn't really thinking much of it beforehand. But I strangely had an urge to see it, so I did and I loved it.
(I haven't seen the BBC version fyi, or any other)
See...I also have little desire to see this because I've seen too many versions of this (love the Ehle-Firth one) and don't like Knightley.
But at the same time...maybe it's the low expectations will result in my really enjoying it. Most people I know who have seen it (and that I usually agree with) have also liked it.
I suppose I'll have see it soon.
I don't buy the BP hype some are trying to make for it, though. Do you, Nathaniel?
I think Actress, techs and maybe Adapted Screenplay at best.
this movie is looking too good to miss, yes, even though i originally had no intention of seeing it.
and this hasn't got anything to do with anything but you really must check out "The Fountain" trailer if you haven't yet. it's looking to be THE film of 2006.
I've been looking forward to seeing this for MacFadyen, not Knightley, but she's the one getting the positive notices.
Your comments please.
Fabulous film. Totally out of nowhere, and yes I think a real Oscar contender -- particularly as the fall releases drop like flies. This is right up the AMPAS alley. This is what VANITY FAIR was SUPPOSED to be...
keira was fine. not spectacular really but. insomuch as the film itself was just so good everyone was kinda good right along with it. It just worked.
i think costume nomination for sure and actress probably. the rest is up to the other competing films because it does have the problem of resistance, being the umpteenth version and all...
Wouldn't Keira now have been gearing up to be the youngest BA nominee ever, were it not for the Keisha nom? She's only 20, and will still be 20 when nominations are announced.
Nathaniel, do you think this will go drama or comedy at the globes?
If Keira is comedy, that's four, yes FOUR comedy/musical nominees nominated for oscar. Unheard of.
See, I think the fact that is has been done so many times (albeit, only once for the big screen!) could help it when to comes to categories such as Best Adapted Screenplay (which I'm predicting it for) because whod've thought it could've actually been that good? And that after so many adaptations, and with only a 2hour 15 minute running time (which flies right by, doesn't it?) it still feels complete and whole.
If Winona Ryder got a nomination for the fourth version of Little Women, there's nothing to stop the academy to do the same for keira in such a weak year.
exactly. it's a total winona in little women thing --the main difference being that Keira is better than Winona was in that and the movie is much better than that 1994 film.
Focus should be interesting to watch. Will they be able to handle Brokeback's expected Oscar size while also reviving Constant Gardener while also pushing a film this unexpectedly good?
and yes, Glenn, the film flies by. Absolutely light on its feet and yet Joe Wright never seems to drop any of the many characters --it's not a sloppy thing with subplots going nowhere and strange absences like many films which try to compress big stories are.
this should go drama at the Globes in my opinion.
Drama? Really? The trailer looks so funny...
Probably a wise move, though. Oddly, Keira might have an easier time actually WINNING the drama globe than the comedy one. I was trying to think of who could win the drama globe this year, and no one came to mind, so maybe she's it. The film will need some box office, but other than that, nothing seems to be stopping it.
Wasn't Winona's 1994 nomination possibly charged by the "sorry we gave your oscar last year to Anna Paquin" sentiment in her favor? Regardless, I think Keira's in.
I think Constant Gardener might be the one to fall by the wayside, by the looks of things. White Countess looks to be Feinnes' vehicle. But maybe Weisz could sneak into supporting with the right campaign.
Sounds good, Nathaniel. Definitely happy to see Keira might break through to the big time. Probably going to see this on Sunday.
Well, it's box office is definitely looking bright! It debuted on 215 screens this weekend in the states and made $1mil on Friday, so a $3mil weekend is on the cards, which bodes well.
And, P&P should definitely go drama. It would not only be a smart move in terms of winning globes, but also for getting Oscar interest. As Adam said, if they went comedy, that would be 4 comedy nods, and that's just unheard of! So merely as a Oscar hooking device, drama it should be.
Globes drama nods should go to, Knightley, Theron, Paltrow... Bello? If she goes lead (is there still any definitive word yet?) and, yes yes, probably Renee Zellweger due to lack of competition. But, still. Are the Globes willing to put fuel in the tank of a movie widely called a flop and a disaster and whatnot? They wouldn't wanna look embarassed if Cinderella Man ended up getting no Oscar play (Cold Mountain, 9 Globe nomination?).
But, yes, if they do go Drama, Knightley would seem like a good bet for the win I would think. Unless they wanna reward Theron again, or want to give Paltrow Oscar oomph.
And, at the risk of making this post even longer than it already is, would Paltrow have to be considered a near top 5 definite for the Oscar if she won Drama at the globes? Cause, surely a Drama Best Actress winner would place...
ANYWAY. Moving on...
Kate Bush's new CD is amazing.
adam k-
keisha castle-hughes was like 13 (or 14?) when she was nominated for Best Actress last year... so Keira's not really close. If she won (big "if"), I think she might be the youngest ever...
Before Castle-Hughes nomination (she was 13), the youngest nominee was Isabelle Adjani (20).
The youngest winner is Marlee Matlin (21).
I say the Drama Globe Category looks something like:
Charlize Theron
Keira Knightley
Natasha Richardson
Gwyneth Paltrow
Joan Allen
Not sure who will win out of those five, honestly-does it matter as far as Oscars?-it will be the equivalent to DiCaprio last year-we all know the Comedy winner is going to win the golden guy. If I had to go with someone, though, it'd be Knightley, probably, or potentially Allen.
Well, I meant IF Hughes had not been nominated, would Keira have been the youngest? i.e. younger than Adjani. Close call. But it's all moot now.
Yeah, for the globe-drama race, I wanna say Knightley, Theron, Paltrow, Richardson, and Zellweger. Really, someone should be able to bump Z out though. Huffman or Ziyi could still do it... or Kilcher, perhaps? Time will tell.
I don't see why they'd feel the need to give Paltrow or Theron a second win for "blah" films. Especially Theron, given that she JUST won and had never been nominated before. If Paltrow had been globe nommed for Sylvia, I'd say maybe she had a shot to win, but do they really love her that much? I doubt it. And Renee is definitely NOT winning. So I'd say it's really between Knightley (would be reminiscent of the Claire Danes and Keri Russell wins) and (possibly) Natasha Richardson. Depending on what happens with that movie. But my money is on Keira.
OK. That is all I have to say (other than that I really need to see P&P).
Quick other question, Nat:
What did you think of the score and its Oscar chance? I've heard nothing but good things about it but considering the composer isn't exactly in AMPAS' "in" club...
Charlize Theron
Keira Knightley
Natasha Richardson
Gwyneth Paltrow
Joan Allen
Yeah, but Joan Allen will be nominated in Comedy, right? I'd totally replace her with Zhang Ziyi, though you never know with the Globes - they might as well consider "Memoirs" to be a musical. (Also, Gong Li's chances for supporting actress appear to have skyrocketed. She is said to be sensational in that film).
And, while everything seems to point out that the lovely Q'Orianka Kilcher will be amazing in "New World", this is really something the Academy would nominate, not a star-hungry organization like the Globes. But yes, a nom for Q'Orianka would be so sweet. I'm even more excited about the movie now that it's said to be her film. But can Terrence score an unparalelled 4/4??? We'll have to wait and see, I'll guess. (If the awesome teaser is any indication, I'd say YES).
Glenn I love the new Kate Bush CD! She is class.
About P & P. It came out here in UK a month or so ago and I didn't see it. Mainly cause I didn't expect to like it. I never really liked Keira until I saw The Jacket. She's actually great in that though the film is a little problematic. I can't believe that at this stage we are talking about Keira Knightley winning a Drama Globe. How totally bizarre.
So I guess if the drama winner is gonna be Knightley the comedy/musical winner will probably be Reese, based on the Globes obsession with celebrity. Personally I can't wait to see Mrs Henderson Presents. I'm so in love with Dame Judi after seeing the trailer.
I too was spellbound by P&P despite feeling (and still feeling) that the 1995 BBC version is definitive.
Is it true that you got an alternate ending in the US?
[SPOILER alert!]
Did you get a kiss shot at the end? There wasn't one in the UK.
I agree with Kilcher's chances with the globes are not so good. They didn't nominate either Catalina or Keisha, so there you go. And yeah, I think Allen will most likely go the comedy route since she's gotten so much press as having broken into comedy with this film, with in being written for her as a chance for her to get to headline a comedy, etc. So a drama bid seems unlikely, I think.
I agree that Reese is looking like the winner of the musical globe, though I would hardly count out Judi or Joan. I could see any of those three winning, depending on whose buzz really heats up once everything is actually released. The fourth spot will be Streep's, and the fifth will go to some celebrity filler (unless it goes to Huffman...)
The Globes will nominate their beloved Sarah Jessica Parker.
I'm confident of that.
well here's an interest factoid! apparently q'orianka was born in february 1990 while keisha was born a few days later (march), which means the whale rider would still hold the record of youngest nominee ever in the lead actress category, if only for a few days' difference.
The Globed may not nominate Huffman, because they'll already have her there for the tv segment. And if the comedy area so full...
I completely forgot about Zhang Ziyi for Drama.
I'm still wondering if Maria Bello will got supporting at the Globes? I haven't seen the film so I can't say. Because they nommed her for The Cooler, so...
Gerry's right, I think SJP stands a very good chance of a nod. I think she smart money's on:
...for comedy
and for drama,
the last spot is rough... Huffman, Ziyi, and Zellweger are all viable candidates. I guess I wanna say Ziyi, but only if her film doesn't tank.
Maria Bello is supporting. I don't think anyone who's seen the film will tell you she's leading.
Oh, cause I'd read of a few people's lists that she was a lead candidate. I figured she would be supporting, but wasn't sure.
I don't think Richardson is a definite for a Drama nod. The lack of any buzz and the fact that she ain't a well known name (Ziyi is more well known) could hanpen a LEAD push. Or, that's what I think anyway.
However, in the comedy/musical race, It appears to be a battle for 5 spots between 6 ladies. Reese, Joan, Judi, Meryl, Claire and Sarah Jessica. Clair being Claire Danes of course. But you never know, they could throw Rosario Dawson a nod if they're feeling game.
I remember when Nat did a Globe theorising thing a couple of months ago quite a few people were cheering on Radha Mitchell for Melinda & Melinda. Anything left in that tank?
Also, The Dying Gaul, a D grade? Ouch. Like... really. Ow.
(nice to know we both gave P&P the same A- grade)
I know, Glenn. I actually gasped when I saw that grade (especially because I'm looking at around an A-). Oh well.
Radha Mitchell is over, I think, just cause Match Point will eclipse Melinda and the category is too crowded. I don't think Danes even has much of a chance cause her movie was not well-received, and they love SJP a lot.
Nothing would please me more than a Radha Mitchell remembrance. It's still my favourite lead actress performance of the year. (SO FAR!)
Shopgirl appears like it could make some decent cash at the box-office and Danes does indeed seem like one of those ladies they'd like to give a little boost to. She's still pretty and young and talented and appears to be having a career revamp. They liked Scarlett when she had a relationship with an older and a younger man! ...that's a silly analogy I know.
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