In the film
Little Children, Kate Winslet plays
"Sarah Pierce", who goes a little crazy for a passionate affair. In Kate's film debut (
Heavenly Creatures, which also chronicles a mad affair) the victim of Kate's psychotic rage was played by an actress named
Sarah Peirse.
P.S. Thoughts on
Little Children coming soon.
Interesting. Oh and I just saw Heavenly Creatures for the first time....I don't think i'll be able to get the murder scene out of my head anytime soon, yikes! Kate was marvelous though.
I had a little post on this a looooong time ago. I took it as a sign that Kate'd win the oscar this year.
Also, when I first read the title, I thought it said "strange homophobe of the day" and I was like "Kate Winslet, a homophobe!? NO!!! My world has been torn asunder!" and then I thought "no, wait, he's just talking about someone in Little Children" and THEN I thought "oh wait, he's not talking about homophobes, he's talking about that thing I posted about ages ago."
Can't wait to hear what you thought of Little Children, Nathaniel!
A- ? So you really liked it. Waitin to read detailed thoughts.
I LOVED Little Children!!!!! I think it's the fell good movie of the year....for me at least! Anyways the performances that really stood out for me were Kate Winslet, Jackie Earle Haley, Phyllis Somerville, Patrick Wilson and Noah Emmerich. I think that Jennifer Connelly did great with her limited role time, but also the Little Children really were great too. Imagine how hard it must be to film with those kids, anyways Kate, Jackie, Patrick and Phyllis performances took my breathe away. They were definetly Oscar WORTHY roles.
Easily the most disappointing flick of the year, and not only because the book had so much potential. Even viewing it objectively (and i saw it with two friends who hadn't read the book), it gave every character the short shrift, nearly all the humor and closeness was drained out, and we had virtually no character definition.
I love Winslet, and didn't think she hit one false note as Sarah, but when it comes down to it, it's just not an Oscar-worthy role. There's not nearly enough on the page to justify it.
A massive disappointment, and one of the more shallow, empty works I've seen in a while.
Sorry, I completely Disagree with. I thought Little Children was great. But I heard there is a book...I can't wait to read it.
I was expecting a "C" or something along those lines. After Toronto, the critics suddenly turned nasty. I was fearing the worst, but this grade makes me much happier.
well it's probably a soft A- so it might become a B+. It definitely wasn't perfect but I like its ambition...
i will echo Rob somewhat in that though I think Winslet was super... I could easily see her getting passed over altogether for this role.
I wasn't so eexcited about seeing Little Children till watching the trailler the other day. It's SO exciting I can't wait to see it!!
I've seen Heavenly Creatures long time ago on television I used to love it, but now I need to rewatch it.
So this isn't exactly great news for Winslet?
And the movie didn't exactly set any records at the box office, either. It made just over $20,000 per screen which isn't good news for a movie such as this (limited release drama, wanting to expand).
The Queen averaged nearly twice as much in it's second week.
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