Hollywood Elsewhere thinks the poster for 3:10 to Yuma is selling 'a Bob Fosse western' Hee
Greenbriar Picture Shows on the marketing of the early Tarzan pictures
Heroine Content on feminist and racist critiques of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Film Critic movie quiz [thx]
Zoom In Last weekend Susan and I watched Married to the Mob again which led to me missing Jonathan Demme and wondering exactly what does happen to some filmmakers after they win Oscars. Scorsese: Watch out!
Two Actresses I Was Thrilled to Be Wrong About
Gretchen Mol Cinematical talks to her re: Post-Bettie Page career
Rose Byrne turns 28. She was totally watchable in 28 Weeks Later and especially in The Dead Girl. Her blah stint in Troy sure had me fool

As Little As Possible a tribute to cinematographer László Kovács
World of Wonder gives over a full day to the memorable Tammy Faye
Lindsay Lohan No, she's not dead (not yet anyway)... she's just dead to me. I can't do it anymore. I'm a little sad but I'm done feeling foolish for rooting for her all these years.
It's a lost cause. Everybody, off the ship! She's doomed. [crys]
Good for you, Nat. I knew you'd come to your senses sooner or later. She's a talented girl, and I'm sure she'll be fine. There is life after drugs and debauchery (see Drew Barrymore). Also, I should point out that there’s nothing wrong with being a drunken harlot. The problem with Lindsay is that she’s essentially following in Paris’ footsteps. Come on, she’s better than that. So, until she gets her act together, she's not worth your time and attention.
the thing is Marius: i'm not at all sure she'll be fine. so I have to move on. If i thought Lindsay would make it, i'd stick it out. But I've obviously been mistaken.
drew barrymore is an exception to just about every rule. most child stars who become wildly out of control end up the butt of jokes and never have big careers thereafter. for every Drew there's thousands of has beens.
Yeah, I'm done with the La Lohan thing. For me, I just can't quite get over how fast she threw away a career that thousands of actors would kill for (costarring with Jamie Lee Curtis and working from a Tina Fey script, not to mention working with Robert Altman!) in favor of becoming Paris Hilton.
I love that Gretchen Mol...I just do.
Nat I almost posted the exact same thing today, re: Lindsay. No more sticking up for her on my part either. She's a mess and I hope she gets better but she's obviously totally self-destructive at this point and is surrounded by the worst bunch of hanger-on losers ever. Why was she driving? Why don't these morons have drivers??? It's not like they can't afford it. I have no problem with anybody being a drunken harlot, esp. at her age, go to town, sow them oats, but get an effing driver that sits outside the club and waits for you to come stumbling out and takes you home or to your dealers or where the fuck ever, for christ's sake! God.
Nice one! You've seen sence with LiLo! Yay!
Oh, Nathaniel, I am also so sorry for Lindsay. She is just so talented and it's ridiculous to see her wasting her life.
I hope she grows up really fast!
Yeah. I'm done with Lindsay, too. Seeing her mugshot today actually made me a little depressed. It's all so sad.
Non-Lindsay talk now... Rose Byrne's new series "Damages" premieres on FX tonight too. I wonder if that was planned or not...
Is that Lindsey's mug shot? Wow, that's a terrible photo. Oh well, have fun in the big house Lindz. Buh-bye film career.
And catch Rose Byrne in "Damages" tonight on FX. But mainly see it for Glenn Close's awesomeness.
Well it seem like I'm the only one who haven't give up on LiLo. I think she'll put it together... sometime...
Do these young women have anyone in their lives that really care about them?
It's almost too sad...and I'm starting to feel a touch sorry for them...that nobody it shaking them and caring enough to really step in...including their agents and studio heads.
Nope we're al still providing them with their career...DUI's and all.
So...are they victems or are we?
I don't know that Lohan can have much of a career after this, at least for a good long while. Whose going to want to insure her?
I'm still for Lohan. But I'm also still rooting for Britney. My two favorites imploded so fantastically that I think I might be a jinx. Maybe because they're so close to my age...or maybe because I've been fans since the beginning.
So, I've decided to change my favorite to Reese Witherspoon. Maybe, then, she'll go away forever too! Or just implode fantastically.
Our only hope is that she just goes away and realises how she ruined her life and her career and then in a few years she can come back ala Robert Downey Jr. I mean, he was cast in Iron man, which means he is really insurable for a big budget movie.
I've basically given up though. I just don't have the energy to defend her. I hope she goes to jail for at least a year. Get some sense put into her.
And, like Ja said, WHY DON'T THESE PEOPLE HAVE DRIVERS! They are so freakin' rich yet all they ever wanna do is drive everywhere themselves. I'm sure it's easier to swig vodka bottles and snort coke in the backseat. Not that Lindsay ever seems to look where she's driving.
So sad.
This is completely random, but I was inspired by the picture on your masthead- has anyone ever thought about Liv Tyler for a Natalie Wood biopic?
I'm a Black woman and a big fan of the Buffy series (well seasons 1-5). I don't know, I never paid much attention to the poor job done with race. Sure there could've been more minority characters, but should Joss Whedon write his show based on how many Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Asians etc. there are? BTW the actress that portrayed Cordelia is Mexican and Native American ( Bianca Lawson, the actress who played Kendra in season two, was originally cast as Cordelia). To me, if you got an idea go for it. You shouldn't limit your creativity to be PC.
I do think that there should be more decent roles in Hollywood for all minorities, but I do not want them on a show just to be PC. I also agree that you shouldn't use stereotypical images of the minorities that are on the show. Kendra (The island girl) was pretty bad. Maybe the producers and writers should've researched more with the gypsy curse too.
Why pick on Buffy though?? I mean there are plenty of television shows with all White actors and skinny women that are more popular than Buffy.
Lindsay-sigh. I'm not a big fan, but I do think she's talented and hope she turns her life around.
anonymous 1 --good call but i bet they're done with Wood biopics
anonymous 2 --the article is still pretty interesting though, don't you think? i especially liked the emphasis on discounting the anti-feminist arguments that sometimes get lobbed at the show. good stuff
yes, I agree the article was interesting. I really didn't follow seasons 6 and 7, but I did like the points she made about them.
I agree that Rose Byrne is worth keeping an eye on. She was brilliant--a revelation--in The Dead Girl. I'm tivoing Damages to see her and glenn close.
i forgot to link it elsewhere but my feelings about DAMAGES are here.
Rose Byrne is also surprisingly strong in Sunshine (which I liked quite a bit, even the...)
vampires: http://s5.bitefight.hu/c.php?uid=32878
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