David Poland gets philosophical on the disappointing media spin
<--- Spill has an animated Incredible Hulk review. I wanted to do animated reviews ages ago but I never learned Flash. My bad
Antagony & Ecstasy watches short films with his cat. Very scientific!
Screener Sarah Jessica Parker back to single in Manhattan for next film The Ivy Chronicles

Silly Hats Only is very excited about Criterion's Max Ophuls triple. Me too. I haven't seen any of these and I can't wait
PopWatch and the nominees for the Final Cylon are...
Just Jared Ryan Gosling suited up for All Good Things
Perez Hilton I normally wouldn't link up on account of well --ewww! -- but it's Madonna's set list for her new tour and given the divorce news between her and Guy Ritchie I needed some happier Madge thoughts. I'm thrilled to see some of the lesser sung early tunes. Can't wait
The Big Picture Oliver Stone vs. George W Bush
i09 celebrates queer sci-fi for gay pride month
And ohmygod that was quite possibly the most random collection of links, evah.
Good night!
Madonna and Guy Ritchie are getting divorced? I'm not surprised, exactly. Watching them on the red carpet in Cannes, even in still photographs, did not make for a diorama of domestic bliss. But that's still too bad. (Also, I never know anything till I read it on this site.)
I love the Madge gossip. Still, linking to Perez...tsk tsk tsk.
how is kirsten dunst stll getting film work.when she and producers realise tv movies are her true calling!!! she is not a film star/
nice to madge doing hits and songs from the 80;s really mixing it up rescue me,dress you up and who's that girl are excellent choices!
About that Ophuls fella: I've only seen Madame de..., but it is one of the most luscious works of costume and set design that has ever been or will ever be committed to film. I too am completely excited about those DVDs.
mrripley... is this like in grade school where you pull the hair (dissing kiki dunst) of the girl you like (me) cuz you know i love her. one of the most talented actresses we have from the 20something brigade. and one who almost never does TV.
so there.
I saw the earrings of Mme D and two other Ophuls films in college (La Ronde, Lola Montez - those were the only ones of his films I could find locally on VHS at the time. Yes, VHS!) I ended up writing a term paper on his films and felt like I was discovering buried treasure because he was so relatively unknown (ie no one else I knew had ever seen his films and most had never heard of him.) So I'm thrilled for the DVD's and hope they help restore his reputation.
My favorite of the three films above remains The Earrings of Mme D, btw. I hope the DVD's come packed with extras that talk about Ophuls and his work. He had such an amazing career - from Germany, to the US, then finally France where he settled and became a citizen.
If she wants to know why her album sales collapsed the week after her tour was announced as not including Australia then there's your reason. That setlist just makes me angrier she's not bringing it here.
I love that Australian music publications actually called for a boycott on buying her albums. She doesn't deserve our cash.
Having said that, that'll be an amazing concert.
Wow, that comment seemed really random. Obviously I'm talking about Madonna and... well, it makes me angry.
Glenn, maybe she'll add in Australia. Rumors have it that the tour will be expanded since it's selling like crazy (over one million tickets sold already)
i do it becuase i absolutely loathe her!! love u and your blog it's like a drug to me i need it intravenously,but i hate her the way you do la swank and renee z at least the swank has proved herself and renee,it's the entitlement attitude of ""THE DUMPST" i hate, as if she's somesort of julia roberts massive Box office star that's what i don't like and people shit on keira at least she has acting chops and graciousness,when "THE DUMPST" proves herself then iwill be with you until the hate continues and grows and she is so wrong for debbie harry!!!!
Just saw Madame de... in a movie theatre this week. Wow. Haven't seen the others in this set yet, and am looking forward to them very fervently, especially La Ronde, which Guy Maddin has described as the most delightful film ever made about STDs, or something to that effect.
Reading about the Ophuls is more proof to my theory that if you want to guarantee a R1 version of a movie, make sure I bought it in R2, as is the case with Madame De
Me too, Peter. But, it's Madame de..., so it's worth it.
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