This is the first part in a series this week of random musings on the Summer of '08.
I've learned:
Blackface, smoking pot, and illegal wiretapping are all fine, but suggesting people are getting too fat and will need an adorable robot to save them will ignite massive controversy.
The Wachowski's may, in fact, be completely insane.
This year's Hulk is better than Ang Lee's Hulk. Never mind that the critical response is the same and the box office is worse... somehow it's apparently better.
M. Night Shyamalan may, in fact, be completely insane.
Brendan Frazer can have 2 movies in the Box Office top 10 at the same time and it will not bring on Armageddon.
And just when you think studios have learned that movies geared toward women or families can make money, something comes around to make the Male, 13-35 years old, king again. Nothing changes... not really.
Robert Downey Jr. x2.
The Dark Knight.
R-rated comedies.
Colin Farrel (because we didn't see In Bruges when it was in theaters).
What's happened to Woody Allen's career.
George Lucas.
What's become of M. Night Shyamalan's career.
What's become of Mike Myers's career.
People who loved The Dark Knight.
The idea that Maria Bello can replace Rachel Wiesz.
George Lucas.
We learnt that if a movie has either:
a) Big stars doing karaoke versions of pop hits, or
b) An impressive viral campaign and pretentions of deeper meaning
then the film will be virtually critic proof and will do significantly better business than expected.
"Blackface, smoking pot, and illegal wiretapping are all fine, but suggesting people are getting too fat and will need an adorable robot to save them will ignite massive controversy."
I would hardly say WALL-E got a lot of controversy, or even a little for its portrayal of fatties. At least, no where near as much as Tropic Thunder's take on the mentally challenged, or even illegal wiretapping that supposedly doesn't get controversy.
I think your summer teacher needs to get his facts straight.
your comments about Brendan Fraser are duly noted but it's also worth noting that he can do this and still nobody will talk about him.
he's like a stand-in for a real star. it sounds mean but it's got to be true. He's had so many hits but do people care?
also: it's cute that you say "may" be completely insane as if the verdict on the Wachowskis and Shyamalan isn't already out. ;)
the happening... boring, yuck, let down
Loved this!
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