"Good actors never use the script unless it's amazing writing. All the good actors I've worked with, they all say whatever they want to say."
I don't see what the problem is personally. If anyone knows about the craft of good acting it's Jessica Alba. That part where she wore the penguin panties in Good Luck Chuck? Do you think writers came up with that? What about that part in Machete where she looked a little bit touched while simultaneously taking a very angry shower? All her! Words - what the hell are words good for? You can't see words coming out of a person's mouth. Penguin panties, on the other hand...
But John August, screenwriter of Charlie's Angels and Frankenweenie, doesn't see it that way and posted a rebuttal on his blog. It's all filled up with words though so I don't recommend you read it. Words! Blah!
What do we all think on this controversy? And if you could leave your comments only in the form of links to pictures and uncomplicated emoticons that'd be appreciated. Or just throw your penguin panties in a heap somewhere. That'll show commitment to the cause!
Jessica Alba should never make a comment about "good acting." It just makes it too easy for people to attack her and embarrass her.
There really is no controversy, per se - just the sounds of the entire world pointing and laughing at her.
:O <===that face, is horrified.
Jessica, go play with your See-And-Say, honey...
Gah, words! Who needs 'em?
But on a serious note, "all the good actors I've worked with." Who would that be:
- Dane Cook (Good Luck Chuck)
- Mike Myers (The Love Guru)
- Lil' Romeo (Honey)
- Chris Evans (Fantastic Four)
I'm not noticing a favorable trend here.
To be fair (I don't know who to), she pretty much only plays the female role in male-centric comedies, such as "Good Luck Chuck" and "The Love Guru", where the actors do mainly throw the script away and improvise, maybe she was only talking about those kinds of films? Poor girl has never been on the set of a film lke "The Social Network" or "Inglourious Basterds", where ANY actor of ANY stature wouldn't dare stray from what's written for them.
She doens't even know what "acting" is, let alone "good acting"...
On second tought, I doubt she even knows what "trying to act" means...
Silly, silly girl.
I mean, improvisation can be great. Some of the greatest moments in cinematic history have been improvised. But she just sounds like she has no idea what she's talking about.
Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel and a few others like Kate Bosworth exist at the 3rd tier of actresses in that 18-34 age range. They always overcompensate to act like they're Natalie Portman or Keira Knightley.
Writers must love the irony in those statements of actors bitching about them. They all prove they're lost without written words and just "say whatever they want to say".
That said, I'd pay to see a behind the scenes doc of a hypothetical movie with the two Jessicas, Megan Fox and Katherine Heigl. I don't know, a new Little Women maybe, Little Women 3D. Would never pay to see the movie itself, but the behind the scenes, the table work, the director-actress talks, etc., that I'd love to see.
Tut tut, Miss Alba.
Poor thing.
But I think we should know better than to make fun of her. These starlets ALWAYS let things like that out, which only reaffirm why the hell they are so terrible to begin with.
It's not like this statement will get her any closer to the Oscar she thinks she'll have sometime (not that Oscar even means much but that's another whole issue...)
I wonder.. If she is in a scene with a "good actor" and he says something that is not in the script, does she respond with what is in it??
How does this work? Oh, I see. She is also one of those good actors she is talking about.
This is ridiculous and sad. She's worked in mainly improv-friendly comedies. An actress with chops, longevity, and real range this doesn't make. Does she think she's Nicole, Kate, or Julianne?
I love what Philip posted..."Silly silly girl".
Aside from the coming generation, who has been so battered with blockbusters and dumb comedies, no one cares about her. I think it's a blessing that Restless could clean up at the box office, especially since I view that adults control the box office until May. Why do I think this is likely? 1. Everyone knows Mia Wasikowska. 2. Harold and Maude fans will be comforted by it. See the trailer and you'll be able to tell why.
The Dilemma: Falls out of the top ten after it's second week, just watch.
The Green Hornet: Probably has legs due to the cluster of Rogen, Gondry, Diaz and Waltz. Still in top five at the week of Restless.
No Strings Attached: Still in top ten the next week, may not be highest grossing of the week.
The Way Back: Probable highest grossing of the week. Still in top ten next week.
From Prada to Nada: Flop. No stars, plus winter isn't really the time for something that fluffy.
The Mechanic: Remake of a movie not that well known in the first place. Statham means it'll gross decent, but not top of the week.
The Rite: The Making of a Modern Day Exorcist: Awful, uninteresting, over complicated title. Plus: A horror title in JANUARY!!? No way it's getting on top.
she also worked with:
- Casey Affleck (THE KILLER INSIDE ME) which is a great actor and he's outstanding in the movie (actually even Alba is quite surprising there, just my opinion)
- Bruce Willis and Mickey Rourke (Sin City)
and in LITTLE FOCKERS she will join a great cast
anyway I agree that she should avoid to make this kind of comments
OK, this is all i'll say...
HAHAHAHHA -- you need to stop. You're funny.
- Also, another rebuttal: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-seitzman/jessica-alba-genius_b_779901.html
it's a joke(i hope)
The funny thing is that if a DDL or a Jeff Bridges or Cate Blanchett were to say this, the reaction would be very different. Which leads me to believe some of us are missing the point.
As a writer, I of course believe actors should respect the writing, provided it's actually good. As an actor, I also know the soul-sucking experience of having to read words that should have stayed in the trash can they came from. So I see where she's coming from. Who knows, maybe "Dinner For Schmucks" would have been less of a disaster if most of the writing was replaced. Eh, probably not.
Silencio I think the point is Cate Blanchett, DDL, OR Jeff Bridges would probably never say something so asinine. And even if they did they would get criticized for it, not in the same way as Jessica is because they have the resumes and acting chops that give them credibility.
I'm not surprised to see 23 comments here. This being 24, it is apparent that Miss Alba considers herself an actress of some merit when thought and action say otherwise. Pretty to look at doesn't equate to talent, sorry, didn't work for Monroe and it's not going to work for Alba.
@JasonH - Good point. She's worked with some of the best of the least, at least at this point of their careers. Cook should stick to comedy. Myers should take a hiatus and the rest, er, nevermind.
@Stella - I think you're right but she clearly has no clue what improvisation actually refers to. The script is the script is the script. It is a starting place but you don't just say what you want. That results in the crappy films she's been in nearly her entire career.
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