Deaf History Month

(more Marlee vs. Kathleen click here[post] or here [vid])
Irish-American Heritage Month

Mental Retardation Awareness Month

National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Month

and March is also...National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month
AND National Women's History Month
Basically March is a slut. It gets around.
L M A O.
The Marlee caption is so hilarious, it almost, ALMOST takes the sting off of that. outfit.
Shocking, in the way a Jane Austen character would say, "Shocking!" No awe.
Too funny-particularly the Sleeping Beauty "faking it."
Thank you for posting a link to the '86 Oscars. I weep for Kathleen! Although, Weaver was probably more deserving that year and Kathleen should have won for Body Heat. I love comparing the different reactions, especially those of Fonda and Spacek, who already had Oscars, with Turner and Weaver.
omg...laughing my ass off.
Sleeping beauty is faking it...
hah! tres funny, Nat.
Add in Elisabeth Shue in the "I played a retard and all I got was this lousy movie" category for Molly (that movie is horrendous)
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