You may have noticed my little ad on the sidebar --Regina George from
Mean Girls checking out Veronica Sawyer from (the obviously influential)
Heathers and uttering her famous line "Vintage. So Adorable". This little juxtaposition got me thinking: In this speed-of-light popculture is modern better or does vintage often rule?

Prefer ye the early Bruce Willis:
Moonlighting &
Die Hard. The Demi Moore/Planet Hollywood years:
Pulp Fiction &
12 Monkeys or the weathered gravitas of the 00s:
Sin City &
16 Blocks?
The early Bruce! More fun to watch.
The Demi Moore/Planet Hollywood Bruce.
My favorite is whichever period Fifth Element belongs to. He never looked better. Actually, come to think of it, maybe it's not so much Bruce as Gaultier's clothes. That sexy little orange tank was divine. Almost as good as Burt's rubber vest in Deliverance (which was very Gaultier-esque, actually).
Not a big Willis fan, he's such a mediocre actor but he was in some pretty good movies during "the Demi Moore/Planet Hollywood" days. Pulp Fiction and The Sixth Sense (don't know which era that belongs in) are by far his best works though.
Loved him in "Pulp Fiction" and "The Fifth Element".
The Demi Moore/Planet Hollywood Bruce
Never been a particularly big fan of Bruce; however, they've started showing old episodes of "Moonlighting" on tv and I'm loving them!
Hostage was horrible, but more for Ben Foster than anything else.
I'm not a fan as well, but you have to admit that his career choices have been pretty commendable. Even his bad movies are so bad, they almost become good.
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