Anyway... Meryl Streep is such a grande dame of the film acting these days that people, having placed her on a worship rather than desire pedestal --the old Madonna/Whore problem, forget that she's a ridiculously beautiful flesh and blood woman. I mean, really, look at these photos.

You may recall that the Film Experience recently honored her as the readers choice for Favorite Actress of All Time. And you may ask yourself: Why are we still talking about Streep in 2006? Nearly 30 years after she first appeared on screen. The answer: The next two years are going to be a Streep-a-palooza. Just check out her upcoming schedule. wow.
I'm not telling you how to vote on the new poll @ the site ("who will follow Reese to Oscar's podium soon?") but Streep is one of the 20+ options.
My 12 favorite past HDHs...
The Men That Got Away(from Tom Ford), "Starbuck" --why aren't you watching Battlestar Galactica again?, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, Sean Penn (by way of sneaky Nick),Madonna (we're so hung up on her), Cillian Murphy, Rachel McAdams ascending, "Lady Tottington" (everyone's interested in her produce), Daniel Craig (the name on everybody's lips), Viggo & Maria , Emmanuelle Béart French wonder, and possibly the most beautiful man in the known universe: Takeshi Kaneshiro
I would make out with Meryl. Bye.
i like to surprise. and i'm sorry but she's a beaut. and she doesn't get enough credit for it.
Now Meryl is a classy little women.
God, Meryl is gorgeous-is that picture of her in the hat from Plenty.
Well I have commented on Meryl's beauty here before... I've always thought she was a hottie. Aaahh, I love me my Meryl Streep...
Do you she'll actually DO all these upcoming films? Flora Plum, at least, looks dead in the water. But I'm very excited for Chaos, Dark Matter, First Man, and of course, Dirty Tricks.
One gets the feeling (via First Man, Commander in Chief) that Hollywood really wants to see Hillary elected president... if only for the novelty factor.
But yeah in any case, I think the Streep career rennaissance, still just trickling in via Adaptation, The Hours, and Prime, is about to arrive in full force. I say oscar #3 comes from a 2007 filkm (can't see too many of these being released this year... but we'll see how substantial her Prarie role turns out to be).
I just realized I haven't seen enough Meryl Streep movies. (Is there such a thing as "enough" Meryl Streep movies?) Meanwhile, no matter how hard I try, I can't go ten minutes without smiling about the new Prairie Home Companion trailer. I know it's premature to confess this, much as I love Meryl, I really hope Lily Tomlin receives Oscar attention (maybe even a win?). Talk about underused talent!
Anyway, back to the books...
Dusty, I'm in the same boat. I haven't seen enough of Meryl's 80s work. Unfortunately a lot of them just aren't available on DVD. Like SOPHIE'S CHOICE! Crikies, why isn't that out.
And then I realised I haven't seen enough of Altman's work. I really want to see stuff like Nashville and Come Back to the Five and Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean (cher!)
On the Australian broadcast of the Oscars red carpet they had a man called Richard Wilkins who is the skum of the earth, and he goes to Meryl "You look wonderful tonight!" and she replied (full of wit) "You sound SURPRISED!"
aah, Meryl. I love u.
sophie's choice is available on DVD
I am probably one of Meryl's most dedicated fans... Her acting abilities go without question .. her beauty was, and most certainly still is, classic and translucent ... she has never really cared much how she looks in "real" life and at times has looked somewhat frumpy and matronly ( but still beautiful ) .. on Sunday's Oscarcast she looked gorgeous .. I wonder why the tabloids and the tv shows never really display her .. I know she hates the Red Carpet circus and veers away from that aspect ??
I agree she is long overdue for another Oscar... I think everyone takes her for granted as an actress .. she makes it look so natural.
To John ...
Yes, the picture with Meryl in the hat is from Plenty...
none of meryll streep movies is on my top 20 list... the only movie i actually loved from her was "Marvin's Room".... BUT... as a movie buff... MERYLL STREEP IS THE BEST ACTRESS OF THIS GENERATION. hands down... no other actress comes even close to her greatness... her mere presence on screen commands your full attention.. her acting is FLAWLESS.... i am not a fan... (angels in america does not count since it's on tv).. but she deserves to be elevated on a throne... i should say she's the best ever but i haven't seen any bette davis nor katherine hepburn movies so it's not right for me to judge history.. so i can firmly say and believe she is the greatest actress of this generation.
"sophie's choice is available on DVD"
Not in Australia, unfortunately. And if it is I can't find it anywhere.
My fave Meryl movie though is Manhattan. But if I had to pick a Meryl-centric movie then I'd go with Silkwood.
I also voted for Meryl in the poll btw. Hepburn didn't win her last couple til around the later ages, right?
Thanks Nathaniel, that was restoring.
Thanks so much for the great opportunity to honor the greatest film star in the last 30 years... She is not only truly talented, but a greta beauty.
I was so pleased to open your blog this AM and see that Meryl Streep was your HDH.... She has always been deified as the actress of the century , but has been left in the dust as far as her great beauty is concerned.. she is not beautiful in the American way of thinking of perfection .. but she has a classic beauty that only has gotten better as she has gotten older... You're right ... she has just begun to shine again... and the next couple of years should put her right back on top again... she looked sensational at this year's Oscars and proved she is a star with a magnetic presence... thank you again for keeping Meryl in the spotlight.
Camille Paglia should be THE LAST person to call someone else horse-faced.
Does anyone know where you can find the movie Marvin's room? I really wanna see it, but I can't find it on the net.
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