To add to the sad curiousity about what's going on with him this strange event occurred: He hissed at me for only the second time in his seven year life the night of the Oscars (mere minutes after Brokeback lost. Hmmmmm --coincidence?). And he's been doing this weird slinking around the apartment thing like he's a snake rather than a cat these days. It's not slinking like hunting but like fear. Maybe there's a ghost in my apartment? Maybe he needs to go to the vet.
Maybe he saw your depression at the Brokeback lost, and saw hints of his own depression in you, hence the projection of his problems onto you, hence the anger, hence the hiss. Just a theory.
Get better, Monty!
That cat is going through a diabolical phase.
You should probably take him to the vet, my cat was doing the same thing and it turned out he had serious kidney problems.
Take him to the vet Nate...when they slink and hiss its because they don't want to be picked up because there is something going on internally that's bothering them.
now I'm worried about him!
As a three furball family, I'd recommend visiting the vet - and I speak as one with deep physical scars from the last time I took ours. You will feel better if it's nothing and better if it's something and spotted in time. Ear lice can make the nicest cat behave like a maniac. Although putting drops or pills down a cat ranks high as a life-threatening experience, it beats worrying.
Yes that or you should call a priest ;)
Yeah, if Monty isn't a hisser (Sophie, one of mine, is definitely a hisser, whereas Leo, my other, is definitely not and when he does something is wrong) so... i dunno.
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