I Don't Like You in That Way shares news on a possible rock biopic on "the GO-GOs"? Say it isn't so. At least not with this casting. Otherwise I'm there. Luv me some Belinda, Jane, Charlotte, Gina, and Kathy (and in that order)
The Film Bitch would like to remind you that A History of Violence, winner of 11 medals in our 2005 Awards race is now available on DVD. For those slow moving readers who still haven't seen it, save face now. Watch Viggo turn. See Bello burn.
Sci Fi Wire prints news that's not really news (more like an aside) from Whedon on his upcoming Wonder Woman film. Screw the invisible jet, Joss, I just wanna know if she spins. That's all I wanna know.
Queerty delivers the sad(der than I expected it to be) news that Madonna will no longer be acting in films.
like alba could do heaven is a place on earth any justice. ugh.
Just as long as Jessica Alba doesn't get cast as WonderWoman I will be happy
I do think Hilary Swank would be a great choice as Wonder Woman. Is that heretical to say? Nat said it first, I believe. It would be a great way for her to caché her two oscar wins into a knd of pop recognition she's still lacking. And we know she can be physical. And under the proper direction, she could probably "get" the camp.
Rachel McAdams would be another excellent choice.
I like Lauren Graham from Gilmore as WW. Is she too old?
Ohhhh, Rachel McAdams would be excellent casting, she can pull it off really well. I can't see La Swank pulling it off at all ... I am trying to imagine it but I can't.
yes yes. give the role to Hilary Swank. we know how well the super-heroine thing works for Oscar winners (Theron, Berry) and I'd love to see Swank suffer.
I second that motion. Give the role of Wonder Woman to Hilary Swank, and watch her tear it up. Then let her play Amelia Earhart in the long-gestating film adaptation of that "I was Amelia Earhart" book (excellent, by the way, and P.S. wasn't Julianne Moore attached to this project at one point?), and watch her walk away with her third fucking Oscar. Rinse and repeat.
I'm sorta sad about Madonna quitting acting because I rewatched Dick Tracy the other night and I love it soooo much. And Madonna is actually good in it!
I haven't seen A History of Violence yet because it was only released out here last weekend.
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