Anyway, I'm getting prizes. Ya heard? I got that Indie Spirit thing... Well, not yet but it's coming my way. And now one of these here FiLM BiTCH things --never heard of but whatever: "Best Breakthrough" I'll take it. Speakin of bitches, it's all ladies keeping me company in the category, so even if I lose I win. There's that hot fashion chick, that dreamgirl who's always telling you --we heard you already, damn! -- and somebody else I forgot. I can't figure out how the voting works but I'm obviously gonna win. Missy Sunshine ain't never seen my superfreak moves.
Oh, Nathan also posted somethin' bout Maggie G's (MILF) "body" which i'm totally behind.
P.S 2 here's my my virgin (heh) trip to the film experience if ya missed it.
tags: Maggie Gyllenhaal, movies, celebrities, Channing Tatum, Dreamgirls, independent spirit
I'm sorry, but I don't understand the Channing Tatum love...at least in terms of acting...I saw Step Up (one of the few movies I saw this year, strangely enough) and he was beyond words terrible...lets try emoting a little bit, rather than just standing.
Yeah, I just saw A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints last night, and he was not exactly great in that either. What a messed up movie. Nathaniel, I really want you to see it so I know what you think. Not that I'm recommending it, per se. I kinda hated it.
And I don't think Tatum would know what a pun is.
Did you not think Sacha Baron Cohen qualified for this honor, per se? Cause if he wasn't "known" before this year, he sure as hell is now.
Two Things Nathaniel,
1. Awesome nominees for sound mixing. I wish BABEL made the cut- stellar use of sound like in conveying Rinko’s POV during the Tokyo disco sequence. But your five picks are all worthy in my book.
2. I so agree with your comments about awarding sound based not just on tech. merit but emotional impact too. For ex, throughout THE FOUNTAIN I kept saying to myself- god the sound in this thing is amazing. It helped create such an effective atmosphere. And I loved that you nodded BROKEBACK in sound mixing last year; that haunting use of wind in scenes where Ennis is longing for Jack (in his first home w/ Alma, in his trailer at the end, etc) was so poignant- I get chocked up just thinking about it. It’s great to see a balance in awarding the technical aspects of sound mixing as well as the emotions they elicit. This is another reason why I just worship the FB awards!
My Nominees for the Best Sound Mixing of 2006:
Hee. Meantime, what's going on with the Film Bitch acting page? I know you like the Steve Carell perf, but jeez - he's getting every slot?!
Now you have 4 Penelope Cruzs and a Judi Dench.
Also now there's only 3 Adriana Barrazas and 2 Emily Blunt.
The suspense is thrilling!
Don't forget about Maggie Gyllenhaal's performance in 2006's Great New Wonderful. She was hilarious in her bitterness. That makes 6 for 2006.
Good. Maggie got a Body of Work award.
That's one less threat to Winslet's 3rd FB nomination.
A. Cruz
B. Dench
(nail biting- three slots left)
M. Gyllenhaal
Streep (supp?)
I think Streep will make the cut for both categories (lead - devil & supporting - prairie) and I am thinking Winslet will get only to the finalists.
I'm betting Mirren gets shafted by her first awarding body of the year - the Film Bitch nominees list!
Though maybe I'm being pessimistic anticipating that Dunst creature turning up... Maybe it'll line up exactly with the presumed Oscar 5...?
Guys, don't forget Gong Li; she did make his preliminary cut back in November, remember?
Whoa, I just realized that one of the major threats (Bening) is already out (her name starts with "B"). So she'll be among the finalists.
I think Dunst, Streep and Winslet will fill out the five. Mirren and Bening will be finalists. Unless Nat wants to REALLY shock and give us the exact oscar shortlist. Or unless he bumps Streep to supporting (please don't).
I will be SHOCKED if Kirsten Dunst is nominated. Sure, she’s the center of Nat’s fav film of the year, but I’m sure even he’d admit Dunst is not what makes MA great- far from it in fact. In a lesser year, I could see her possibly placing but not with this much competition.
Meryl Streep WILL obviously be nominated… the question is where? And if there’s anything that would shock me more than a Dunst nod it would be a Mirren snub. Now, it’s fine to prefer someone else as the “best.” Heck I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t even snag a metal.
But to say that Helen Mirren did not give ONE of the year’s five best leading female performances is I-N-S-A-N-E.
People, she’s gonna make the cut. Personally, I’m hoping for a 2003-Best-Actor repeat; aka Nat’s lineup matching with Oscars 5 / 5.
Oh, and one more thing.
FYC: Best Actress – Kate Winslet (LITTLE CHILDREN)
“It’s the hunger for an alternative… the refusal to accept a life of unhappiness.”
I dunno, anonymous... Dunst is Nathaniel's very favorite 20-something actress and she's never once gotten a lead actress nod. If it were EVER gonna happen, you'd think it would be now.
But it's true that her perf is not what makes MA great. So I'm not sure what Nathaniel will do. But after all the stuff he's said about how odd it is that EVERY precursor has chosen the same five actresses, will he really just pick the same ones?
I think he should. I mean, really, they just plain deserve it. But I have my doubts.
He won't Adam... He won't
I'm not so sure everyone should be counting out Sook-Yin Lee and Gretchen Mol. Hasn't Nathaniel already gushed about those performances? But then again, that's probably just me wishfully thinking. (Without having seen Volver), my list would have Dench, Dunst, Lee, Mirren and Mol.
I personally wouldn't have the exact Oscar lineup, and I don't think Nat will either-Mirren or Winslet will be dumped. There's also the possibility that Naomi Watts would factor here.
MOL is a huge threat. Aside from a Satellite nod, she's been overlooked by practically every organization - and I'm sure that's been very frustrating for Nat- who did gush about the performance earlier in the year. Personally, I don’t think she deserves to among the top 5 (let a finalist mention suffice). I just don't want her to steal Winslet's spot.
I don't think Mirren will make the final five. She's not making mine, even though she was really excellent.
I've been thinking Mol and/or Lee would make it for ages, alongside Cruz, Dench, Streep and maybe Winslet.
Ooh, the suspence!!
And, as I said in the other entry, Channing Tatum? Blegh. Bad actor, bad movies, bad name, bad face. He's the whole package of badness!
Oh, wait, I forgot I sorta like She's the Man. But there's Step Up and Saints, so...
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