
"... like the time we ate a bunch of asparagus to see how long it takes before your pee smells funny. (DING!) It was very scientific. For me it was 11 minutes. For her it was 17.
Every day I found a new way to tell Lisa how much I loved her. 'If you died right now, I would throw myself into one of my Dad's cement trucks so I could be poured into your tomb.'"

Whoa. I had just finished watching that when you posted it.
What movie is this??? I certainly don't know it.
Alexander Payne's Election
Whatever happened to Jessica Campbell? Reese's PR swallowed her whole.
Wow, I've totally seen that. But I don't remember that scene at all.
I was watching some of it today and, as good as Reese is, and she is very very good and created an iconic character for the ages, Campbell's terrific too. She's the third candidate, the sister of Chris Klein's jock, who tells everyone not to vote. She's great, and is probably in the movie just as much as Reese... yet she gets no love.
This post, by the way, could probably be considered as brought to y'all by my need to knock Reese down while she's dating my man in real life.
i love her part in this movie so much. I haven't seen this movie in ages though. Must watch soon.
I love this movie and I love this scene. Shot maybe on 16 or even Super 8. Or maybe just the way Payne shot it gave it that effect.
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